I hope you will enjoy the following list with geographical facts about our world:
- Canada is home to 10% of the world’s forests and holds 20% of the world’s freshwater.
- The North American Great Lakes have a total area of 244,106 sq km / 94,250 sq mi and represent 21% of the world’s ... Views: 805
“The Blue Planet” is a huge source of curiosities when it comes to its geography. The facts below are just a few examples:
- Sudan’s GDP is about the same with that of the US state of Idaho (approximately 54 billion $).
- The total world GDP reached 70 trillion $ in 2011. In comparison, ... Views: 595
The world we live in has a lot of interesting things that are just waiting to be discovered. The facts mentioned below are just a few of these things:
- 35% of the total population of Australia lives in the New South Wales state.
- Manila, the capital city of the Philippines, is the most ... Views: 664
Just have a few minutes off and try to imagine how diverse and intriguing is the world we live in. Now please read the facts below:
- With a a width of 1,708 metres (5,604 ft) and height of 108 metres (354 ft), the Victoria Falls is the largest in the world.
- The Nurek Dam on the Vakhsh ... Views: 721
Our contemporary world has a lot to offer in terms of interesting things, especially from geographic point of view. Fell free to read the following facts:
- Since the proclamation of its independence in 1825, Bolivia had passed through more than 175 revolutions, thus making it one of the ... Views: 824
The people of Earth have always tried to outpass themselves in constructing the highest, longest or biggest items of infrastructure. Also, the infrastructure plays an important part in an economy, a well-developed infracture being a strong foundation for a performant economy. Check out this list ... Views: 511
Demographics show the statistical characteristics of a population, from age and gender to religion and race. The demographics of the world and its countries is a generous source of curious and interesting facts that will make you say “I never thought of that !!!”. Check out the facts below:
... Views: 722
At a closer look, the geography of the world we live in offers plenty of interesting things that you wouldn’t think of in the first place. Take a moment to discover some curious facts that will make your imagination fly and thoughts wander across the globe. For instance, did you know that: ... Views: 876