Magic spells are the tools that enlightened people use to bring about positive change in their lives, improve themselves and the people around them, and achieve their life goals and dreams. Many people have used magic spells for their entire lives and had huge success with magic, achieving some ... Views: 4424
If you're new to witchcraft, or you're considering using white magic spells in your life, you will probably fit into one of two categories. The first category is someone who is positive, outgoing, up for the challenge, full of self believe and willing to jump right into magic and give it a ... Views: 8332
Can you really use love spells to bring back an ex lover, or to attract a new lover towards you? Will love spells really solve all of your relationship problems and bring you true love and happiness with the wave of a wand? The answer is yes, and no.
Firstly let's quickly answer the question ... Views: 13971
Superfoods are foods that are very "nutritionally dense", and have added benefits to our health which come from "antioxidants" and "phytochemicals". We'll go over each of those terms in a bit more detail next.
When a food is "nutritionally dense", it means that the food has high ... Views: 853
Your altar and your casting circle are important parts of what makes your magic spells powerful and successful. There are three parts that I want to discuss in this article: your altar, the circle, and "anchor" objects.
Your Altar
Your altar is the place at which you perform your magic ... Views: 3014
In one word: visualisation.
Visualisation is a very powerful thing, and an important part of succeeding with magic spells. The mind is where your power comes from, and visualisation is one technique for unlocking that power and using it in your magic. Your inner spirit and mind control your ... Views: 3266