Ever since I can remember, I have loved cats. I resonate with their purrrrring, relax when watching them groom, laugh when I find them in unexpected places or poses, take photos when they are being particularly ‘cute’, learn from them about stretching, napping, scampering and how to have fun ... Views: 1350
Gratitude is one of the most under-rated aids to creativity and removing blocks. When supporting clients during the coaching process or using The Artist’s Way, by Julia Cameron, a book I love to recommend and facilitate reading together, I’ve learned that there are scores of ideas to consider ... Views: 741
So often during our Artist’s Way Workshops the subject of extra weight and extra baggage comes up when discussing the creative process and how to let creativity flow without blocks. If you are a person who has added un-wanted pounds or whether you are feeling figuratively burdened with the ... Views: 808