Ghandhi said, 'be the change you want to see in the world'. Ok Ghandhi, sounds good.

But what the heck do you really mean? And am I really up to it, on a Friday, at the end of a long week, with the weekend and holiday season inching close?

Do we all have it in us to be Ghandhi? To care selflessly for our nation and fellow man/woman? To rise above personal attacks and resistance to stand on our morals?

Yes, we all have it in us.

So what about this 'be the change' business? What's that about, and do I really care?

I've been thinking about Ghandhi and all he achieved. I've also been thinking about you, and what you are going through, especially at this time of year.

It's likely you're sitting there, on a Friday, hanging out for beer o'clock. Festive season is upon us, but the holiday break seems so far away. Energy is seeping out the shoes.

It's not exactly Ghandi-esque in inspiration or influence!

This is what I think Ghandhi meant in saying 'be the change': 'be the best version of you', express in your own behaviour and choices what you long to see in others.

Don't be put off by feeling you need to lead a world peace movement to live up to Ghandhi; after all, a war is ended by one person at a time laying down their weapons.

This is how I had a bit of Ghandhi in my life this week: when I sat in the surgery waiting room for five hours with my butt hanging out of a gown, I sent the nursing staff some compassion for being overworked and under-resourced. It could have been very easy to kick up a stink and protest at the lack of communication, the poor attention, the fact I had fasted for an additional six hours for no reason and was ready to chew my toes for sustenance...

But in being determined to be the change I wanted to see in the world, I let it all go and focused on appreciation and being present.

It's not exactly solving the Middle East crisis, but it's not making it worse either.

Small changes upstream lead to floods further down the river.

If you're going to help flood the world with the change you want to see, you need to start with small changes at the source.

These are the changes I see for you; I have this vision of you that somewhere deep in the inner recesses of your being is the pure essence of you ready to shine forth, to reach out to the world, to share the light and love that is there in abundance, if only temporarily hidden.

I have this vision of you being braver than you normally would be, taking risks you might not have taken before, of acknowledging that you have more in you than you might have imagined, and giving yourself permission to have a go.

I see you rising above pettiness, of forgiving past wrongs, of sending out appreciation and gratitude rather than criticism and fear.

I see you being gentle and strong, confident and humble, sincere and forthright.

I see you leading with love and generosity, honesty and integrity, and a wry sense of humour.

Most of all I see you expressing compassion, especially for yourself, as you forgive yourself for not being perfect.

If I can experience a Ghandhi moment in a hospital gown and a bare a**, you can too - no matter where you are.

With love and appreciation.

Author's Bio: 

Leadership Coach, Speaker, and Author Zoe Routh works with women in business to enhance their personal effectiveness and leadership capacity for global effect. For free tips on how to become a more effective leader that will save you time, money, energy, and stress, go to