We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Life Balance". If you have expertise in Life Balance and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
Think of the qualities you associate with a warrior. I think of ferocity of determination, one pointedness in attention, and definite strength. Now think of the yogic quality of ahimsa. Ahimsa is one of the yamas (restraints) in Patanjali’s sutras. It is usually translated as nonviolence or ... Views: 1217
How does one measure success in life? What does it look like? What are its trademarks? How much of our lives have been needlessly squandered in pursuit of a definition of it that is neither worthwhile nor accurate? There is seemingly no end to the ways in which a materialistic and self-absorbed ... Views: 1489
I can vividly recall some of my high school days. One recurring theme that sticks out in my mind is exam time. Tests and exam times were the bane of my existence. I looked forward to them as much as a hedgehog looks forward to balloons for Christmas. Having said that, there was one thing that I ... Views: 1122
When recently surveyed, over a third of real estate agents reported having had one or more home sale contracts fall out of escrow per month. Autopsies of these dead deals often surface a truly lethal culprit: appraisals that come in below the agreed-upon purchase price.
You see, mortgage ... Views: 1336
After a function last evening, I sat in my friend’s car venting my anger. I was in the midst of playing the blame game towards the facilitator of the event we had just attended. After about a minute or so, it occurred to me to take a different stance. I raised my hands in the air and ... Views: 1189
Change is a constant in our lives. For the past 300 years ideas about the world of change have come from Isaac Newton's machine metaphor. For the past 150 years ideas of struggle and competition have come from Charles Darwin's theories about evolution.
The new sciences reveal a world ... Views: 2725
Ladies please, it is time to be proud of what you are, male or female doesn’t really count. Equality should be encouraged but not on the platform of competition rather on the pedestal of usefulness. If you know what I know, you would realise that to be fighting for equality with men is to reduce ... Views: 1179
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Happiness - Simplified - by Dr. Purushothaman,Centre For Human Perfection[http://livinginwellbeing.org/]
Happiness is the innermost human nature.
We struggle hard to obtain Happiness in our daily life.
But, we don’t really experience it, rather we are ignorant of it.
The basic question is, can we really experience and enjoy happiness.
Certainly the answer is yes.
Now let us understand that ... Views: 1691
What aren’t we allergic to these days? According to a report by ABC news, people can be allergic to water, cell phones, allergy medications, the heat or the cold, chocolate, exercise (Yes, I did say that. The condition is called exercise-induced anaphylaxis), and the laundry list continues. ... Views: 1120
"The purpose of life is a life of purpose" When I read this quote I realized that this is what everyone needs to live by in order to feel content, gratitude and happy about their lives. Having a purpose. When a human-being has no purpose in their lives they are much more susceptible to staying ... Views: 1437
Are you one of the 25 to 50 per cent of people reporting feeling overwhelmed or burned out at work? Do you find you are working for more hours than the dollars you earn and end up like a circus performer trying to keep all your spinning plates in the air at once?
Well you're not alone. In ... Views: 1446
I often wonder what sentence or phrase would best describe life. This to me sums it up; life is like a stairway. Only YOU can determine where your stairway will lead. Some days you can climb to the top, some days you can only climb a couple of stairs, while other days you don’t climb any at ... Views: 8053
While saying “I love you” expresses how you feel to your child, when you’re able to clearly communicate your love in a tangible way that your child understands, there’s no chance your child will miss the message. Considering your child’s interactive style when showing expressions of love helps ... Views: 1618
Where the Marriage of Desire and Greed Begins
The collaboration of desire and greed begins when we decide we want something we don’t have. By focusing intensely on what we want, we soon find that we can’t bear to live without it. What we don’t have consumes us, and our desire for what we ... Views: 1489
Greed and Universal Law
People whose greed is stronger than their conscience often refuse to consider the way Universal Law functions or to admit that it even exists. For the greedy person, it’s always about today, never tomorrow. The greedy person rarely considers the consequences of his ... Views: 2032
Molded Clay
By: Patrice Perkins
My title choice, “Molded Clay”, is an analogy. I am using this analogy because in life, we are formed into many different shapes to accommodate life, and at each turn, transformations occur so frequent until your personality or way of living your life ... Views: 1276
Karma and Accountability
We do not operate in a vacuum. What we do to others and what we do to the world, life one day will do to us. We are all accountable for our actions. Everything we do, the good as well as the bad, will eventually come home to us. Our actions are an investment in our ... Views: 1871
Forgive the bragging, the shameless boasting. But I have to say my oldest son married a gem.
She works full time, is sweet as can be, pretty, she’s a great Mom…and…are you ready? She keeps a spotless house.
Her secret? She has a schedule. And finding the balance in her life—time for work, ... Views: 1071
I went to see my daughters for an all too brief visit not long ago. This trip landed smack dab in the middle of several stressors that aren't part of my usual routines; the car was having trouble, house repairs from storm damage were underway and some critters that were supposed to live outside ... Views: 1210
Do you live a calm,centered and balanced life? Do you feel full of energy when you wake up in the morning or do you need that cup of coffee before you get started? Do you go to sleep at nite and have a great restful sleep for 6-8 hours? Do you feel stressed? Anxious? Depressed? Or do you feel ... Views: 1283
Do you sometimes wonder “who you are”? Feel like you are part of someone’s shadow?
You wake up one day and look in the mirror and you not quite sure who you see in there. As we go through our lives sometimes we allow ourselves to be overshadowed or feel like we give so much of ourselves away ... Views: 1238
Where Are We Headed?
The web of life is in grave danger. No one knows where we are headed, but we are running faster than we ever have to get there. Chaos? World War? A series of regional wars? The use of weapons of mass destruction? Chemical, biological, or nuclear attacks? Earth and climate ... Views: 1107
“It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all - in which case, you fail by default.” - JK Rowling
Life’s all about perspective so before we begin, I’d like you to imbibe the following--there is no failure, ... Views: 1932
Self care and self love go hand in hand. As we begin the New Year 2012 it is important to practice positive, healthy self care by balancing body, mind, emotion, spirit.
Self care is essential. Your body, mind, emotions and spirit need to be treated with loving attention daily.
With self ... Views: 996
With every breath, I start a new life. In the darkness I find the light! ~ Tom Lescher
It is really true that you can change your life with each new breath. Because You can change your thoughts and your feelings intentionally.
Even if you are in the sadness, depression or burnout, you can ... Views: 1596
This week has been an eventful and insightful one. My dad passed away last week, after a long life (85 years) and a relatively short stay in hospital. Now, with Dad at peace, the funeral and celebration of his life over, and my family having returned to their homes far and wide, there’s time ... Views: 2483
We all want to feel good and be at peace during our day. We strive for this and attain it at times, but during the course of our day, we struggle to keep that feeling. We get lost in our day-to-day motions and forget how important it is to come from this place, to exist in this way. We lose the ... Views: 1620
Sometimes we spend a chunk of our lives looking back on what was. We are stuck remembering and holding onto something that is no more. We reflect on old issues, remembering things that have happened and moments that have passed. Why do we do this; why is it so important to us that it, in a way, ... Views: 10913
I spent much of last Monday gazing at the snow as it gingerly floated to the ground. Growing up in the Bay Area, I never had much experience with snow—at least not until I moved to Paris a few years ago. France had experienced one of its coldest winters and while it wasn't too common for snow ... Views: 1300
It can help you too!
I took my first yoga class when I was 43-years-old. That's considered old for someone who would try bending into a pretzle and standing on her hands. But I had worked out my whole life and was really interested in trying something new and different.
In all the other ... Views: 1199
Did you bounce out of bed this morning, or was it a case of pulling the covers over your head, wishing it wasn't morning yet? I woke early full of joy and vitality, thankful for my life. The sounds of my daughter singing mingled with birdsong, the day blue, sunny and warm and the promise of ... Views: 1312
Nope, it’s not gazing into your eyes in the mirror and spouting Stuart Smalley-like affirmations. (“I’m good enough. I’m smart enough. And doggone it, people like me!”) It’s more about looking at yourself in the mirror — really looking at yourself — and smiling rather than grimacing. Letting the ... Views: 1029
Everyone experiences the ups and downs of living. Whether you’re going through a change in career, starting a new business, setting yourself a goal to get fit and healthy, trying to sustain or create positive relationships or just doing your best to live a happy life day to day.
What is it ... Views: 2262
Paulo Coelho in Eleven Minutes wrote: “No one loses anyone, because no one owns anyone. That is the true experience of freedom: having the most important thing in the world without owning it.”
After reading such a quote the following questions come to ... Views: 4702
"Inner peace is impossible without patience. Wisdom requires patience. Spiritual growth implies the mastery of patience. Patience allows the unfolding of destiny to proceed at its own unhurried pace." - Brian Weiss
The above quote reveals a secret I found unlocked and practised by many in ... Views: 1499
If you're reading this article, the chances are that you are familiar with yoga, or keen to try it for the first time. For the latter, don't be nervous if the word 'yoga' conjures up images in your mind of long-limbed individuals bending in all sorts of positions! The good thing about this ... Views: 1423
"Imagine having a relationship with your body wherby it does what you need because you have done what it needs.
Functional Training has helped me excel in everything that I do. Because I practice moving better, I have more energy, more drive, and a more youthful lifestyle."
What is ... Views: 1479
Just the other day in a restaurant I overheard a conversation between two mothers. One of the mothers commented on the other’s son, saying how he seemed so focused and sensible at such a young age. She called him “an old soul.” To this, the young boy’s mother nodded and said, “Yeah, he’s ... Views: 804
Next in the “How To Be Happy Now” Series is something that is very dear to me: Spirituality. (Should you have missed Part 1 “How to open your heart” you can read it here:
When I tell ... Views: 1409
Our daily lives are jam-packed with activities, appointments, and other responsibilities, all of which can create stress and anxiety, which may lead to family stress and conflict. Modern day families are prone to stress because family members, specifically parents, are required to work hard to ... Views: 854
I am going to broadcast the seed and let the wind carry it where it will.
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
I’ve exchanged smiles with many people on my nature walks. I’ve noticed the thoughtful looks of those who sit quietly on garden benches. Different ages, different backgrounds. ... Views: 2242
How would you feel if your doctor told you that you had adult-onset diabetes? What would it mean to you? Jackie said she was numb at first. Mick initially felt sad and angry with himself. He regretted the wake-up calls he’d ignored in the past. He was sure it would change his life for the worse. ... Views: 1057
Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past 4 decades, chances are you’ve at least heard of Soul Train if not Don Cornelius himself. Just as a quick reminder, Don Cornelius is the creator of the Soul Train show. He went from being a local DJ in Chicago to creating one of the longest ... Views: 1695
LOVE is what makes your house a HOME.
A home filled with love is just about the best place to be. It's common to think of the physical aspect of putting your house together… the paint, the ... Views: 930
I hope you will enjoy the following list with geographical facts about our world:
- Canada is home to 10% of the world’s forests and holds 20% of the world’s freshwater.
- The North American Great Lakes have a total area of 244,106 sq km / 94,250 sq mi and represent 21% of the world’s ... Views: 805
Just have a few minutes off and try to imagine how diverse and intriguing is the world we live in. Now please read the facts below:
- With a a width of 1,708 metres (5,604 ft) and height of 108 metres (354 ft), the Victoria Falls is the largest in the world.
- The Nurek Dam on the Vakhsh ... Views: 721
The Four Agreements has given me a nice reminder about the importance of not taking things personally. It is something that I have gotten better about with time, but there is always room for improvement! The first time I was ever presented with the idea that peace of mind could come from not ... Views: 1467
Many roads to success exist, and the choices can be overwhelming. And once you have decided upon a path, there is also the possibility of encountering a number of road blocks along the way. In fact, road blocks are fairly likely. Some people let these road blocks stop them from pursuing their ... Views: 999