Michael Mohoric is The Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Energy Healing and Energy Medicine". You can find complete information on Michael Mohoric and his products by visiting qigongenergyhealing.com.
Did you know that you can achieve your dreams using mind power or thought energy enhanced and strengthened with the natural energy of plant extracts, meditation, and affirmations? The life force energy of the blood of the plant can help you focus and amplify the energy of your thoughts to better ... Views: 11146
We are each an energy system. Energy flows through our being, and is directed by our consciousness. When we are healthy, or in balance, the energy flows smoothly.
The flow of energy is regulated by seven energy centers, called chakras.
Any illness or disease can be described as an ... Views: 1198
Frequencies of BrillianceTM is a powerful energetic healing technique that opens one up to receive the Birthing Frequencies of Remembrance which activates the cells throughout the body, awakens new areas of the brain, and completes DNA re-patterning thus assisting one into an expanded experience ... Views: 1864
Through Years of Personal Medical Battles, the Greatest Challenge Came From Learning How to Heal Myself
I spent many years in learning to help my own body heal its self, and it was only after I learned the art of hypnosis that I truly understood why I had been faced with the medical issues that ... Views: 1130
The awareness of the importance of energy as a factor in human health goes back to ancient tradition. The healers of old knew that the body was the true healer and that they were only facilitators. They used available herbs and, together with their knowledge of human energy and the psyche, were ... Views: 1611
Photon Fingernails
Mitsuo Hiramatsu, a scientist in Japan working at the Central Research Laboratory at Hamamatsu Photonics, has led research showing that different parts of our body emit light. Prior research has shown us that most living things including plants release light. However, Mitsuo ... Views: 1226
We know that the iron core of our earth vibrates at 40 hertz (40 pulses per second.) Our earths crust has a different vibrational speed at around 7.5 hertz. When we are at the height of our brain activity we record roughly 40 hertz and a 7.5 hertz low brain activity. This draws a direct ... Views: 1337
What is Reiki, how does it work, and how can it help you?
The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM), which recently published its’ 2008 survey on CAM usage in the United States, defines Reiki as a healing practice that originated in Japan. Reiki practitioners ... Views: 1106
Have you ever reflected on why you are alive? Although you may not have ever really explored that question in depth, I bet there is a knowing within you that believes there is more to your life than driving to a job that does not fulfill you, interacting with people you don’t enjoy and ... Views: 1693
Many people have discovered the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) to relieve emotional blocks and stress. EFT was developed on the basic discovery that the cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the body's energy system. Tapping with specific attention and intention to relieve an ... Views: 1546
While hands-on healing is probably the easiest of skills to learn, it is also one of the most misunderstood of subjects. In this article, I thought to cover some of the basic elements of hands-on healing and one of my attempts to validate its effectiveness.
If we were to believe the movies, ... Views: 560
This is a great way to clear your body and your aura from miscellaneous guides or angels that you may have asked for assistance, and forgot to thank and release.
What of these energies are truly needful to your body and soul now?
1. Think of a tree. Think of a ... Views: 4876
When you combine the clinical findings of Applied Kinesiology, the expertise of western medicine, the energy dynamics of acupuncture and the wisdom of modern physics and advanced mathematics, what do you get? The BodyTalk System, one of the current fastest growing holistic healthcare systems in ... Views: 1794
Pranic Healing is an energy healing modality that is based on ancient Indian teachings. “Prana” is the Sanskrit word used to describe the life-force energy that flows through our chakras to make up our energetic body, and our surrounding aura. This healing technique has gone through a revival in ... Views: 3165
The New Year is upon us and with it comes new energy, new beginnings, and new opportunities. But in order to fully step into the energies of the New Year, we must step out of the Old Year, so to speak. One of the characteristics of universal energy is that lower vibrating energy cannot be ... Views: 1429
Imagine sitting on a beautiful white sandy beach. The sun is directly overhead and its rays are brilliant and warm as they flow from the top of your head and throughout your body.
Let your toes feel the cool, turquoise blue water. See yourself staring out to sea, mesmerized by the dancing ... Views: 7045
For years clients have asked me when and if a space clearing should be done. Their other two questions are:
1. Should it be done on a new or old home and a place of business?
2. How do you do it and/or will I do one for them?
I have done several with amazing results however you can do it ... Views: 1754
Childhood should be a happy, carefree time of life. But children growing up today are living in conditions of high stress, and more and more children are being diagnosed with developmental delays, as well as serious medical and mental health conditions. Autism Spectrum Disorder, ADHD, and ... Views: 1526
We all yearn for love whether it’s romantic or other. Love vibrates at a higher rate and love stones are a wonderful tool to build on that vibration. Stones have different healing properties and have been used as a healing approach for centuries.
My favorite love stone is Rose Quartz. Buy it ... Views: 1239
Ho'oponopono is an ancient Hawaiian healing technique that involves repeating "I love you, Please forgive me, I'm sorry, Thank you" any time you notice any negative emotions arising within yourself throughout your day. I first learned about Ho'oponopono from Joe Vitale's book, "Zero Limits". In ... Views: 1944
The switch from one energy source to another has not been seen since the first part of the 20th century. Then, people all around the world relied on horses for transportation and gas lamps for light. Then, came the world-wide use of fossil fuels and the introduction of automobiles and electric ... Views: 865
Many people are looking for cost efficient, energy saving, environmentally friendly alternatives to conventional heating systems. The heat pump fills this need sufficiently. The heat pump uses natural resources like water, air, and the earth itself to generate heat for a home or business. What ... Views: 880
Do you beat yourself up for not losing the weight you want to lose or for not achieving the financial goals you’ve set for yourself? If so, you are engaging in a self defeating way of thinking. You may think that if you don’t however, that you will loose your motivation to change. That may be ... Views: 1071
A woman lay in the emergency room after being taken in unconscious from a sudden pain in her shoulder and upper chest. Her transport from the small rural community took 20 minutes and the time seemed too great for the aneurysm that burst on her aorta. The doctors watched the monitor for a sign ... Views: 2057
We are living in a very exciting time. A number of energy healing techniques such as Reiki, Seichim, Pranic healing and hundreds of other healing techniques based on Reiki have recently emerged on the human plane of existence. Although in simple terms, these techniques involve the channeling of ... Views: 748
The energy healing work has always been a subject very close to my heart. I have been into energy healing work for close to 10 years now and all these years of involvement in energy healing work has left me amazed at what can be achieved by using the universal healing energies. In this article I ... Views: 3856
Adrenal and thyroid functions are two special body functions that may be gracefully harmonized with the addition of energy healing self-help. From my experience, the most dynamic energy self-help usually involves some form of healing touch. Practicing self-help can augment the other options you ... Views: 2939
Health, healing, happiness, and spiritual growth are high priority in our economic down turn. Billions of dollars are spent on stress related illness each year. If stress is sabotaging your health follow these secrets to get healthy now!
1. What is EFT? EFT is software for the emotional body. ... Views: 1660
Godliness is next to cleanliness! That is what we are taught. Be clean, keep your house clean and people will respect you.
In school we are taught hygiene. Brush your teeth and hair, wear clean clothes, bathe daily and make sure that you do not have bad breath or body odor. It is always ... Views: 1192
Our animals sense all of our emotions. There is nothing new there. But what about during these trying economic times, when everyone is feeling the strain? During times of personal trauma in human lives our animals sense our fears, our insecurities, our lack of trust. Why would it be any ... Views: 1314
Have you ever watched a movie or television program that stirred up negative emotions within you? Here's a way that you can live a more blissful life and heal your negative emotions and beliefs while watching television.
You can use energy therapies such as Emotional Freedom Techniques or EFT ... Views: 942
ZPoint is a relatively new healing modality that assists you with releasing past traumas, memories, limiting beliefs and negative emotions. It works with the subconscious mind where much of this "stuff" is stored.
Although ZPoint is effective whether you are driving or walking the dog, it does ... Views: 1231
Solar panels are increasing in popularity with those who consider themselves to be environmentally friendly. These panels allow them to create renewable energy from the sun. However, thieves have also seen their value, at the expense of the owner.
Why Might Thieves Want Solar Panels?
You have ... Views: 1163
I never thought that when I left my engineering job just 4 short years ago that I would end
up using my degree more in the field of alternative/holistic/energy medicine than I did as
an engineer. That idea still amazes me on a daily basis! I spent about 10 years in the specialty chemicals field ... Views: 2066
With all the concern over wait times in emergency wards, ill prescribed drugs, health services being unavailable to so many, and the heavy burden of health care to our governments - not to mention the unnecessary suffering - it seems to me that we can't afford to wait any longer to get the ... Views: 865
Feel the energy pulsing through your body. Feel your body respond when you express a desire to move. Even if you are tired, your will to send energy through your body will sense the energy even before your muscles move.
Imagine yourself in another place. Feel your body respond. Turn your ... Views: 1196
Notes to Myself
I was speaking with my dear friend about his desire of letting go. I wanted to know what he was letting go of. All of it he said. I wanted a list. In fact, I whipped out my journal and made a list of everything I wanted to let go of. My friend replied I am letting go of the ... Views: 7908
I was a fairly regular guest on a San Francisco morning radio program called Seeing Beyond where I spoke mostly about Reconnective Healing and a bit about channeling. More recently, I’ve been producing my own TV show in Austin, Texas called “Sophia Wisdom.” What I do each week ... Views: 1791
I was attending a workshop out of state when I received a phone call. Standing in the hall I heard the words, “Suzanne has been diagnosed with breast cancer.” I literally almost collapsed. My knees buckled and I had to catch myself or I would have been on the floor. Hearing that a dear friend ... Views: 763
Anxiety is one of the ways in which we respond to negative stress. When we are stressed out, we spend a lot of time worrying about what the future will bring. This in turn leads to anxiety attacks. Anxiety attacks can range from mild fears to gut-wrenching life-stopping moments. As such, anxiety ... Views: 770
There is a widespread information campaign across the world regarding the adverse effects of environmental worsening and global waring. Besides there is growing awareness about the limitedness of the available energy resources necessitating the search for the alternative forms of energy . Solar ... Views: 941
In the Chinese system, colds and other viral infections or bacterial infections are viewed as pathogens that penetrate various layers of our energy.
The outer most layer of our energy is the wei qi, associated most closely with our immunity system.
Once a pathogen breaks through the outer ... Views: 4486
People often ask, “What is energy healing”? It goes by many names, healing touch, Reiki, therapeutic touch and others. All these forms are working on a subtle level that addresses the energy body, sometimes referred to as the astral body or the aura. Some of these approaches have structure ... Views: 1002
We are changing from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius. There is much speculation as to when this is actually happening. The process usually happens over a 25 year period and the general consensus among many ‘New Age followers’ is that this started to happen with the Harmonic ... Views: 729
Have you seen the motivational plaque that reads, “Life is a do-it-yourself project. Get excited about it!”
I love that expression because it reminds me that it’s up to me to make each day special. That doesn’t mean that each moment of every day is going to be ... Views: 2448
There is an entire forgotten continent, or at least that’s how it seems to me at times. I’m speaking, of course, of Africa—so much violence and devastation, so many displaced people, so much famine and disease, and yet, such an incredibly beautiful place, filled with ... Views: 1601
This book review is part of a series that covers the topic of Energy Medicine. Energy Medicine involves exploring and applying subtle energies as they relate to the experience of consciousness, healing, and human potential. Dorothy Martin-Neville is the Official Guide to Energy Medicine.
Dreams ... Views: 714
Energy medicine is one of five domains of “complementary and alternative medicine” identified by the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) in the United States.
The approaches vary widely in philosophy, approach, and origin. Many therapies are ... Views: 3165
Hands on healing or energy healing are natural therapies which promote relaxation and speeds healing. By promoting the relaxation response, our bodies are better able to heal.
These techniques help to remove congested or blocked energy in the body. When the energy is not flowing because of ... Views: 2212
In the healing work that I do, it is crucial to have a deep connection to Source, and to be able to access intuitive information in a clear and accurate way. People often ask me how I connect to Source, and what that means. In order to connect to Source, we must first connect with our Higher ... Views: 5259