Michael Mohoric is The Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Energy Healing and Energy Medicine". You can find complete information on Michael Mohoric and his products by visiting qigongenergyhealing.com.
Taking care of the health of our emotional body is the intent of this article. We in our human form experience life on earth with four bodies which are the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical bodies. There are the energy centers that correspond to the four bodies. They are called the ... Views: 2107
When you decide to go to Bali for your holiday, your knowing it'll be warm there probably influences your choice.
When you decide to go it's because you believe you'll have a good time.
What you choose to eat is because your senses tell you the food tastes good. Or you believe it's good for ... Views: 647
In our rush to meet the daily obligations of work, family, and social life, we tend to overlook our own needs. As a result, we feel exhausted to the point of emptiness. What's missing is a relationship with ourselves. We need time to get know ourselves, time to nurture our spirits, and time to ... Views: 979
Reiki and Theta Healing utilize the universal life force for healing. With Reiki, the practitioner places his or her hands over the client and allows the energy to flow where it’s needed. Theta Healing teaches the practitioner to connect to Source and command and witness changes in the ... Views: 1262
his article will focus on the sometimes difficult task of picking a spiritual healer. Depending on where you live your choices may vary between a few healers to hundreds of available practitioners who offer a wide variety of esoteric sounding services.
Although looking for a healer takes you ... Views: 1104
Over the past three decades, reports of new – and in some cases extraordinary – healing techniques have been widely publicized. That has had a very interesting effect on many people, and on how they choose to take their medicine.
In the United States alone, there have been ... Views: 778
All life comes from one source. That source is the Divine
Source of energy. As energy flows from Divine Source matter is
created and manifested in form. Upon completion of form,
energy seeks its return to Divine Source. There is a continual
flow of energy from Divine Source to the ... Views: 1038
Thinking about a positive idea or belief is a great start. Many positive thinking and visualization techniques help us, but many times we reach plateaus or regress to our old ways not achieving our goal, and don’t understand why.
Underneath our positive exterior, deep within our ... Views: 1015
(caution: this is a mere opinion of the author, this does not replace professional psychiatry)
I read these hoax about predictions and world ends and immediately realized what the fear is going on.
If you have not received a hoax about earthquakes, flood, total destruction, world ends, blah ... Views: 1039
Dr. Mehmet Oz, the Resident Medical Expert on The Oprah Winfrey show, calls Energy Medicine “the next frontier in medicine.” I agree. I also see it as a medicine of the present with an increasing number of approaches to this work. The basic premise of this approach to health care is ... Views: 2879
My name is Anita and I’m a therapy junkie – or, rather, I was. Like many people, I spent much of my time looking for something that would ‘fix’ me. In particular, I wanted something that would cure the Irritable Bowel Syndrome that had plagued my life for over a decade, ... Views: 956
Energy based approaches to health and healing use light touch or hands off the body to influence the energy fields that surround our bodies. All levels of a person are affected through this process-emotional, mental, and spiritual as well as the physical well-being of an individual. The whole ... Views: 6037
Ever since I've discovered the Emotional Freedom Techniques and experienced how life-changing they can be, I have had a passion for sharing them with others. I decided to learn from the best about the most effective ways to get results.
I've spent over a year learning about EFT; researching, ... Views: 3109
Dealing with your emotions after a traumatic event can be difficult. Although the event has ended, the memories may last for months or years to come. Similar events, sights, smells and sounds may trigger a traumatic memory. The traumatic experience still exists in our brain and contains the ... Views: 3928
Psychic energy is the special ability or paranormal power that a psychic possesses and uses to help his clients.
Psychic energy can be defined as a “the biochemical energy essence of internal psychological thought and emotion whether as a part of the conscious or unconscious ... Views: 1690
Healers have played a role in society throughout recorded history. You find mention of spontaneous healing, healing that occurs without scientific explanation, in seemingly all religious traditions. Stories abound about these healers who would spend time dialoguing with others and helping heal ... Views: 3322
Are you stuck in the same old rut, feeling uninspired, tired, and bored? Are you wondering how to gain motivation for the things you really want to do? Motivation is an ongoing process, a behavior that you can nurture and expand, but motivation cannot be forced. If you are ready to live a ... Views: 1254
Traumatic events or situations can be overwhelming experiences. Dealing with your emotions after a traumatic event can be difficult. Although the event has ended, the memories may last for months or years to come.
One way that these emotions may be released from the part of the brain that ... Views: 3308
A common place to see waste receptacles is in front of a house that is being renovated. These are for disposing of rubbish; that is, garbage that is not food waste. Rubbish is placed in a different section of the landfill because landfills are organized by types of trash and its rate of ... Views: 2291
Karin has struggled with food for as long as she can remember. Intellectually, she knows that food is not going to make her feel better about herself, but she just can't seem to quit eating. Every morning Karin starts out with the best intentions, but by the end of the day, she's munching on ... Views: 1041
I went to Knoxville, Tennessee last weekend to teach an angel workshop with my dearest friend and partner, Jill. On the return flight I arrived at the airport and went to check in. I had one little carry on that I put in the overhead on the flight there with no problem. They asked me to put it ... Views: 813
People ask me all the time how do I look so good and always seem like I am glowing. Well my answer might shock some people and it sometimes does. My answer is Vibrational Health. What is Vibrational Health? How can it be attained? What are the benefits? Vibrational Health is when you have a ... Views: 1453
For Man to return to harmony and experience a complete healing, of optimum health he has to under stand himself thoroughly and what affects his outer physical body as well as his inner bodies. All our bodies vibrate and exist at a certain level of vibration, and all sounds ,which in effect are ... Views: 1059
Have you ever wanted a little magic in your life? Have you wondered how you can help yourself or your family feel better in between doctor’s visits? Have you wanted to have more personal power in your life?
Energy healing is taught in many different forms. Over the many years in my ... Views: 1246
I am Amber, the ancient history of all that IS. I am the cycles of death and re-birth, the continuation of life energy. I bring the
Message that all that has happened to the Earth and the people of the earth is the cycle of understanding. I incorporate all the
Teachings that have been upon the ... Views: 809
Godliness is next to cleanliness! That is what we are taught. Be clean, keep your house clean and people will respect you.
In school we are taught hygiene. Brush your teeth and hair, wear clean clothes, bathe daily and make sure that you do not have bad breath or body odor. It is always ... Views: 1154
I was about 2 or 3 when it happened. I know because I remember the house where it happened and that house was sold by the time I was 4. I remember how the room was to the right and towards the back of the house when you walked in the front door. I remember it was the master bedroom down at the ... Views: 1388
I was about 2 or 3 when it happened. I know because I remember the house where it happened and that house was sold by the time I was 4. I remember how the room was to the right and towards the back of the house when you walked in the front door. I remember it was the master bedroom down at the ... Views: 1326
“Why is there so much negativity and darkness on our planet?” Like myself, probably many of you have asked this question. Spiritual leaders, philosophers and great thinkers, throughout history have also sought to answer it. Yet, with all of this effort, our planet is still plagued with wars, ... Views: 1595
The main message of The Secret is "when your thoughts and emotions are aligned you can manifest your heart's desire." This is true, and for most of us, it is doable to change our thoughts. The part that is challenging is to align our underlying emotions with those new positive thoughts, ... Views: 1349
Information is the most sought after asset today. Who ever possesses more information and can manipulate it into their advantage has an extra edge over any competition. Because of this you should be on the look out for any reliable sources that can boost you into that position.
Pipelines are ... Views: 986
The continued, repeated practice of meditation can affect you not only spiritually, but on an energetic level as well. Meditation will eventually begin to have a noticeable, positive effect on your chakras, energetic meridians and kundalini, and on your aura as a whole.
Meridians are ... Views: 1893
Karma is the Universal/Cosmic Law of Divine Justice. It holds you accountable for your actions, whether they are good or bad. Basically, you will receive what you send out to the Universe. Your past lives can affect your current karma. Past lives are previous incarnations in which your soul ... Views: 2251
An energy field surrounds everything. Energy pulses out from objects, interacting with and absorbing other energies. A person's energy field, commonly called an aura, is generated inside the body and extends outward to surround it. Understanding the electrical and magnetic nature of energy is ... Views: 1142
In a world full of stress, deadlines, needs, and scarcity, it is sometimes hard to determine that you have any power. Helping yourself can feel like an overwhelming and unattainable mission. However, we also live in a world full of new information and understandings. Ideas of self-empowerment ... Views: 872
It seems like a very intense time for most people right now. I think thoughts and emotions are filled with anxiety. Mass consciousness is really experiencing fear and anxiety as the economy comes to this pivotal point. People are experiencing safety issues and this is causing intense feelings of ... Views: 832
Crystal healing is a form of vibrational medicine in which subtle energy given off by a crystal is used to treat the body, mind, spirit, and the emotions. Crystals exhibit a type of orderly perfection, which helps to bring healing light and loving encouragement to all beings. Since both ... Views: 3567
We learn how to act and to think as children, while
dependent upon our parents. They demonstrate, explain,
reward, punish and teach—how to do, how to think and
what is real.
Of course, I learned like everyone else. I mastered the beliefs
and behaviors of the American culture—as ... Views: 1077
I allow myself to live in the Divine Flow. What does that mean? I feel that by staying balanced and really checking in with our our Higher Self we can see what is right for us. Life can be challenging at times. Things come up unexpectedly. Things don't go as we planned or hoped for. When we are ... Views: 1257
When you become aware of a pain in the body, focus your
attention on it objectively and think nothing else, no words -
no emotional attachment - no internal dialog whatsoever.
Observe the pain as if it had nothing to do with you because
In fact it-does-not, not if you wish to eliminate it.
So ... Views: 798
You’re a healer, therapist, body worker, nurse, martial artist, poet. Perhaps you’ve studied Reiki, learned to channel, transmit light energy, re-structure chakras. People come to you for guidance, healing, insight, strength. You give of yourself open-heartedly. Your clients love you. You help ... Views: 881
Do you often ask yourself, “Why am I so tired throughout the day?” Is it difficult to concentrate, stay focused, or spend time on your favorite activities? Life can be quite drag when you are feeling dog-tired fatigue and can hardly keep your eyelids propped open. If your energy level isn’t what ... Views: 1191
Energy Medicine
Have you ever felt when someone was starring at you?
Have you been able to sense another persons presence before you actually saw or heard that person? When you are around certain people, do you sometimes feel drained? Have you ever walked into a room and tightened up, felt ... Views: 2353
The etheric body is the foundational base of the physical body. One of the reasons that homeopathic remedies are so effective is because they resonate with the etheric body, amending a condition where it will have the most long-term effect. A remedy that ameliorates on the etheric level then ... Views: 1005
There is a market in pipeline map products. That is why there are noticeably so many such maps that are being rolled out and sold in the market. When there is intense competition, there naturally are more players getting into the industry. Surely, such map producers are aiming to get a foothold ... Views: 1142
He said " Hold your arm up straight and let it go weak if it wants to." What on earth was he talking about? What does that mean? Is it a trick? Those were the things we wondered about when we first treated using muscle testing. What I now know about this experience was, it was my higher self, ... Views: 865
He said " Hold your arm up straight and let it go weak if it wants to." What on earth was he talking about? What does that mean? Is it a trick? Those were the things we wondered about when we first treated using muscle testing. What I now know about this experience was, it was my higher self, ... Views: 755
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***Path Of The Healer - by Michael Mohoric, the Official Guide to Energy Healing and Energy Medicine
People often become healers because of their own trauma and suffering. There are many stories about people who had their lives upended because of some injury, illness, or trauma and after healing their condition changed their lives to try and help others overcome their problems.
In my own ... Views: 13882
Self sabotage
Twenty eight years ago…. The diagnosis came: “You have black melanoma and we give you 6 weeks to live”.
I was in shock and perhaps denial. The doctor naturally wanted to operate immediately, but my feelings were “if you are giving me 6 weeks to live, you ... Views: 1081