Remembering with a Running Tabulation
I am naturally a list person and a planner. I have a running tabulation of things I want to buy, places I would like to visit, projects I plan to do and personal goals I would like to achieve. I call it “The List”. I add to “The List” when I think of ... Views: 854
Many people look at resources as the physical things they have at our disposal for their everyday use ranging from food in the pantry to money in the bank account. Support or aid from people and organizations in times of need is a second and dynamic type of resource. There is a third type of ... Views: 2076
The most personal assets we own are our body and the fruit of our labor. This fruit typically takes the form of money and personal possessions. In our modern culture we measure if we are a valuable person by comparing what we earn and what we have to others. This comparison of self-worth is ... Views: 850