Do you remember when you were a newlywed and intimacy was at the top of your and your beloveds list? Do you remember how very close you felt? Even if they weren’t around, when you thought of them you felt like everything was right in your world. It was. You were deeply connected at an energetic level.
It’s time to reconnect.
With every person we come into contact with, even for a second, there is an exchange of energy on a very subtle, yet very real level. When your relationship was new you no doubt touched each other a lot; holding hands, hugging and kissing each other or even just a light brush of your hands as you passed each other. You gazed into each other’s eyes, and your bond deepened. It is all a part of becoming connected at a very deep level, and it feels good, it feels right, because it is.
As human beings, we are meant to be bonded with another human being; it brings balance into our life, and happiness into our hearts.
It takes time to create a truly strong and loving partnership, but isn’t the most important relationship in your life worth it? Is waking up every morning with the “everything is right in my world” feeling worth it? YES!!
Plan time to be together; plan time for intimacy. We all have very busy lives in this fast paced world, and an important part of honoring who we are is allowing ourselves to become profoundly connected to that other human being that is sharing this road called life with us.
Close your eyes and think about your very favorite things about your Sweetheart. Take one minute and make a mental list, (or written list) of all of the things that you love and appreciate about them. Do you feel the warmth in your heart? Are you smiling? Excellent, you just raised your vibration and your body and mind will thank you. Now take another minute and make a mental list (or a written list) of all of the things that you love and appreciate about yourself, yes, yourself. We must learn to appreciate all of our own wonderful traits; we must learn how to love ourselves! Renowned author Louise Hay says that if we just learn to love ourselves, everything else in our lives will be self-correcting, and I believe it!
Would you like your relationship to become exceptionally strong? Would you like to recapture that feeling of falling in love? Would you and your Sweetheart be willing to set aside an extra 3 minutes a week?
If the answer is yes, and I suspect (and hope) that it is, then do this one simple exercise once a week to connect on a deeply energetic level. This one exercise will enhance your relationship and your life!
Sit down facing each other, and for three minutes, gaze intently into each other’s eyes. That’s it!
Don’t speak, just gaze; it may seem silly at first and it may take some practice, but a study in the Journal of Research in Personality in June 1989 titled Looking and loving: The effects of mutual gaze on feelings of romantic love by Joan Kellerman, James Lewis and James D Laird found that strangers “who engaged in mutual gaze increased significantly their feelings of passionate love, dispositional love, and liking for their partner”.
Try it, you’ll love it; and each other even more.
For More Tips on Intimacy visit, or

Author's Bio: 

My name is Debi Richardson and I write under the pen name Dayr Rich
I am the creator of , , , and the Amazon kindle book Libido University. I am a self-proclaimed information addict, and I made it my mission to learn about all of the wonderful ways that we can boost our libidos through natural methods such as: culinary and medicinal herbs and spices, (natural aphrodisiacs) aromatherapy, reflexology, acupressure, sensual massage and breathing exercises. I also research and write about all of the different types of natural healing that these modalities encompass. I.e.; If it has to do with natural healing, I’m very interested in learning more about it. I am also a passionate Organic Gardener, Reiki Master and I practice Energy Medicine.