Thank You Power!

Gratitude is a very, very powerful emotion. Cultivating a practice of being thankful might just be one of the single most important things you could do to boost your bottom line AND your own feelings of life satisfaction. Did that get your attention? I hope so!

A recent study in the field of positive psychology reveals that a daily exercise of expressing gratitude can be so potent that individuals who had a diagnosis of depression actually got significantly happier! Wow. The exercise? It was simple and took about 5 minutes, tops. Every night before going to sleep, reflect back on your day and think about what your top three "blessings" are. What were the best things that happened to you? Maybe you took on a new client...wrote a chapter in your book...or had a lovely meal. Write these three "blessings" down on paper. Do this every night for a month. Increased happiness is guaranteed!

It can be so easy to get "caught up" in the drama and stress of everyday living that we may forget to thank people for their contributions to our lives. We are all in this together. No matter what line of work you are in or what personal project you are developing, we utilize the services of others to accomplish our goals. There's power in saying "Thank You!" Thanking people works for many reasons, on many levels. Bottom line is that it feels good to appreciate and it feels good to be appreciated! Authentic appreciation can be more effective than material incentives in many situations.

Here are "3 Quick and Easy Ways To Use Your Thank You Power":

1. Carry a few thank-you cards with you and commit to a daily practice of sending a note of thanks to 1 or 2 people who've helped you today.

2. Reflect on your career. Who were the top 25 people who helped you to get where you are today? Send them a note of appreciation.

3. Take stock of who your "key players" are in your own life from your spouse to your Virtual Assistant. Be sure to thank these people for all that they do to contribute to your success and happiness.

Thank You Power...only more good will come from it!

Author's Bio: 

Diana Long is the author of The Business Owner's Guide to Having It All: Getting the Money, Love, & Life You Deserve. Go to to receive your free Special Report and Success Kit today!