"You're looking fit, Zoe!" I love it when my trainer gives me compliments. Especially ones like that. And especially when I've not been training that hard. Love this one too - work out less, get more fit.

I told him I put it all down to my 'mental training'.

It's my secret weapon in making magical life transformations. Here's how I work less, earn more, try less, and shape up more.

Strategy 1: It's all about the vibe.
All Law of Attraction literature expounds various manifestation strategies and block-busters, but what it really boils down to is this: feel better. Not even feel good, but feel better than you do now. Esther and Jerry Hicks emphasize the idea of just looking for a little bit of relief in your current emotional state. Relief is feeling better.

Most people seem to think that you need to be jumping on couches and punching the air with glee to manifest your desires. Not so - just focus on the thoughts that feel a little bit better and you will be drifting in the right direction, towards said gleeful couch-jumping state.

Example: if I am bemoaning my muffin-top, I simply look for a better-feeling thought, such as "at least I've got two legs that work, and they can take me and my muffin-top on great
adventures." That feels better than, "my muffin-top sucks."

Strategy 2: Belief makeover
All your creations are reflections of your beliefs. Beliefs create the vibe, and the vibe attracts, for better or worse.

The key to all personal change is to resonate with beliefs that are empowering and feel good, and to ditch the crappy ones that hold you back.

This is the most important work you could ever do.

There are plenty of ways to change beliefs, some faster than others. Having a mentor and a role model is one way (very slow to change beliefs this way), affirmations are another (again, pretty slow on their own), Emotional Freedom Technique, Sedona Method, Byron Katie's work, and numerous others.

My favourite and fastest is the Psych-K process. Based on kinesiology, Psych-K offers a quick and effective balancing methodology to ingrain in your very cells the beliefs that you desire.

It's an experiential, hands-on process, so we won't cover it all here. However, here are the questions you can use to shift your vibe on a particular set of beliefs, and this is most of the
work done. You will definitely feel better about your goal after these - guaranteed.

Choose the empowering belief you wish to adopt. For example: I maintain a healthy body easily and effortlessly, or I am a genius at attracting money.

Now write out the answers to the following questions, giving three responses for each question.

When your goal is fulfilled,

1. What will you see yourself doing?
e.g. having fun exercising effortlessly, running long distances without strain, and wearing sexy lingerie.

2. What will you hear others saying?
e.g. You look HOT! You're so fit! Let's go boogie boarding/running/cycling/tennis/hiking all tomorrow!

3. What will you say to others?
e.g. I am so full of energy! I can't wait to workout today! I eat whatever I want and still maintain this awesome shape!

4. How will you feel?
e.g. energised, happy, healthy, vibrant, confident. Your vibe really sifts doing this exercise, and this falls right in line with strategy 1.

Strategy 3: Be grateful for what is
You don't end war by fighting; you have to stop fighting to end a war. This does not mean 'give up', or 'lose hope', or 'drop the goal'.

It does however mean finding peace with what the current circumstances are, and finding something, however small, to be grateful for.

Top it up by expressing love for the thing you want to change.

I do this by talking to the things I wish to change.

Example: If my income drops in a month, rather than worrying, I'll talk to my money like this: "Thanks for the drop in business. This really gives me a chance to be creative and focus on product creation and learning new skills."

or, "Ahhh cellulite! You are a constant presence in my life. Thanks for being so reliable. You've done a good job of protecting me from the fears I harboured for so long. Those fears are gone now, you've done your job, you can go. Thank you for everything I've learned, and enjoyed (like all those croissants and chocolate cakes)."

Next bring your attention and excitement back to what you know is coming: greater prosperity, a fitter healthier body, and so on.

Delighted anticipation in a state of gratitude is the ultimate vibe for personal change.

As you can see, this is a much more fun and gentle way of dealing with circumstances that do not necessarily please you.

This stuff really works. Let it work for you too!


Author's Bio: 

Zoë Routh is the Head Coach at Inner Compass, the exclusive Law of Attraction Growth Center for funky evolved professionals where you can get the FREE Law of Attraction Checklist. Zoe has paddled 30 weeks by canoe in northwest Ontario, run 6 marathons, hiked hundreds of kilometres in Australia’s outback, bellydanced at various festivals, written a book, survived cancer, married a fair dinkum Aussie bloke, and wrestled a 6 meter crocodile. It’s all true, except for the crocodile part. Sign up for more Law of Attraction Block Busting Tips and your free Attraction Checklist in Compass Bearings at a href="http://www.innercompass.com.au">www.innercompass.com.au