To better understand self-improvement coaching and what a personal business coach does, or as they are also called, personal development business coaches, I find that a great deal of the mystery around coaching can be taken away when we understand some key terms and how they are ... Views: 756
Are you ready to work with a personal business coach? Or, another way to say this is, are you going to be receptive to self-improvement business coaching?
Over many years of coaching I have observed that those who do well with my style of personal development business coaching, have a good ... Views: 689
Dr. Meredith Belbin defined a team role as “a tendency to behave, contribute an interrelate with others in aparticular way.”
He named nine such team roles that underlie team success. It is important to emphasize that these are not set instone behavioral patterns of individuals, rather these ... Views: 634
In my book, “Wings To Fly” I tell a shortened version of the following story. The story revolves around how we can set ourselves up for harm and failure without realizing that we are doing it. When we do, the consequences can be disastrous. Here’s the story.
The owl and his friend, the ... Views: 858
“During my 87 years I have witnessed a whole succession of technological revolutions. But none of them has done away with the need for character in the individual or the ability to think.”-Bernard Baruch. It is your choice to build your character and your ability to think. They are critical to ... Views: 2202
“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.”-Jalal Rumi. Wisdom comes when you arrive at the understanding that the power to shape your life belongs to you and to no one else.
The power to shape your life is yours. Yes, all of us can be ... Views: 999
Self Improvement TipsAt twelve years old I didn’t have a good attitude. I didn’t understand input, output and reward. On this particular day I had a bad attitude. It was normal for this day every year. As a young boy who loved to play there were other things I would rather be doing. Work around ... Views: 899
Do you feel stuck? Do you have a sense of being overwhelmed? Sometimes the solution to getting jump started and to accelerate the process of your successful performance is right in front of you.
Here’s the challenge. Are you going to take the step to grab what is right in front of you? ... Views: 1055
One of the interesting paradoxes is that we are raised with the thought that there is something inherently bad or wrong about us when we choose to quit. Yet, if we don`t quit the thoughts, emotions, ways of thinking and ways of doing things that are holding us back, there is no way we can grow. ... Views: 755
With the challenging economic climate, many people long to become business entrepreneurs and start their own business. However, starting your own business can be challenging and many people are reluctant because they worry that they don`t know how to run a business. It is important to start your ... Views: 1040
I believe that quitting is a good thing. In fact, many of the best things in my business and life have come from quitting. In my personal business coaching practice I collaborate with and support successful people. Interestingly, the one thing that all of them are seeking is to quit what isn`t ... Views: 883
I know everyone reading this post has experienced change. Yet change doesn’t mean growth. I thought I was growing because I was experiencing change. Yet, I had truly faked myself out. My attitudes, thoughts and the methods I used for approaching things did not change.
Growth Is A ... Views: 925
Passion certainly makes things you more interested in whatever you are involved in at the moment. When you are displaying passion in response to a person, situation or event you are definitely more committed whether it be positive or negative.
What about the passion in your business and your ... Views: 877
As a young boy growing up, I learned about the power of focus. Unfortunately, I was learning how to use the power of focus this bright fall day but I didn’t have the wisdom to use it properly.
I was always intrigued by my Dad’s magnifying glass. My Dad wasn’t home this day and I decided to ... Views: 792
Mark Twain once said, If you want energy go out and give it to someone else. Over the years I have been fortunate to lead not only businesses but several volunteer organizations. The ones where we had the greatest success is where all of us were creating energy.
Yet, many self-employed ... Views: 982
The world has never seen a great leader in the world or in business who has lacked commitment. If you want to be an effective leader, you have to be committed. Why? True commitment will attract and inspire people. They are attracted to your conviction.
To lead others you have to believe ... Views: 1076
The world has never seen a great leader in the world or in business who has lacked commitment. If you want to be an effective leader, you have to be committed. Why? True commitment will attract and inspire people. They are attracted to your conviction.
To lead others you have to believe ... Views: 1076
Decisions-Take The Time
Very often we make decisions without even thinking about the context in which we are making them. This can lead to some bad consequences. Are things going well? Are they going badly? Are you under a lot of stress? Remember there is good stress and bad stress. And ... Views: 992
Decisions-Take The Time
Very often we make decisions without even thinking about the context in which we are making them. This can lead to some bad consequences. Are things going well? Are they going badly? Are you under a lot of stress? Remember there is good stress and bad stress. And ... Views: 992
At this time in my life, virtually everything I do is a team effort. In my personal business coaching, public speaking and career coaching I have a team to support me. But, when I was younger, I used to try to do everything myself. Or, as my businesses grew, I would try to know everything in ... Views: 861
Life is full of surprises, and the adjustment of our attitudes is a lifelong project. Think about your destiny in business and life. It will never be determined by our complaining spirits or high expectations. In my business coaching practice and in my own life I had to come face to face with ... Views: 1388
Building a team is one of the quickest paths to business success. Whether you are running a small business, starting your own business or in a corporate environment the value of having a good team is critical to any success.
Yet, very often in my business coaching practice, whether it be ... Views: 778
Most people are resistant to change. They desire improvement but they resist changing their everyday routine. That’s a problem because, as leadership expert Max DePree says, “We cannot become what we need to be by remaining what we are.” To sharpen your talent through practice, you need to do ... Views: 836
One of the things most self-employed business owners, entrepreneurs and solo professionals dislike is confrontation. What I have seen time and again in my personal business coaching practice is that avoiding confrontation very often causes problems to fester, grow bigger and ... Views: 914
Who is running your business? For this one particular client, a self-employed business owner, the answer or the truth was a revelation. As a personal business coach I have collaborated with and supported business owners, executives and managers in various stages of business and personal ... Views: 1243
The momentum was gone and so was the fun for one of my personal business coaching clients. As he looked up from his desk he sighed and said, “This is no fun any more.”
I have encountered this scenario numerous times in my business coaching practice and it even happened to me in the businesses ... Views: 987
Marketing is one of the most important keys to business success. It is essential to have a good marketing business plan. But all the wonderful marketing strategies in the world are nothing and even worse, counterproductive, if your clients expectations are not met or exceeded in their experience ... Views: 898
Confrontation is very challenging for most self-employed business owners. As a personal business coach, and having owned several successful small businesses I found myself in a state of dread about confrontation with employees.
I had many fears about confrontation. How do I handle it? What if ... Views: 1352
Coming up with a solution, as any self-employed business owner, entrepreneur or solo professional knows is the key to advancing in small business. Small business by its very nature is about successful problem solving.
Yet, as a personal business coach I see clients from time to time get an ... Views: 1124
A job description can be the tipping point to having a successful small business. Too often,the self-employed business owner becomes immersed in performing the business and really doesn’t know what his employees are doing and how they are doing it.
This is a recipe for disaster or a near ... Views: 894
Success for Maximus, the Roman general who was forced to become a gladiator in the movie The Gladiator, came when he won the crowd. Too often self-employed business owners are looking for that one big client that is going to push them over the top and on the road to great success.
Very often ... Views: 1021
Action is the most important key to success. Think about it. Whether you are a self-employed business owner, entrepreneur, solo professional or an individual you are ultimately measured by your results which come from the action you take.
Action—It’s The Start
There is an old saying that ... Views: 1182
As a personal business coach one of the great joys is watching the creation of a small business. It’s like painting a portrait on which you can put your autograph. But unlike a painting which at some point is finished, the creation part never really ends and running a small business too, is an ... Views: 808
Money was not a problem for my client and his company. For the purposes of this event I will call him ‘Bob’. Ten years ago he had started his oil industry affiliated business. Year after year sales grew and profits increased. He drew a lower mid-level six figure salary.
You may ask as I ... Views: 1007
One of the more interesting situations I have come across in my personal business coaching practice has to do with what someone was subscribing to. When I ask most people or when I am asked myself, “What am I subscribing to?”….my first thought is that someone is asking me what I ... Views: 843
Process is critical to small and large business success. In my personal business coaching practice I find that initially the self-employed business owner, executive or manager puts almost their entire focus on results. Results are the critical measurement of any progress. Yet, the most ... Views: 903
Business Coaching The Power Of The Personal Hand Written Note
Personal hand written notes are powerful. I once heard it said that “You have the power to make someone’s day at the end of your pen.” And, I have seen the truth in this not only in my own life but in the businesses and lives of my ... Views: 1017
You are now faced with the job search challenge. One of the big challenges in life is to make a successful job change or career move. For some, depending on the industry they are in this can be relatively easy. But for the vast majority of job seekers it is a time of high stress, anxiety and ... Views: 1086
I have found that for most of us, writing a resume with impact is is a challenge. A resume that truly reflects well on an individual is one of the most difficult challenges for my clients.More often than not, resumes are the first part of the sorting process for most employers.A well written ... Views: 1211
Effective leaders have a vision of what they must accomplish. That vision becomes the energy behind every effort and the force that pushes through all problems. Whether you are an individual, self-employed business owner, entrepreneur or solo professional having a vision will add clarity and ... Views: 1249
Character is a creative endeavor. You do have a choice when it comes to character. It is somewhat like an artist creating a sculpture. In my opinion, as a personal development coach, character is not something that just happens by itself. A chisel cannot create a work of art without the hand ... Views: 1055
Success in business and life is about the journey. What is the journey? First of all it is about our health. Most of the time people focus on physical health and ignore or downplay their mental health.
To experience small business success and the life you desire you must be aware of the ... Views: 1061
Business and life are full of uncertainty. And, for small business growth to take place you must have back up. When looking at help for small business, having back up or a contingency plan is essential for success.
In business, the concept of backing up or having a contingency plan can mean ... Views: 841
A performance strategy for small business success is the primary focus of all my clients. Yet, understanding and recognizing failure is a part of a successful performance strategy. In small business coaching the goal is to learn from the small failures and from them move forward to success. ... Views: 1056
A winning small business marketing strategy is one of the keys to success in business. Is this true or false? As a personal business coach I can tell you this is true. Having a successful small business marketing strategy is essential to success.
Small Business Marketing Strategy: What Is ... Views: 933
One of the most important keys to success is understanding that failure’s most dangerous attribute is subtlety. Recognizing failure and taking action to get on the right course is one of the critical keys to success in business and life. Many people see it as one grand event such a business ... Views: 1206
Small business success and how it is tied to raising your standards was the focus of a client meeting I had at the beginning of the year. This business owner was looking for 2010 to be a breakout year.
As his business coach, I can tell you that he was experiencing small business success. ... Views: 1119
Small business success encompasses many things. Most importantly, your foundation for small business success is based on your motivation. Your motivation directs you to do whatever you think is valuable. But to have the small business success you desire, motivation alone is not enough. ... Views: 1111
Keys To Success: Self-Education Will Make You A Fortune
In collaborating and supporting my clients as a business coach the accountability that business coaching brings is about accelerating the success process. For anyone who has ever used the services of a business coach you know that the ... Views: 2814
The Keys To Success: Are You Ready To Discover Them?
As a business coach I have had the privilege of collaborating with people who are self-employed and who wish to accelerate the process of their successful performance. I find three strong motivators, or drivers, that bring most people into ... Views: 1128
What are the business keys to success? If we knew what they were then everyone would use them and all businesses would be successful. I think you would agree that whether you are an entrepreneur, solo professional or a business owner running a small business one of the keys to success is your ... Views: 1150