Here's a few big events: Heath Ledger's death, the air conditioning conking out, our house was broken in to (nothing taken thank goodness), and my hormones are bouncing off the radar with the IVF treatments.

Easy to feel overwhelmed! However I've put my attention squarely on what I want: and that my friends, above all else, is to feel good, to feel free, and to be happy.

So how do you do it when confronted with such biggies?

Heath dying. Like many, I was sad, shocked, and completely distracted by this gorgeous young man's early demise. He leaves behind a 2 year old girl and the world wondering, "what if" and "if only".

The thing is, it just felt awful to wallow in the these thoughts. I was desperate to shift form this vibe because it was so unsettling. So I gently I brought my attention back to what I did know: Heath, like all of us, is made of energy, and in his dying he has simply changed form. Energy cannot be created or destroyed - it simply moves through form. So Heath's essence is out here in the wider world: I felt him in the wind in the trees, the brilliant splash of sunlight on the sea, and the endless sky so peaceful.

It doesn't make Heath's death ok; it makes me ok with Heath's death. And I feel a little bit better about it all.

The house break in. I was on the phone in my office when I saw a young man walk up the back steps and heard him go in the house. There was a stranger in my house! Rob called the cops and I locked myself in the office as I heard the man tramp through the place. The next ten minutes seemed like half an hour until Rob and the cops turned up. I was terrified. Through that whole time, I managed to calm down and notice what I was
doing to myself: I was running 'what if' scenarios through my head, I was mourning the loss of my safety as I could never work at home alone again, and so on. Essentially, I was working myself in to a complete lather when I was actually fine. The kid left the house after two minutes (I heard the door slam). It turns out he was a young fella with Down Syndrome who was just a little lost.

The biggest fears I faced in that moment were all in my own imagination. I was the one terrorising myself. When I brought my awareness gently back to the moment, I could feel calm again. And this week, I am still working from home, and feel quite safe.

My course selling out. That was a fun one! I simply focused on what I wanted to feel (connected, engaged, fun), who I wanted to work with (folks who want to learn and grow and collaborate in a powerful fun atmosphere) and poof! The Canberra course was sold out.

For the record, I still have room on my telecourse. If you are keen to learn and thrive in a community of like-minded thinkers, then check it out here.

IVF hormones. No doubt about it, trying to get pregnant is an emotionally charged process, especially if it is a protracted affair. This is our second round of IVF. However, the experience is different for me this time. I have been a little more emotional that's true, and
my stomach has swollen like a watermelon. However, I have been giving myself a break mentally - no more pressure on myself, no more wondering 'what if' . Lately I have been focussing on what I want through having a child: connection, opportunity to love and support and cherish. And I have been focusing my attention on where I can feel this now: with my hubby, with the folks who are in the 3 Pillars workshop, and maybe in getting a pet. My girlfriend recently bought a dog after trying for babies for over three years and presto! she's preggers. So I figure something more cuddly than the worms in my worm farm far might be in order.

Through all this, the lessons are simple: keep focussed on what I want - how I want to feel, and allow myself to feel those lovely feelings now, regardless of circumstances. We are the ones after all who make something 'good' or 'bad' - we make the meanings in our life, we tell the stories that make us feel good or make us feel bad. We get to choose. So why not choose a meaning that feels good?

That my friends is how you live a life of delight, peace, and happiness.

Here's to you and your life,


Author's Bio: 

Zoë Routh is the Head Coach at Inner Compass, the exclusive Law of Attraction Growth Center for funky evolved professionals where you can get the FREE Law of Attraction Checklist. Zoe has paddled 30 weeks by canoe in northwest Ontario, run 6 marathons, hiked hundreds of kilometres in Australia’s outback, bellydanced at various festivals, written a book, survived cancer, married a fair dinkum Aussie bloke, and wrestled a 6 meter crocodile. It’s all true, except for the crocodile part. Sign up for more Law of Attraction Block Busting Tips and your free Attraction Checklist in Compass Bearings at