Uh-oh…Valentine’s Day is here and those cute little cherubs will be wreaking havoc flinging arrows all over the place. Do Cupid’s arrows have any impact on ones feng shui? Being classified as ancient WMD’s, arrows do not have a positive feng shui connotation. Since Cupid’s a mythical figure, his ... Views: 1860
1) Make your own Valentine cards. Nothing says "I Love You" more than something you made yourself. This stimulates your Creativity feng shui sector.
2) Dip some strawberries in chocolate. This stimulates your Family & Health area because it's been proven that fruit and chocolate are both good ... Views: 2349
Good feng shui is about bringing balance and harmony to our living and working spaces. When ch’i (energy) is in positive alignment, we feel more relaxed. Feng shui is an ancient Chinese practice that is based on many common sense principles. For example, we don’t usually feel comfortable ... Views: 2136
Looking for a new job? What you do to prepare before you get the gig is just as crucial as how you perform once you get it. Here are my Top 10 Tips of Feng Shui Preparedness that can help give you the edge over your competition:
Be sure to clear out the clutter from home and ... Views: 5573
I grew up in New Hampshire where winters were always white. This was ski country and somehow I was 18 and a senior in high school before I enrolled in ski lessons (only to find every single classmate in my group was a 6-year old first grader). Those little kids were zooming down the slopes while ... Views: 4756
Some people seem to have all the luck, don't they? We all know someone who is well connected and constantly has advance knowledge of the best opportunities before everyone else does. She's the one who finds the latest designer clothing at bargain basement prices, discovers the new vacation spot ... Views: 2303
Think positive. Think creativity, success, wealth. Think big. One of the most important principles of feng shui involves the act of thinking (specifically, thinking about setting our intentions). Setting intentions means to use our mind to think about what we would like to manifest in this ... Views: 2346
Long before Madonna was the Material Girl, feng shui experts knew that accumulating wealth is one way to measure our success in the world. Creating a welcoming space that honors the money you already have is just one of the feng shui secret tools for attracting more money to you.
Imagine that ... Views: 5535
Listen up Skypeople (that's us). If you have seen James Cameron's epic 'Avatar' go see it again with feng shui eyes. These quotes from the film resonate deeply with feng shui.
"All energy is only borrowed and soon you will have to give it back."
"Our Great Mother does not take sides, ... Views: 2255
Tired of being solo when the whole world seems coupled up? Many of the people I work with want to improve their wealth area but I’d say finding a new relationship (or strengthening an existing one) is also the number one priority of most people. When I do an analysis of your home and interview ... Views: 4685
"Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful." ~ William Morris
William Morris was England's most famous designer / craftsman who inspired the Arts & Crafts Movement in the mid 1800's. Think about what he ... Views: 2899
You’ve heard the expression “love sickness”? The term goes back a long way and many greater writers than I (Shakespeare's Sonnet 147 comes to mind) have covered the symptoms brilliantly. It hits most of us at some stage of life--we think we're in love and we've found "the one", the relationship ... Views: 4012
Feng shui is such an esoteric practice. It’s often misunderstood and categorized as hooey, hocus-pocus, or even voodoo. It’s none of those things. Still, there is a tendency in our society to put a shingle out and call ourselves experts after having read a book or two or maybe taken a seminar. ... Views: 2033
Ever find yourself in a dream in a house? Yeah, sure, all the time. But did you ever find later on that you are in a house in waking life and you recognize the exact location from your dream? I have...too many times to mention. Dreams of this nature are a gift since I am a Feng Shui ... Views: 2610
“Clutter: 1: (Verb) To fill or cover with scattered or disordered things that impede movement or reduce effectiveness -- often used with up; 2: (Noun) a crowded or confused mass or collection; things that clutter a place”. ~ Merriam-Webster Dictionary.
Just as I suspected, Webster’s ... Views: 4632
The lights are low, you’ve got chocolates and/or ice cream by your side, you’re naked and snuggled under the satin sheets. Soft music is playing, too. I bet I know where you think this feng shui column is leading! But unfortunately, it’s not what you think. Instead of your lover by your side ... Views: 1923
Do you know what the most powerful words in any languageare after “I love you”? Here’s a hint: just like the words “I love you”,they are not said often enough but they carry a very powerful punch when they are said with real sincerity. The answer is “Thank you”.
Sending thank you notes should ... Views: 3417