Food For Thought: Healthy Hurry Up-Foods When You’re on the Run

As we approach the beginning of another long awaited summer, the season is ripe for creating a healthy balance! Yes, we have all heard it before and it must be true, “You are what you eat”, so choose from a selection of good tasting, wholesome foods. The good news is that you’ll only need to take a few moments to plan it out; just five minutes for the “To Do List” and another ten or so to sort and package the goodies when you return home from the supermarket.

Vital Choices: It’s up to you to take claim to your health. You have this freedom to create from a beautiful assortment of food that is ideal for when you’re in that hurry up mode, without even that minute to spare. Perhaps you may have some exciting plans to picnic with friends, go to the beach, the park, wander outdoors, go boating, biking or whatever it is that you love to do! There’s no time to waste since we know how quickly the summer days will easily slip by us as they always do. You can trust in your own nutritious snacks that you prepare for yourself when you know you’re on the run. They are ready when you are! Keep them in the front of your refrigerator in plastic baggies and mix and match your favorites for yourself, your family, friends and especially young children.

You Are The Consumer: Eating is a behavior. It is unavoidable. In fact, it is truly a social way of life. It is the mainstay for every occasion! It may be practical or impractical at times as well. Ideally you’ll want to create balance amongst all of the food groups; however, this article focuses on hurry up snacks to go. So pick your personal favorites, we all have them! Red apples, yellow bananas, strawberries, green grapes, celery, peppers, oranges and carrots just to name a few! All of which all will contribute to boosting energy and uplifting your mood when you’re feeling that drag from the steamy swelter of the high heat. These natural nourishments stay fresh and don’t spoil from the heat whereas many other foods may do so.

Believe it or not, there’s no need for guilt when it comes to snacking on the raw gifts from mother-nature’s bounty. Also remember that almonds and raisins, or your preferred nuts, all fit neatly in your purse or pocket and compliment the fruits and veggies well. You can feel good about your eating as you create sustained habits that you can implement all year long that contribute to your own best health, regardless of age and lifestyle.

Life Style/ Time Management: The necessity of pre-planning to keep these foods on hand is not just helpful to your physical well being and health; it also allows you to integrate an eating on the run schedule with the art of multi tasking that may challenge your time management skills. When you think about all of the precious time spent in traveling and stopping into places with waiting lines etc. you’ll begin to realize how valuable cultivating this habit can be. The main principle to remember is that eating right is key to keeping up with the lifestyle of your choice. It’s entirely up to you and no one else.

Strategy for Change: Of course any and every one of us can benefit by consulting with a specialist/ dietician to discuss health concerns, limitations and metabolic questions that may or may not relate to an illness you may have. Illness brings in another variable that should be explored at great length in its own right. However, you may find it is quite revealing and informative to keep a food diary in order to see exactly what you consume throughout the course of a day and week. We sometimes eat “unconsciously” and need to incorporate habits of “mindfulness” to become more aware of what we put into our body. We can all benefit by that extra piece of fruit or vegetable that will nicely substitute for the sugary snacks that come in packages. Change begins with setting the intention first and following through one step at a time. It may sound strange, but just one fruit can be the start of a new beginning. Eating on the go when you’re in a hurry, requires “hurry up foods” that will enhance your health. I know you can do it.

Food For Thought: Lastly, let’s not forget that food feeds not just our stomachs. It feeds all our emotions and psyche as well. We use food as the currency to celebrate the many occasions that come up. On the other hand, we also use it to calm and comfort ourselves when we’re in emotional distress or pain. Food transforms our mind, body, and spirit as it metabolizes into our entire energy system. Food is the blueprint that creates your body’s home. You get to decide how you want to design the interior of your home.

You deserve Good Health! Don’t put off to tomorrow what you can do today. Make the most of your Summer and design the unique plan that works for you. Your body will thank you in the end.

Author's Bio: 

Moreen is a New Jersey Licensed Social Worker who has earned her MSW degree and also holds a BA in Psychology. Her holistic philosophy integrates traditional and alternative modalities in all of her creative endeavors.

She has certification as a Life Purpose and Life Career Coach with The Life Purpose Institute. She enjoys coaching in this arena because she believes in principles that access intrinsic motivation. Additionally, she has been trained in Heart Centered Hypnotherapy, Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP), Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (Level II), Masters’ level Reiki Practitioner as well as other Communication modalities, such as Parenting Education.

She has worked in both clinical and non clinical settings with individuals ranging from as young as pre-school age throughout the geriatric population. She is a free lance writer currently dedicating her time to this passion. She reads and writes metaphysical, transformational, self-help literature. She has co-authored a metaphysical book for both children and adults that has been submitted for publication. She has also written a chapter in PWN’s “The Confident Woman: Tapping Into Your Inner Power” which will be released August 2, 2013.

She can be reached at (732) 754-8681 and Linked In
She is available for free lance writing by appointment