Did you bounce out of bed this morning, or was it a case of pulling the covers over your head, wishing it wasn't morning yet? I woke early full of joy and vitality, thankful for my life. The sounds of my daughter singing mingled with birdsong, the day blue, sunny and warm and the promise of yet another busy and fulfilling week ahead.
It wasn't always this way. Even if I let myself go through the motions of beach walks and body surfing on Sundays, I struggled to keep thoughts of what I "should" be doing at bay and couldn't wait to get back to my desk, pushing feelings of anxiety down enough to get through the day. It was a struggle. If this is you, take heart! It is possible to turn the internal tide right around and realise that building positive reference points is only a choice.
Optimists are happier, healthier, more productive and live longer. 95% of the negative and challenging experiences and communications we have stick in our minds, whilst only 5% of the positives. That's the reason you might recall things that were said to you that undermined you rather than encouraging, supportive perspectives. I'd like you to share in that flow of happiness, good-fortune and success.
Here are key beliefs that have turned my world to gold in every way:
An experience or situation only has the meaning you give it.
Right now, all of the pieces of work I have created over the past months, are being edited by other people. My book, Hot Confidence: Conscious Pathways to Take Your From Mini Me To Magnificent; the video content for my new website, and audio's I have recorded are all in the hands of others. It would be all to easy to become frustrated as I wait on others who are also doing their lives and to whom my finish lines may not be as important as they are to me. I have chosen to make the delays I am experience mean that everything happens in it's rightful time and progress on all fronts is sweet. I'm also doing all I can on my end to facilitate movement.
Positivity is a choice, and you have the power to choose.
Have you noticed how easily the attitudes of bubble bursters pervade and lower the tone and reduce available choice? When I chose to move into gratitude this morning for time to attend to maintaining my core business, I felt excited. I also noticed how often the phone rang within the first hour of my day with opportunities. That's quantum for you! It is impossible to be in fear if you are in gratitude or positivity.
What you focus on you get.
Within three months of deciding I wanted to be a successful author, I won Christine Kloser's International Writing Competition. Within four weeks of deciding a certain monthly figure, I surpassed it. What are you focusing on? Focus means committing to an outcome and taking action on achieving it. It takes planning and plunging into the doing to reap rewards.
Reframe your experience to live Into your best possible outcome.
The skill of reframing an experience can be learned, practiced and can become as natural and automatic as breathing. When something awesome happens decide to be the reason it went well - own the joys and successes in your life.
Buffer of Resilience.
Building up positive reference points develops a buffer of resilience so that when you face hard times you find your way through growth more easily and bounce back quicker.
The more I decided to take quantum physics seriously and live into the feelings and experiences I wanted to bring in for myself, my family and my clients, the more I'm having those experiences. It is absolutely true that you attract the frequency you are! As I looked across the brightly bobbing helium balloons and smiling faces of twenty four children and their parents at Mira's recent sixth birthday party, or felt the power of a pivotal shift as one of my clients claimed her clear business values, or celebrated my best month financially in ten years, or delighted in being fully loved and loving on Valentine's day, I enjoyed living the proof that what Quantum Physics claims - is true!
I'd love to hear your comments and responses Message me at: Nadine's Facebook Page
Download Your FREE video/audio of Nadine’s empowering message: “Be You, Be Magnificent: A Blueprint.”
Nadine Love is a celebrated international speaker, award-winning transformational trainer, and motivational mentor. Her career has spanned four continents and two million-dollar businesses. Nadine is passionate about contributing to the evolution of a resilient, sustainable, conscious global community. Her vision is to align with others who are inspiring and instructing people on how to live their boldest dreams and make their unique difference. She stands for the co-creation of a peaceful planet where nations take care of the Earth and of each other.
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