Ghandhi said, 'be the change you want to see in the world'. Ok Ghandhi, sounds good.
But what the heck do you really mean? And am I really up to it, on a Friday, at the end of a long week, with the weekend and holiday season inching close?
Do we all have it in us to be Ghandhi? To care ... Views: 1325
I'm never short of an opinion. My colleague remarked that I was unusually forthright in board meetings, disagreeing with the chair openly on several occasions. I've never been one to balk or pander to others because of rank; I believe whole-heartedly that every individual has something to offer ... Views: 1936
For the last few weeks I've been reading various blogs where folks are baring it all - speaking the deep truth about who they are, and what they really think. Even if it upsets a few people.
This kind of authenticity and courage is rare, attractive, and compelling.
When someone stands in ... Views: 1178
When we talk about 'making a difference', one of two things happens:
1. Pangs of guilt for not doing enough for charity
2. Smug disdain for such a well-worn weasel word over-used by spin doctors.
Personally, if I read one more job ad that encourages you to join the firm and 'make ... Views: 1812
Do you want more from yourself? Do you want more from your life? And are you ready for it? Chances are you do want more. Chances are you know what that might look like too - more money, more freedom, more love, more goofing off at the beach, more canoodling on the couch, more romantic dinners, ... Views: 1272
How do I get what I REALLY want? This process works for any situation - whether you are leading a team, going for a promotion, want some more cash in your pocket or want to find a man (that's how I found Rob!)
Step 1. Decide. It's a 'burn all bridges' kind of decision. This means you are ... Views: 1705
Old personal development stalwart Tony Robbins is fond of saying, 'the quality of your outcomes is determined by the quality of your questions'. Absolutely!
The brain works likes a computer - ask a question and it will spit out an answer - true/false, good/bad.
The trick is to ask ... Views: 1124
When it comes to defining 'success', there are three crucial mistakes you may be making, and it's keeping you from experiencing the abundant success you deserve.
Mistake #1 - You're addicted to the adrenaline of 'achieving'.
Striving for something and reaching it is satisfying. Like ... Views: 1414
Whether it's spring in the Southern Hemisphere or Autumn up north, a change of seasons is the perfect time to generate new energy and reclaim your focus on your goals.
Paying attention to your environments is the fastest and easiest way to achieve your goals. When you've got less gunk ... Views: 1317
My friend and colleague Sharon Tierman, aka Madame Marketing, has a favourite expression, "The higher you go on the ladder, the more your butt hangs out."
Though it's not the best visual picture, it's a pretty apt way of looking at what happens when you put yourself out on the line - when ... Views: 1143
Whether you're leading an organisation or leading a family, or just trying to get by, inspiration is integral to an easier life. It's way easier than motivation. Motivation is what my trainer does when he promises ' just five more' and then threatens me with three minutes on the rowing machine ... Views: 1434
I've been listening to the Abraham-Hicks's 'Money and the Law of Attraction' CDs. One of the significant threads of advice is 'start telling a new story'.
We create our lives from the stories we tell about past, future, and present events. The stories evoke emotion – a vibrational beacon – ... Views: 1285
Worried about your kids? Work? Health? Money?
Worried about worrying?
We all know that you get what you think and feel about the most, so if you're worrying, you're creating all sorts of havoc with your feel-good intentions.
And if you're leading a team, a family, an organisation, or ... Views: 1440
My colleague Agi asked me recently, "so what have you learned from cancer?"
I replied, "I always thought it was about stress - cancer was a lesson on how to avoid stress."
But it's become more than that. Cancer has taught me many things. Some I always know and act on. Others I need a kick ... Views: 1667
I had the privilege of having dinner with Tim Kirk, owner of Clonakilla wines.
For those who have tasted it, you know that there is something incredibly magic about his wine. My first sip was like drinking silk. It's no wonder that his wines are such a massive success. Who would believe it - ... Views: 1311
It's true, my commitments have tripled this year - with President of the Chamber of Women in Business, Manager of the Network and Short Courses at the Australian Leadership Foundation, and the launch of my biggest most ambitious program yet with Inner Compass - the Mastermind Retreat - Women's ... Views: 817
Here's what happened: for a while now I've been watching a project develop that I secretly think is a waste of time and doomed to fail.
I've kept my head in the sand and just ignored it, pretending it's someone else's business. (Not great leadership here, I can assure you!)
But here's the ... Views: 2924
It hit me like a ton of bricks.
I once got an email that accused me of undermining the professionalism of the team I was working with at the time...
What the...?
Moi? Unprofessional? A liability? How could this be?
I cherish my professionalism and integrity! And this, out of the ... Views: 924
Every once in a while that Pink Elephant shows up. You know, the thing that is blooming obvious, but no one wants to talk about.
Like the fact that Uncle Fred drinks way too much and smells of urine. Or Susan spends more time socialising on Facebook than she does doing the accounts. Or the ... Views: 962
The question addresses two things: Should women lead differently to what they are currently doing? And, do women do leadership differently to men?
Let's start with the gender one as it's a nice, juicy topic. Do women do leadership differently to men?
Instinctively women operate differently ... Views: 727
One of the things I believe holds people back is their lack of self-belief and limited self-concept. You are much more magnificent and capable than you give yourself credit for! You can make a deep impact on the world around you, and likely already have. Take this quiz and see where you can ... Views: 829
I've been listening to some of my favourite mentors – Ali Brown and David Neagle – and they reminded me that sometimes tremendous change occurs once we step in to our purpose.
Some of that changes appears as adversity or challenging circumstances. You might even call it 'failure'!
It feels a ... Views: 657
Before I started training for my first marathon, I adopted a book as my coach called "The Non-Runner's Marathon Trainer". Perfect! I have always been more belly dancer than runner, so this suited me to the 't'. I opened the book and saw the training program written out on one page. That was it! ... Views: 989
Up in the hills after a long day of walking, my feet hurt. A lot. Not the usual blister hurt, but a throbbing soreness that pressed against the balls of both my feet. Were my boots wrong? Or had I just become a tenderfoot office gal?
In any case, my feet hurt, and I had a lot of walking to do, ... Views: 791
I've spent a lot of my life sleeping in the great outdoors - in tents, under plastic sheets, on the side of the road, under a zillion stars. This past weekend I was out in the wilderness again with rain strumming a delightful tune on our tent.
It carried me back to my fledgling days as leader ... Views: 910
One of the things that really bugged me when I first started reading about manifestation was this whole idea of 'letting go'.
To be honest, it sounded like a cop out.
Doesn't getting what you want require a lot of hard work, grit, and bloody-minded determination?
Apparently not.
... Views: 657
Whether you run a business, or are an employee, or manage a family – you are always 'selling' something.
Selling is the art of exchanging value. In the commercial world this is a simple equation – money is given in exchange for a product or service.
In the office, 'selling' might happen when ... Views: 757
What I find at first with clients is that they are often living by default -reacting to events, rather than responding to them. It's no wonder that they feel so helpless - buffeted by a torrent of emotions.
It's so easy to get sucked in by a tide of feelings. Your girlfriend rings you up for a ... Views: 951
On a program in Newcastle last week, the participants were scheduled to tell the group their life story and leadership challenges. They were all quite remarkable. One story stands out.
This woman revealed she has six children (the last one was conceived through four IVF attempts), fosters ... Views: 654
I met a farmer in the Hunter valley who had spent all his life on the land. Following his Dad, a dairy farmer for fifty years, the man established a cattle sale yard. With tears brimming, the man told me how his business had slowly strangled with the advent of coal mining in the Hunter valley. ... Views: 980
It happened again. The first time was in Los Angeles at Ali Brown's event. This time it was at ABBA Mania: I noticed that the people who were having the most fun were the ones in the front row. They danced more, they sang louder and they were whooping and leaping in joyful abandon.
The further ... Views: 660
It's not about ballet!
Though the technique is as simple and elegant as a turn on pointes.
Pivoting is the practise of shifting focus so you are aligned with your intentions, rather than with what you don't want.
How does it work? Here's an example.
Last week I was grumbling about not ... Views: 899
When they called Roger Federer to the podium to receive his runner's up trophy, he broke down in tears and was unable to complete his speech. Even when he had a second attempt, the tears just kept flowing.
So why is it that one of tennis' great champions - perhaps the best ever in this era - ... Views: 709
Spring is a rampant orgy of growth over here in Oz. There is a riot of colour and scents as flowers, trees, and shrubs burst into glorious blossoms.
And I have a deep red rose bush just outside my office. Each bloom hangs heavy with gorgeous lush petals and an intoxicating fragrance.
It is ... Views: 649
Success really comes down to three key secrets, as revealed by the amazing women entrepreneurs I met last week in Los Angeles. Here they are, just for you
1. Burn your ships.
Napoleon Hill, in his book, Think and Grow Rich, tells of a warrior who when facing insurmountable odds in battle, ... Views: 619
I have a neighbour who is building a garden which is a monument to bad taste on the public nature strip.
Every time I see it, I cringe.
However, as I reflected on my own strong and harsh judgments of this man's project (and obvious heart-felt passion and hobby), I thought about how we judge ... Views: 682
As an instructor at Outward Bound, I belayed people backwards over cliff edges so they could abseil down a rock face. The usual response of participants is fear, ranging from mild excitement to shaking terror.
The hardest part of the experience is right on the edge when you have to hang your ... Views: 685
Telling someone who is swamped with responsibilities to 'just say no' is like telling an overweight person to 'just eat less and exercise more.'
Most overweight people know intimately the 'how to lose weight'
recipe, have been on many programs and diets. The problem is not
lack of knowledge. ... Views: 785
Here's a few big events: Heath Ledger's death, the air conditioning conking out, our house was broken in to (nothing taken thank goodness), and my hormones are bouncing off the radar with the IVF treatments.
Easy to feel overwhelmed! However I've put my attention squarely on what I want: and ... Views: 775
"I'm too fat. My thighs jiggle. My belly wobbles. My butt's enormous." Too fat, too thin, too short, too tall, boobs too big, boobs not big enough.
Sound familiar? This is the all too common language we use when looking at our bodies, and none of it feels particularly nice. In western culture ... Views: 704
"You're looking fit, Zoe!" I love it when my trainer gives me compliments. Especially ones like that. And especially when I've not been training that hard. Love this one too - work out less, get more fit.
I told him I put it all down to my 'mental training'.
It's my secret weapon in making ... Views: 842
I was working with 'Susan' this week and she lamented the Psych-K technique was not working on the belief, "I can change." She felt frustrated and stuck.
What was obvious to me was that the belief, 'I can change' is not actually very helpful. It implies that she is not ok as she is. And when ... Views: 739
Laurie is an accomplished manager in a large firm. She runs a great team and consistently over delivers on her targets. This year she is already $11 million past her budgeted revenue targets. Right on, Laurie!
Yet this competent professional disclosed how she has a real need to please. She ... Views: 865
In Bruce Lipton's The Biology of Belief, he explains the importance of environments in personal growth - both on a cellular level, and on a whole-being level.
Lipton's research shows that it is the cell's membrane that is actually responsible for decisions in a cell's life, not the nucleus. He ... Views: 721
Stuck in a rut and living Groundhog day? Always felt there ought to be something more out there for you? There is. Get started rocking your world now!
1. Get your blood thumpin’ and pumpin’, and I don’t mean exercise. This about being excited to your toenails about something ... Views: 867
Watching those awful stacks as riders come flying off their bikes sets my knees quivering. Ouch! Cycling up and down mountains is seriously risky stuff. Stuart O’Grady is in hospital with fractured limbs and a punctured lung; Robbie McEwen pulled out after he dislocated his collarbone on a ... Views: 766
It certainly appears so. There definitely seems to be some magic in the air with this guy's 5th consecutive win at Wimbledon. And yup, I stayed up past 3:30am Aussie time to watch him do it. It was totally worth it. He's in tune with the "secret", law of attraction, and here's how he does ... Views: 1324
Sick of all the Law of Attraction hype? Me too. Here's something much, much better.
It's official. I am finally sick of all the Law of Attraction hype. I have checked out various sites and products promising delivery of your heart's desire with ease and swift response. Law of Attraction ... Views: 1029
A bit of guidance and support from a learned master can be a great way to accelerate learning and development. But how do you choose? How can you tell who's a charlatan and who is genuine? Here are some good ideas for you.
My life is about expanding possibilities and fabulous new experiences. I ... Views: 857
What are you missing in your life? Do you feel a gaping, gnawing emptiness? The Secret promises to fill this void, but it's the wrong way to go about it.
My husband is the happiest person I know. He hums in the shower, he is never angry or anxious, or worried about anything. He is never grumpy. ... Views: 615