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I am sometimes really frustrated that the education system today does not prepare us for what it TRULY takes to make a romantic relationship work in the long-term. I wish that I had known some of these principles before I got married. Unfortunately I had to make all the mistakes before I learnt ... Views: 2930
Many people have been studying and discussing the mysteries, the pains and the joys of love as long as humans learned to communicate with each other. With the discovery or reading and writing, personal experiences, as well as emotional and logical theories about love were left by earlier ... Views: 1409
You and your partner react and behave in your relationship each from your own Perception of Reality – your personal view point of how things “should be”. Your perceptions are affected by many factors you have internalized over the years while growing up. As long as you are NOT ... Views: 2755
Renee L Richardson
Putting Others First or showcasing our “Good” deeds?
As I sit and reflect on my experiences with sexual relations, I have found that I have performed such more so for my partner than for myself. For instance, I enjoy the concept of having sex but the actual ... Views: 2707
There has been a lot written about how men and women are fundamentally different (Men are from Mars Women are from Venus as an example). There is not much discussed about how the sexes are similar.
While several social movements in America have created more equality between the sexes, societal ... Views: 2024
Charisma and eye contact go hand in hand. When you have the charming appeal that attracts others you have a higher quality of life, in many areas of your life, both personal and business. Charisma is something that individuals possess naturally and individuals develop, and when you seek to ... Views: 4076
Ever heard of ‘bibliotherapy?’
I’ve been a practitioner for years, but I never heard this fancy word until recently.
Bibliotherapy is an academic term used to describe the amazingly beneficial (and very delightful!) mind/body reactions that occur from reading erotic romantic literature. ... Views: 2377
Is your sex life like McDonalds? Filling, but full of empty calories? Satisfying, but nothing special? Let's face it, we all go to McDonalds occasionally, but if you eat nothing but a plain hamburger every day, you probably need to branch out to something more appetizing, like a Double McRib ... Views: 1503
Someone who hardly spends time with you just for the joy of being together but allows obstacle and circumstances to come in between is not a good friend
Foe drains you of your energy and enthusiasm for what you are supposed to do.
One whose advice has always landed you into trouble ... Views: 1159
Right now, you don't understand how it's even possible to forgive cheating...Is every man who's ever repaired his marriage after an affair really just jading over their feelings of jealousy and betrayal?
Or do you believe that full forgiveness really is possible? That you and your wife can ... Views: 12954
A committed relationship is where you and your partner explore and discover the strengths, assets and wonders of each other, and agree to love, support and protect each other through good times and bad. It is where you behave as described in many wedding vows:
“I, take you, to be ... Views: 5479
Sending greeting cards to let people know that you’re thinking of them at a special time of the year like Easter is always going to be a fantastic way of letting them know that they’re in your thoughts. More than text messages or e-mails, cards are a tangible symbol of the fact that someone is ... Views: 1103
If you are searching for ways to improve your love relationship problems. Then here is some relationship advice that you may find helpful.
Start discussing with your partner something to do that is out of the routine.
Long term relationships often become patterns of the same and ... Views: 2035
Is premature ejaculation causing you much embarrassment? Have you been trying to find the natural cure to end this misery? Let me share with you 3 simple steps which you could apply immediately. You have found the answer to the question of how to treat premature ejaculation naturally.
The 3 ... Views: 2571
If you desire to have a satisfying intimate relationship but haven’t been successful until now, you can probably “predict”, your chances at success next time around based on your past experiences. In all likelihood, if you have failed until now, there is no reason to believe you will succeed ... Views: 2351
We all strive for equality in our lives. We look for it at work, we demand it in our classrooms and we ask for it in relationships. Gender equality, race equality and opportunity equality for all. The search is always there. The need for it is relentless, and should be. This article examines ... Views: 1362
I recently read a powerful book that had a tremendous impact on the way I view how couples relate to each other. “The Five Love Languages”, by Dr. Gary Chapman, carefully illustrates how we express and receive love based on how we ourselves process it. There are five clear languages that ... Views: 4784
When I was a student in college, I had to frequently use the public library for research purposes (and off course as a meeting place for friends, but let’s keep that as a separate issue shall we?!). I noticed that there was a whole section of the library which was devoted to romantic novels and ... Views: 1056
In my counseling office, I see a lot of damage done because people don't know how to ask for what they want, or don't think it's OK. Not asking for what you want means you'll eventually resent somebody, and that leads to a lot of strife. So today, I thought I'd give some hints about how to ask ... Views: 1794
Everyone laughs when I tell them that I wrote Codependency for Dummies. But codependency is no laughing matter. It causes serious pain and affects the majority of Americans, both in and out of relationships. I know. I spent decades recovering.
There are all types of codependents, including ... Views: 2755
We have many types of friendship like the rich class, the poor class, the average, popular class etc. While all these social classes may seem difficult for some people to associate, if you get closer, you will notice one thing about them; there is no different between you and them. You'll be ... Views: 1205
If you’re like many people, when you think you are right and your partner is wrong - you may not actually say the words, ‘You’re wrong!” - but your gestures and tone of voice may be clear as day. How might you handle this differently? Why would you want to?
Have you ever heard the saying, ... Views: 1108
Are you excited about the notion of hopping into bed with your new guy?
Slowly undressing…eyes locked…savoring each other’s bodies…lust so intense that you both might explode…
…or does the thought of it make you so nervous you want to puke?
Let’s face it: if you’re working on attracting ... Views: 2076
If you want to have an United Kingdom in the near future, so it's important to choose the right wedding card India. If you are interested in the announcement is impressive without breaking the budget. It is important to grasp the right words and above all very good words, and printed with great ... Views: 825
The planning and execution of events is probably similar in analogy to the model of a typical birthday party, provided that the arrangements to be set more efficiently. However, there are intimate details about the management of events that must be observed carefully.
Today the term seems to ... Views: 726
Does this sound confusing? How can you love someone and not care about what they do? What does this mean? In AA circles it is called “Detachment with Love”. In Christian circles: “Holy Indifference”, while Buddhism calls it “Non-attachment or Equanimity”. Whatever its name, it is an aloofness ... Views: 1625
Written by Renee L Richardson
Do You See the Real Me? Using the Objective Eye
When we become attracted to someone, do we really see them or are we seeing what we perceive? When dealing with perceptions, we must keep in mind that such is based on a variety of processes of which ... Views: 2323
Written by Renee L Richardson
The Root of the Misinterpretation: What we say versus what we think
As I sat down pondering the confusing intimate relationships of which I have endured, I was led to the dictionary. I began by looking up the definition of the word change. I chose to ... Views: 3307
Finding a lifelong partner should not be left to chance.
When we are seeking partners, we must believe that several minds are better than one when it comes to formulating strategies to attract your desired partner.
Quick dating and matchmaking services are nothing new thanks to Hong Kong's ... Views: 723
We have finite energy stores to manage our lives. If we spend an inordinate amount of time planning our meals, cooking, eating and sadly, recovering from episodes of over indulgence, we may not have enough energy left for other matters of importance. Over dependence on one form of nurturance ... Views: 1430
Marriage is a union of two adults, the Bible says,for this cause shall a man leave father and mother and cleave unto his wife and both shall become one flesh. Marriage is not a trial and error kind of relationship, it is not what you enter into unprepared for it is commonly said and believed ... Views: 1092
I have a question to ask you. Amidst the hustle and bustle of your busy work and personal lives, when was the last time you played? Close your eyes and try recalling some of the happiest moments in your life: What might they be? Whether this memory is of you as a child or as an adult, chances ... Views: 1344
Is sex a job or a joy to you? Sex means many things to different people, often depending on where they are emotionally, or even the time of their life. For some, it is a chore, a duty, an obligation, simply a way to keep the harmony in a relationship. For others, it may be a way to ensure food ... Views: 2545
Mention the word “Masturbation” and what do you think of? While masturbation means different things to different people, it is one of the most misunderstood subjects in the world, as it is enshrined in mystery and secrecy because of the simple reason we speak so little about it. Masturbation may ... Views: 6712
Matrimony is the coming together of two adults to become one flesh, the Bible says, for this cause shall a man leave father and mother and cleave unto his wife and both shall become one flesh. This state of being united to a person of the opposite sex as husband or wife in a consensual and ... Views: 1088
10 simple things to spark that desire and set your love life on fire again!
After many years of being in a committed relationship, both people very busy, kids running around, family obligations, and possibly even two careers and a household to manage, it’s not shocking that intimacy would be ... Views: 1590
Nice attractive wedding jewelry makes bride’s wedding day complete and overall appearance of the bride. On her wedding day, bride wants to look most beautiful and wants everything special and unique from her dress to jewelry. Most importantly wedding jewelry should tone well with wedding attire ... Views: 1015
With the coming of Spring, many couples turn their thoughts to planning their Summer Wedding. With people now regularly crossing borders and settling in foreign lands, it is no wonder that the modern day wedding ceremony has become a chance for either, or both, the Bride and Groom, to display ... Views: 710
Bermuda is an ideal place for destination wedding because it gives you perfect scenery of beautiful beach with cool breeze & green garden that is ideal for your wedding ceremony. It serves as a wonderful location for your relatives & friends to enjoy even after the marriage.
I am sure if you ... Views: 799
It is in your best interest to know that men find great enjoyment and pleasure in women. Every man want a woman that brings him great enjoyment, a feeling of happiness, delight or satisfaction. The truth is that every man see better than he can think.
No matter how you look at it, every ... Views: 1333
Valentine's Day is the annual affair that sends everyone scrambling to find the one token that represents their love. Most are desperate to make their partners happy on this special day and will try not to leave room for disappointment. If you want to be one of those lucky few, consider ... Views: 1419
All you see and hear about in the month of February is love, chocolate hearts and cupid shooting you with his arrow. Some people feel a lot of pressure during this month to be at the top of their game when it comes to sex, love and romance. However, at certain times we are just not feeling in ... Views: 1497
This is a great meditation to help re-connect with your partner and yourself.
Set the Ambiance:
Get comfortable. Find a comfortable place to sit with cushions and blankets. Play ambient meditation music. Light candles.
Start of Meditation:
1. Come back to back. Begin connecting with ... Views: 4294
It isn’t easy to change habits. But when it comes to intimate relationships, sticking-on to your habits is a sure way to fail. When you understand your habits, realize the damage they cause to your relationships and make the necessary effort to change them, you increase your ... Views: 1316
Let's face it, keeping the sizzle with your partner can get overshadowed by life in general. And yet, that's what part of what we fell in love with. If you want to rekindle those feelings use these five tips to get that lovin feeling back.
1.) How often do you compliment your partner? Or ... Views: 2684
Emergency contraception (sometimes known as the morning-after pill) may prevent pregnancy if taken within 72 hours of sexual intercourse.
In this article:
What is emergency contraception?
Where to get it
Advantages & disadvantages
When to take ... Views: 1005
Have you noticed that no one ever talks about this publically?
In case you are confused as to what we are talking about, we are referring to sexual health.
No one ever wants to mention it. However, what they fail to realize is that sexual health is an important part of your health as well. ... Views: 768
When we enter relationships, we do so with the knowledge that we will be providing the person with emotional commodities and that they will be doing the same for us. Every relationship is filled with needs. Each individual will have different needs, and each relationship will provide different ... Views: 1052
Confidence is an important factor in our lives. We naturally want to surround ourselves with confident people. We want doctors who are confident in their medical knowledge. We want colleagues who are confident in their ability to complete projects. We want friends who are confident in ... Views: 824
When I got home that night as my wife served dinner, I held her hand and said, I’ve got something to tell you. She sat down and ate quietly. Again I observed the hurt in her eyes.
Suddenly I didn’t know how to open my mouth. But I had to let her know what I was thinking. I want a divorce. I ... Views: 2397