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To Live a New Life: Self Transformation
At the start of each new day you are a being of pure inner stillness. You can feel an appreciation by knowing that you have the right to your own freedom of choice! Particularly, you may choose to live in the Present Moment. Why carry around the past ... Views: 882
The Luminosity of Your “Sparkling Soul”
Perhaps you, like many, have heard the old familiar proverb that “The eyes are the window to the soul” which is really nothing new; however, I am taking it one step further to say that the heart must then be the doorway. Since we are living during ... Views: 3058
Food For Thought: Healthy Hurry Up-Foods When You’re on the Run
As we approach the beginning of another long awaited summer, the season is ripe for creating a healthy balance! Yes, we have all heard it before and it must be true, “You are what you eat”, so choose from a selection of good ... Views: 932
Impel your Inner Vision
Do you have a vision you’d like to make real? Inasmuch as your vision feels real for you, and has the potency to move you, will you be able to imagine it all the more clearly. This is where it all begins! As you earnestly believe in it, you can enthusiastically immerse ... Views: 1870
Self Determination Theory in the Real World
Have you thought about the significance that self determination and empowerment principles have had on you lately? We’re all faced with daily situations that offer us instant opportunity to integrate this concept into our repertoire of behavioral ... Views: 1619
Directions From Our Deep Desires
We Are All In This Life Together.
We are inter-connected in such an infinite number of ways! Sometimes this may seem somewhat subtle yet at other times it is certainly quite clear. Of course I am aware that this is nothing that you didn’t know! ... Views: 1407
Your Dream Reservoir
As we all face the necessities of life, its no wonder that we live in a world where adapting to day to day challenges has become so commonplace; however,in order to truly flourish our hearts must stay open to keep our dreams alive! Could you imagine if the world ... Views: 1139
The Truth About Energy: Mind, Body, Spirit
Energy is the source of all life. It is what we are all made of!
Interestingly, the concept of energy offers multiple meanings and presents various types. The most basic definition states that it is the vehicle for creating a reaction, motion or ... Views: 851
Have Faith in the New Day
We’ve all had questions to which we’ve all asked for answers! In fact, in many ways one might actually see life itself as a journey of questions and answers; though, of course we know that it is so much more than that! Sometimes an answer we need seems well beyond ... Views: 1308
The Self: An Evolving Constant
A true yet perplexing paradox of self is that it is an evolving constant. It is that stable sense of constancy yet it also embodies an undeniable fluidity over time. This irony captures the Self in its most fundamental dualism. It may be an understatement to say ... Views: 1086
Ponder The Impossible: This Is Your Creative Journey
This is your creative journey that you alone discover. Go ahead and ponder the impossible. Give yourself the liberty to take ownership of your natural gifts! What if what seems to be impossible can actually be very possible? Are you ... Views: 1835
Take Time To Embrace The Sunset
Beyond what anyone can imagine, the image of a sunset is simply profound! Wouldn’t you agree? Upon viewing a sunset, you may feel that you are suddenly changed by the pure light vibrations that cast their magical virtues into the atmosphere. It's not unusual ... Views: 699
You Have The Key To Your Own Heart
Did you know that you have the key to your own heart?
Heart and Soul is Who You Are, and it’s who I am. This has always been the source of my highest guiding self. My heart tells me who I am and also what I want. It moves me into my true passions that ... Views: 1229
The Truth of Your Sparkling Soul: Sitting at the Gazebo
While sitting at the gazebo you may notice that time stands still. It is a moment that transcends the confines of time as you know it. You can lose yourself in the sunshine from its warmth as the light breeze in the air provides you with ... Views: 825
The Tree Embraces Its True Nature
The secrets of creation may be found within the infinite wisdom of a tree.
A tree can teach us much more than we may even come to know. When we are challenged by situations that seem insurmountable to us, the tree provides a gentle comfort through its ... Views: 786
Self Differentiation Is Good For Your Family Too
When the student is ready, the teacher appears! Would you agree that this is so very true? I certainly hope so. When I first learned of this proverb it crystallized as fascinating, intuitive and perfectly good sense to me. We’ve all heard it ... Views: 639
Love Lives Within The Truth of Your Heart
The sacred energy in the world amongst us all is love. It is what keeps the spirit alive.
Love has an immeasurable power to connect us no matter where we may be. It is a gentle heart to heart, soul to soul nudging. For it is only your heart that ... Views: 1208
Where There Is a Will There Is A Way
The truth is that we are living in our physical bodies and have “this” one life to live. We each can only take it one day at a time! Of course, I know that this is nothing new to you. In fact, its a philosophy you’ve heard dozens of times before; ... Views: 1253
Like The Tree, Root Deeply In Yourself
To visualize a tree is an amazing image. It comes in so many distinctive forms and has a broad range of unique characteristics. The Cherry Blossoms, the Apple Blossoms and the Pine trees are all part of Mother Nature’s tapestry. You may simply see green ... Views: 1040
The Wonders of Water: Metaphor in Motion
You may agree that the greatest metaphor for life is held deep within the beauty of water in its many splendid forms. It speaks for itself when you simply look at the rippling rivers, luminous lakes, wondrous waterfalls, sparkling streams and ... Views: 1012
Your Sparkling Soul: The Heart of God
Did you really think that you can plan your life out? You may certainly go ahead and try to. It makes sense to me to make every effort to do so, though sooner or later you’ll need to surrender to a much bigger plan at play. The higher power/ God ... Views: 1093
Getting Past An Uncomfortable Comfort Zone
Have you ever wondered why some people are able to successfully make change, yet many others cannot? This has remained a great mystery to many. Perhaps you have taken that moment to reflect and ask yourself this same question? I’m sure we all have ... Views: 853
Love Finds The Way
Love is the greatest equalizer that we all come to know. It does not care who you are, what you do, where you live, or what you think. It takes you where you need to be and shows you what you need to do. It is exacting and timely. It is ethereal and practical. It is ... Views: 1095
The Grace of Spirit
Life unfolds in such miraculous ways! It embraces such vast polarity with many unexpected ironies along the way. Each and every one of us is witness to this mysterious phenomenon. We just know it is true from day to day and throughout our lives. The impact is oftentimes ... Views: 1184
The Right Coach For You
The right coach for you is one who unveils the great potential and inner wisdom that you have had within all along. This coach will enhance your ability to self-trust and allow you to crystallize your vision so that you feel motivated and inspired to co-create your ... Views: 859
Conscious Discernment:Distinguishing Your Values
The essential foundation for distinguishing who you are begins with recognizing, appreciating and honoring your prized individuality. Although this may sound simplistic, it is highly significant because oftentimes we are conditioned to give ... Views: 1712
Deciding: It’s your Decision
Making decisions are a part of everyone’s life. This is the right you have to your autonomy, well being and pursuit of happiness. They may be the smallest of small ones or the largest of large ones; nevertheless, they may all impact you on many levels. When faced ... Views: 820
Living in a universe with constant change
Faithful Choices
Did you ever think that it was your choice to be here on this earth, just as much as it was also mine? It is therefore necessary that each of us must realize that the core values we hold within our heart and soul are ... Views: 1117
Obstacles are Gifts
It may sound simplistic but where you are today is exactly where you need to be. Would you take this moment to truly honor this concept? Although our lifetime experiences all differ greatly, we are all faced with challenges that present themselves as they are in fact, ... Views: 956
The Shadows are gone
Once upon a time there lived a tree. In fact,it was a very large tree that looked strong and appeared to stand firmly within the ground. It boasted it’s tree trunk with several connected branches, some of which seemed to be reaching out ... Views: 616