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Thank You Power!
Gratitude is a very, very powerful emotion. Cultivating a practice of being thankful might just be one of the single most important things you could do to boost your bottom line AND your own feelings of life satisfaction. Did that get your attention? I hope so!
A recent ... Views: 951
Have you ever made a mistake and wished that you hadn’t?
Stupid question, right? Of course you have! We all have.
Well, let me propose to you that you’ve had regrets like that for the last time!
I believe that part of our life purpose is to learn certain things. These things may very well ... Views: 3669
Gratitude comes not from circumstances, but from within. It's a decision and a choice. I have chosen one quotation that is relative to gratitude for each day of the month and a spiritual exercise for you to practice. Remember, “Practice makes permanent.” I'd like to share with you for 30 ... Views: 1314
Being grateful by definition is being appreciative or thankful
I wonder how many times we actually consider what we are grateful for?
Maybe if we all did this more often we would realise what we have.
From the air that we breathe and the fine body we have to breathe
to everything else we can ... Views: 1730
Do you know what the most powerful words in any languageare after “I love you”? Here’s a hint: just like the words “I love you”,they are not said often enough but they carry a very powerful punch when they are said with real sincerity. The answer is “Thank you”.
Sending thank you notes should ... Views: 3403
If you're a person who comes from the corporate world or maybe even a system or organization such as the teaching system that I came from, you might remember that it wasn't considered professional to give personal compliments, praise or even any type of overall expression of appreciation. There ... Views: 1874
It’s very easy to express gratitude for the good things life brings. We all do that from time to time. Feeling grateful is a wonderful emotion. It transmits positive energy out into the Universe that then lure elements that lie within the same frequency.
How is that possible?
When you help ... Views: 1129
You know it’s a good idea—to make a list of what you’re grateful for—but you just don’t get around to actually doing it. So take the next five minutes and do it now.
1. Grab a pen and paper.
2. Start with your body and record what you’re most thankful for. You may list: Good health, good ... Views: 1545
If you're a last-minute shopper during the holiday season, you've no doubt fallen victim to sky-high prices of gift items. During the holidays, it's a well-known fact that department stores and shop owners hike up their prices to take advantage of the high demand.
If you want to save more ... Views: 874
Selecting a gift for someone is a tedious job, and making a gift selection that will complement the person you are giving it to is even tougher! You spend hours of your valuable time in selecting the perfect gift for your loved one and end up picking a gift, which is probably not the right one. ... Views: 1500
There are times when you may not be very sure as to which gift you should give to your dear ones. You may also feel bored with the usual gift items that you simply end up picking whatever catches your attention. In such cases, consider the following:
Try Discount Vouchers and Gift ... Views: 975
Going to parties is nice; it gives us the chance to unwind while spending a few enjoyable hours in the company of people we like. However, there is a dark side to them, and we all know it: quite often parties are given with some special occasion, and in that case, someone is traditionally ... Views: 759
1. Sit down comfortably, and close your eyes. Put your feet flat on the ground, and lay your hands on your legs, or next to you. Keep your back strait. Breathe in very deeply through your nose down in to your stomach, and then breathe out true your mouth, and let it go. Breathe in deeply, and ... Views: 1426
It sometimes happens that you are unable to find a nice present when you shop for gifts. Perhaps you have to deal with some unexpected situations and you don't have time to go shopping, or you just can't make up your mind what to buy, or have to mind your expenses. All these can make ... Views: 1275
What is so special about receiving gifts? Surely, it has to do with the joy of knowing that someone cares about you, that you mean something to those people. While this deeper, human-relational meaning of gifts is quite significant, we should not overlook the surface.
To better understand the ... Views: 909
Have you ever gotten or given a pair of socks as a present? While they may be quite useful in some kinds of weather, socks are generally regarded as rather dull, unexciting items. Often mentioned as part of trivializing or ironic expressions, they have become an ultimate symbol of unimaginative ... Views: 838
Gift selection is difficult enough to begin with, but when the recipient is not a member of your demographic -- for instance, a child or a newlywed couple -- the task is even more daunting. But don't panic! Just consider the following before beginning your search for the perfect gift.
Gifts for ... Views: 827
Gratitude is the foundation for success in all areas of your life. I have come to learn this not only through my own experience, but through countless other people's experiences as well. I believe that acknowledging the things in your life that you are grateful for may just be the single most ... Views: 825
The dictionary defines gratitude as: a feeling of thankful appreciation for favors or benefits received; thankfulness. Appreciation is defined as grateful recognition. Wayne Dyer who coined the term ‘an attitude of gratitude’, says that gratitude is a sacred space where you allow and know ... Views: 1691
Most of us become anxious when we are not feeling well. Our stability and security are threatened, and we become fearful. “What if I have to take off from work again?” or “How will I manage if I get sick?” are questions we may ask ourselves while feeling our anxiety build. Whether we are dealing ... Views: 867
Gracias. Danke. Merci. Thanks.
Simple words with the power to bind, to build, and to behold. If you’ve ever gotten thanked or given thanks, then you know its power. Just the fact that you say it can be enough to make a difference, just as not saying it can make a difference in a negative ... Views: 801
A glimmer of something to be grateful for can be found in nearly every situation we experience. It is a rare circumstance that can’t be turned around—even slightly—when it is looked at through the lens of grateful eyes. Admittedly, it takes a conscious choice to be grateful instead of focusing ... Views: 1988
Much has been said about ways to improve your life; you’re reading some in this book. Perhaps you’ve already tried different approaches, some that helped and others that didn’t. One thing that is irrevocably true is this: anything utilized to improve your life must have its origin in love ... Views: 704
Stress is inevitable. Everyday, there are just enough stressful activities and thoughts that cannot be avoided. Stress therefore is a part of life. However, the condition will not be able to influence or alter the overall state of being and lifestyle if it will not be allowed to manifest its ... Views: 860
You hate your supervisor. There—you finally said it. You’ve been pussyfooting around it (and her) for long enough now. That’s it, you’ve had it! Let the truth be told—you hate your boss.
Your reflection in the mirror scowls back at you. You sigh, stop waving your toothbrush around, and stick ... Views: 1245
Many people look at resources as the physical things they have at our disposal for their everyday use ranging from food in the pantry to money in the bank account. Support or aid from people and organizations in times of need is a second and dynamic type of resource. There is a third type of ... Views: 2075
How do you feel when someone gives you a gift? In particular remember a gift that you have really wanted, or a gift that has been handmade. Or how do you feel when you receive a gift from a child that they have lovingly prepared for you?
If you say that you “feel warm and fuzzy”, that you “feel ... Views: 3343
Gratitude is one of the most under-rated aids to creativity and removing blocks. When supporting clients during the coaching process or using The Artist’s Way, by Julia Cameron, a book I love to recommend and facilitate reading together, I’ve learned that there are scores of ideas to consider ... Views: 741
Are you grateful for what you have? Do you have a gratitude journal or some way to express your gratitude every single day? You should.
People who lack gratitude always seem to find themselves living in poverty or not having the lifestyle they desire. Do you ever look at yourself as being ... Views: 1867
(Please enjoy this excerpt from Mary's upcoming book "Ride the Moon"!)
For what can I express Gratitude in this moment, as I begin (or end) this day?
For what may I express my complete and total gratitude on this magnificent day? The full moon energy is that of fullness of expression. She ... Views: 1594
What do we do when the gap between where we are and what we want isn’t closing fast enough? If you find yourself in this situation currently you may feel anxious, impatient, stuck or hopeless—or a combination of all of them. In the worst case scenario the gap may appear so wide ... Views: 2284
How is it that people who live a very simple life and aren’t constantly surrounded by new ideas, travel and technology can live their lives and seem to be fulfilled? Then there are those that have the world at their fingertips and are surrounded by the best of everything, travel to new lands ... Views: 6230
Gratitude is like a state of being. Some people are always grateful whereas other people may feel dissatisfied and unhappy with their lot. Valuing gratitude means that you see the world in a different way. You see what is around you, you hear the birds singing, you hear the voices of children ... Views: 1293
Daily, I make sure that I openly acknowledge the things in my life that I am grateful for, and over the years I have collected a number of fantastic famous Gratitude Quotes. I hope you like them…
Including famous quotes of gratitude that might inspire you and move you towards manifesting ... Views: 28474
As we have just passed the end of another glorious year of life and adventure we are presented again with the opportunity to make a decision as to the way we choose to perceive our life's circumstances.
Every day our mind judges and qualifies each moment of our lives. Either life measures up ... Views: 1126
It is a rare occasion that someone will rant and rave about how wonderful their life is, how everything is fabulous, or how grateful they are for all that has happened to them. As a society we tend to focus more on what’s wrong, how life isn’t going our way, or how unfortunate we ... Views: 1016
When you stop to think about your life, what lens do you typically use to view it? If you're stressed out, frustrated, and discouraged, perhaps it's time to switch lenses and adopt an attitude of gratitude in your life. As you read this article, please keep in mind these three important ... Views: 1025
When I was very young, my mother gave me gold stars whenever I did something she liked. Usually they were small gold foil shapes with sticky backs, but Mother also saved some really big ones - three inches across - for extra-special accomplishments. Together with Mother's love, those stars ... Views: 1496
"You'll be blessed, you'll have the best, I promise you that..." sings Elton John (in his hit song, Blessed.) The truth is that God made a promise long before you were even created that you would be blessed by His wondrous love. That is the miracle of life; and rediscovering the hope that has ... Views: 792
Everybody knows how to enjoy a vacation. Particularly when we travel abroad, we open our eyes to see new sites and our taste buds are ready to savor new kinds of food. It is easy to appreciate everything when we take a break from our work and our familiar surroundings. But we all return home ... Views: 1448
The way we live our lives may be conscious or unconscious, awake or asleep, present or absent. How we live our lives is a choice. How we connect with ourselves, our partners, our children, our friends, our community, our humanity, our planet is a choice. Our awareness of this choice goes back to ... Views: 735
The holidays are such a magical time of the year. It's a time in which many count their blessings as they gather with friends and family to celebrate the holidays. With only a few days before the New Year, many are gearing up to make significant changes in their life to live their best life. ... Views: 1532
Are you happy? What will it take for you to be truly happy? If you’re like many people you’re waiting for something to happen or someone to come into your life or something to change before you can be really happy and enjoy your life. Most people are constantly putting off really living their ... Views: 2034
Don’t Stress~Manifest!
Truly, just stop and think about this and while you’re at it take a big, deep breath.
When is the last time you worried about something and that helped the situation in any way?
Imagine turning the blender on with the lid off -- this is what you do with ... Views: 1094
This is the season when we are reminded to give thanks. In the whirlwind of family events, how do we take time for mindful gratitude? One way is with a Gratitude Journal, a special book devoted to listing the things, large and small, that enrich our lives. If you have one that you’ve been ... ... Views: 1266
Do you sometimes find you spend more time trying to “get your child to do something” than appreciating who they are? Are you afraid that if you really allow your children to offer their opinion in how your household is run, they will take over? Are you concerned that in this world of “takers” ... Views: 727
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***Gratitude Magic - by Morgana Rae, the Official to Creating Wealth and Building Wealth
"GRATITUDE unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, ... Views: 2599
With the right kind of attitude, anyone can overcome worry and stress, even during the chaos of the holiday season. If you are feeling blue this holiday season, it’s easy to see why – tune into any news station, or read any newspaper or Internet outlet and nearly every story seems like more bad ... Views: 1054
Are you tied down by your negative disruptive thoughts? Thoughts come and go but are rooted and tied down to the internal thought structures. These structures can change with the high frequency of love and gratitude.
Imagine lying on the floor with weights strapped all over your body. Your ... Views: 1017
It takes either an act of courage or an act of sheer desperation to jump out of the groove, out of the old thinking to follow your dreams. Perhaps it takes a bit of both to make so bold a move as to disregard all one has known in the past and to step out of the dark, sticky, gooey molasses ... Views: 1056