We are living in a very exciting time. A number of energy healing techniques such as Reiki, Seichim, Pranic healing and hundreds of other healing techniques based on Reiki have recently emerged on the human plane of existence. Although in simple terms, these techniques involve the channeling of energy from a 'Source' to the 'recipient' through a 'channel', not everything is known yet. For instance, nothing is known about the exact nature of these energies. Only recently the scientific community has developed interest in verifying the existence of these energies and instruments like SQUID magnetometer are being used to study these subtle energies. The Source of these energies is also unknown, though people prefer to call that source as 'God'. Those involved in the energy work as the healers or the recipients of healing know that these energies are intelligent; they work according to the intention of the healer or the recipient. However, sometimes, the effects are more beneficial if these energies are allowed to work on their own without influencing them with our intentions.

The nature of energies available for healing depends on what type of energies is summoned. Those sensitive to these energies will feel different types of energy differently. A general aspect of these healing energies is that a process called attunement is used to enable a person to receive these energies. Attunement involves use of ancient symbols and sounds on the various energy points on the body, particularly on the top of the head, throat and the palms. Drawing of these ancient symbols and recitation of specific mantras are sufficient to create a channel in the body through which these energies can flow. Once the attunement is complete, the person can immediately feel a surge of energy through his body. If you are even a bit skeptic about the existence of universal healing energies you should try a Reiki attunement. I have seen many staunch skeptics changing to devout believers after experiencing the attunement process.

These healing energies can be called upon to improve upon any situation one can expect to encounter in one's life. I have been using Reiki to increase my social skills, improve my finances, treat minor health problems and improving my relationships. However, Reiki has not only helped me tackle various situations in my life confidently which I consciously desired, it has brought many other blessings which I never wished for. For instance, it has boosted my immune system. Whenever I go for a routine medical examination, my white blood cell count is always the best a person can have, in the higher end of the normal healthy range. Since past many years I have suffered no fevers, no head-aches, no stomach upsets or bad colds and coughs. Before I stumbled upon Reiki, I was very prone to all sorts of illnesses. The point is that Reiki is a sort of one pill for all ills. Even if it is not used for any other purpose, the sense of well being, deep relaxation and bliss that is felt after a Reiki session should be motivating enough to try this gentle energy healing technique.

At this point of time many variations of Reiki are available that can be used to target various specific issues in one's life. For instance, Money Reiki for improving your financial life, Abundance Reiki for attracting all kind of abundance in life, Soul mate Reiki for attracting your soul mate are some of the modalities which work on specific aspects of life.

One last point that I will like to mention is that one should not approach energy healing for quickly fixing the problems associated with being alive. It is not reasonable to expect that the huge karmic load carried by the soul, during its innumerable reincarnations on the physical plane would vanish in a matter of few days. The time required to resolve a specific issue by Reiki or any other energy healing modality depends on the kind of past karmic impressions that need to be released from the energy body of a person. So for each person, the use of an energy healing technique for a specific purpose will yield different results in a given period of time. However, the issue will be healed completely if the healing is done regularly.

Author's Bio: 

The author has been practicing various energy healing techniques such as Reiki, Seichim for over a decade now. She is actively involved in the energy healing work in her community. To promote energy healing and the various tools for energy healing she runs a website www.newagetools.com. She also offers free long distance reiki attunements upto master level on the website.