All you see and hear about in the month of February is love, chocolate hearts and cupid shooting you with his arrow. Some people feel a lot of pressure during this month to be at the top of their game when it comes to sex, love and romance. However, at certain times we are just not feeling in ... Views: 1497
The holiday season is a time of year that is filled with temptations. We are tempted to over spend, over drink and most of all over eat foods that aren’t really conducive to a healthy lifestyle. Food has always been the center piece of all parties and holiday events.
It is important to make ... Views: 1070
As the holidays approach we become more pressed for time. With all the hustle and bustle of everyday life, and the added pressure of the holiday season, it’s no wonder why this is such a stressful time of the year for everyone. All the shopping, gift giving, cooking, holiday gatherings, ... Views: 1397
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Fall Exercise - by Yvette Laboy CHHC, CRMP, CMHP, AADP
Most people complain they have no time to exercise, that they are too busy. Hello!!...Welcome to life! We are all busy! If you have slacked on your exercise routine don't beat yourself over it. Fall is a great time to start a fitness program and recommit yourself to exercise and creating a ... Views: 980
Most doctors will tell you that many of today’s ailments are caused not by viruses or bacteria, but stress. Everyday people are becoming more stressed out and are not doing anything to minimize stress on the body, mind and spirit. Whether it’s with nutrients or stress relieving techniques, ... Views: 1138
Salt is in almost everything you eat. Salt in small quantities is necessary for life, the issue is when we use huge quantities of salt and eat many processed foods that use loads of salt to mask poor ingredients. Salt (Sodium) is one of the primary electrolytes in the body. All four cationic ... Views: 2569
In today’s day and age more women are looking at natural alternative ways to treat menopause. One of the biggest reason most women today opt for integrative therapies to control menopause is because most women experience unpleasant side effects from conventional Hormone Replacement Therapy ... Views: 1294
Tea Tree Oil (Melaleuca Alternifolia) is a natural antibacterial disinfectant. It is grown in the islands of the south Pacific and Australia. Tea Tree Oil has wonderful healing properties that makes it a popular natural agent for curing infectious organisms such as fungus, bacteria, and virus. ... Views: 2006
We all want to be able to have the extra energy we all need to get us through the day. Have you ever thought what your life would be like if you had an abundance of energy and vitality? You would have the capacity for vigorous activity, exuberant physical and mental strength. There are many ... Views: 1315