The Truth About Energy: Mind, Body, Spirit

Energy is the source of all life. It is what we are all made of!

Interestingly, the concept of energy offers multiple meanings and presents various types. The most basic definition states that it is the vehicle for creating a reaction, motion or transmission of vibrations. We’ve all heard of the many catch all types that exist such as thermal, solar, sound and even nuclear energy. Then of course there’s the concept of transformational energy which underlies the principles for those who seek personal growth. This is the type that I choose to discuss in this article. It is the core basis of who you and I am. It is the means for self expression and for creating a meaningful life. It is what exemplifies that we’re truly alive! It is the common denominator for all aspects of your health including psychological, physical, and spiritual as well as your overall sense of happiness and well being.

I write this article in order to emphasize two overarching methods by which you may increase and thereby focus your energy. The first is by increasing healthy behaviors and intentions and the other is by eliminating toxicity or time wasting activities and energy draining people. When you are able to combine both strategies and fully integrate this as a life philosophy, you will be on the road to maximizing your personal energy quotient.

You don’t need to be a great philosopher to appreciate the old adage “Know Thyself” first! As this is really key to understanding the truth about energy. When you know yourself first, you will be more apt and better able to take control over your fluctuating energy levels. More specifically, what I mean by this is that when you are able to observe the rhythmic cycles that occur throughout your 24 hour day, you’ll be able to incorporate energy management skills that work for you. With this said you can organize your day so that you may more effectively manage these cycles and thereby determine how to best optimize your time to your advantage. As we are receptive and become greater informed by our circadian rhythms, we are more able to create a daily routine that allows us to accomplish tasks during peak production times. When we can master our own individual cycles we not only reduce other distractions in this way, we are able to find greater enjoyment in what it is that we are doing.

In today’s progressive world, I think it’s fair to say that we are all well aware of the importance for physical nourishment. The only thing that I will say in this regard is that good nutrition is essential for increasing available energy expenditure. You can consult with a nutritionist if you feel it would benefit you to address diet modification and develop healthier food consumption. There are many theories now that take into consideration a wide spectrum of biological (Blood Type Theory), psychological as well as genetic factors that impact metabolism and all areas of functioning. I am going to make an assumption that with today’s social consciousness for higher nutritional awareness we already know how important lifestyle choice is to our overall health and our energy fields.

What I find most fascinating is what is referred to as “renewable energy”. This is about making and taking time to recharge oneself at the earliest sign of need. The reason I feel this is so crucial is because given that we are all human, we all fall into that “energy rut” from time to time and need to find the way out fast. If you are getting the recommended number of hours of sleep and regularly use stress management skills, then perhaps you would benefit from a customized lifestyle protocol that creates ways to replenish your energy source.

Many factors come into play that affects your ability to renew your personal energy. Spiritual activities, such as meditation or nature walks can uplift you almost immediately. For others, maybe its soothing music or art or other constructive outlets that have the power to shift you out of an energy rut. Inspirational reading is something that I find helpful! Once you figure out which inspiration boosts you up the best, you can structure it into your week, as it fits into your schedule. Don’t you deserve to infuse yourself with renewed energy? How important is it for you to feel vital and empowered?

The fact that energy is so dynamic and variable means that you have a greater amount of control over it than you may even realize. So maybe you’re not feeling energized yet? You may want to look at those energy drainers and toxic patterns at play in your life. It may take some time and also an inner courage to identify these; though, some will be no-brainers and real simple to do. If you are experiencing negative emotional cycles of worry, anger, blame, or even guilt and depression, you may not realize how much these emotions tax you. You may have become so used to these that they’ve become your emotional set point and go practically unnoticed. The truth is that they act like heavy weights that just have to be let down. Once you do this, you will begin to feel the difference. So by looking at and taking inventory of yourself may be the very first place to start. Self forgiveness may be necessary, and also forgiveness towards another. Energy gets stuck in negative emotional set points. Keep in mind that they can be changed.

The take home message is that the mind, body, spirit aspects of self awareness and self responsibility deeply affect the truth about your energy. If this is important enough to you, you will need to practice self care and cultivate the tools that you feel comfortable using. If you are not being validated by those around you and if you feel as if your boundaries are being broken, this is a negative drain on you that only you can fix for yourself. The emotional, physical and spiritual dimensions of you come together as one. You have this one moment in time now that you will never get back again. You have this one life to live now. So, be clear about how you want to spend your energy. Use it wisely, as it is your true essence. That is what I feel the truth of energy is.

It is the life force and the greatest gift we are each born with.

Author's Bio: 

Moreen is a New Jersey Licensed Social Worker who has earned her
M SW degree and also holds a BA in Psychology. Her holistic philosophy integrates traditional and alternative modalities in all of her creative endeavors.

She has completed her certification as a Life Purpose and Life Career Coach with The Life Purpose Institute. She enjoys coaching in this arena because she believes in principles that access intrinsic motivation. Additionally, she has been trained in Heart Centered Hypnotherapy, Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP), Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (Level II), Masters’ level Reiki Practitioner as well as other Communication modalities, such as Parenting Education.

She has worked in both clinical and non clinical settings with individuals ranging from as young as pre-school age throughout the geriatric population. She is a free lance writer currently dedicating her time to this passion. She reads and writes metaphysical, transformational, self-help literature. She has co-authored a metaphysical book for both children and adults that has been submitted for publication. She has also written a chapter in PWN’s “The Confident Woman: Tapping Into Your Inner Power” which will be released August 2, 2013.

She can be reached at (732) 754-8681
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