It's not about ballet!

Though the technique is as simple and elegant as a turn on pointes.

Pivoting is the practise of shifting focus so you are aligned with your intentions, rather than with what you don't want.

How does it work? Here's an example.

Last week I was grumbling about not having enough time to do everything I needed to do. Not enough time, I want more time, I want less to do, I want it to be easier...these were my thoughts and they very much focused on what I didn't want - to be so busy.

Here's the thing: every topic is really two topics - what you want and the absence of what you want.

So as you have worrisome thoughts about money, there are really two topics - what you want (more money) and the absence of what you want (more money). Thoughts like, "I don't have enough, how am I going to pay the bills, there's never enough, I feel so stuck, I wish I didn't feel so worried about money" are all really focused on the subject of the absence of what you want.

And what you focus on expands.

The more you stress about the lack of money, the more you attract the absence of it.

Annoying, isn't it?

Here's another annoying truth: you'll never find a solution from a place of worry. You can't find what you want when you are focused on the absence of it. They are vibrationally incompatible. It's like looking for your favourite AM radio channel on the FM tuner - they're just not on the same wavelength.

Enter 'pivoting'.

Pivoting is the practise of shifting your focus to what you do want instead.

So back to money - ask yourself, 'what do I want instead?' You can start by changing your thoughts to things like, 'Even though the bills are there, I always seem to manage. I've managed so far and I look forward to it getting easier. There are lots of people around me who I can ask for help and advice about money. Money has done wonders for me already - it has helped me to stay fed and clothed. If I add up all the money I have ever earned or had pass through my hands, that's a lot of money! Isn't it amazing that we have such a handy currency - rather than coffee beans or rocks? It's so much easier to carry around. Money really is a great tool. In fact I have been really blessed by what money has allowed me to have and experience. I look forward to and welcome more of it in to my life every day.'

Feels different, doesn't it?

This is the subtle aspect of pivoting. It changes how you feel, it changes your focus and your outlook from what's missing to what is there and what you want to welcome in.

So how to practise? Any time you find yourself feeling worried or challenged by something, practise pivoting and focusing on the 'what you want' aspect of the subject rather than what you don't.

I did this with my 'lack of time'. I started focusing on how much I managed to get done in the time I had. I realised I always got it all done. I asked 'what do I want instead?' and felt the joy of delegating many of the tasks. I have also stopped telling the story of, "I'm so freakin' busy" when people ask me how I am doing. Instead I say, "I'm feeling on top of it. I'm excited about all aspects of my life. In fact, I am working out more than ever and business is going smoothly." It's a feel-better story.

And guess what - it's working! I've finished early the last two nights and I feel calm and centered. Even my mother noticed - so you know it's got to be true!

Happy pivoting!

Author's Bio: 

Law of Attraction Block Buster Coach Zoe Routh helps busy professionals and business owners turbo-charge their personal effectiveness. Zoe has paddled 30 weeks by canoe, run 6 marathons, hiked hundreds of kilometres in Australia’s outback, bellydanced at festivals, written a book, survived cancer, married a fair dinkum Aussie bloke, and wrestled a 6 meter crocodile. It’s all true, except for the crocodile part. Sign up for more Law of Attraction Block Busting Tips and your free Law of Attraction Checklist in Compass Bearings at