Gynecology is the process or part of physiology and medication which manages the functions and ailments exclusively for ladies and girls, particularly those who experience reproduction issues, as it helps to repair menstrual issues from its main causes and again.
What Ayurveda is?
Ayurveda ... Views: 575
Paralysis is a neuro-physiological condition which restricts the movement of certain parts of your body. There are several levels of severities including temporary, permanent paralysis and it may even come and go. There are also different types of paralysis as well.
For many types of ... Views: 933
Cancer is a life threatening disease and although there is allopathic treatment for cancer available in the allopathic system, the drugs prescribed for cancer have very serious side effects. This is the reason that many people are opting for Ayurvedic treatment for cancer in Nagpur and ... Views: 898
Diabetes is a lifestyle disease that creates a lot of trouble for the patient. The high blood sugar in diabetes can cause damage to vital organs like kidneys, heart, etc. if not controlled properly. The allopathic system of medicine can only keep the blood sugar level low but cannot cure the ... Views: 822
Ayurveda has its origin 5000 years ago in India. Even modern science is now convinced of the power of Ayurveda in treating many health problems. Even a serious ailment like cancer can be treated with the help of Ayurvedic medicines. A lot of research is being conducted to find out the efficacy ... Views: 673
Cancer is a life-threatening disease which if not treated can cause the death of the patient. According to Ayurveda cancer is caused by the vitiation of Agni which is the fire element. The body is made up of five elements – earth, fire, water, air, and space. A vitiation of any of these can ... Views: 965
In Ayurveda paralysis is called Pakhaghata and refers to the loss of movement or sensation or both in any one part of the whole body. Ayurveda can completely cure some forms of paralysis and in others can help the patient lead as independent a life as possible.
Ayurveda is a holistic science ... Views: 1031
Diabetes mellitus type 2 is a metabolic disorder in which the body fails to utilize the insulin produced by the pancreas, or in some cases, the pancreas produces lower insulin levels than necessary. Diabetes can majorly hinder your life and blood sugar levels if not controlled can lead to ... Views: 976
As defined by the National Wellness Institute, “Wellness is an active process through which people become aware of, and make choices toward, a more successful existence.” Following the same meaning and belief, Ayurveda has its own science of wellness that caters to optimal health and well-being ... Views: 800
is taking a toll on human health and is gradually becoming the cause of the highest number of death rates in the world. Talking about the Indian scenario, the National Cancer Registry Programme of the India Council of Medical Research reveals that more than 1300 Indians die of cancer every day ... Views: 878
The spinal cord is one of the most important parts of a human nervous system that caters to form the main structure that is a complex formation of muscles, nerves, ligaments, and bones. Any malfunctioning occurring at any of these points, the entire spinal cord comes into the problem.
It is ... Views: 1054
Ayurveda is an ancient Indian system of medicine which now even modern science and allopathic doctors are recommending. This is because Ayurveda is a holistic system of medicine which aims at your overall well being and not just physical cures. More and more scientific research is being aimed at ... Views: 934
Paralysis is known as Pakshaghat in Ayurveda and there are many treatments for this problem. On the other hand, in the allopathic system of medicine, there is only minimal relief from the symptoms, but the basic issue is not addressed. In Ayurveda, the entire body of the person is treated as a ... Views: 1376
Cancer is a dreaded disease that can become fatal if not diagnosed and treated within a proper time. This ailment can grow out of control and affect not just the part it is in but the entire body. Usually, the body cells grow, divide and die repeatedly in the natural course of being. However, ... Views: 878
Diabetes is the condition in which the body is not able to utilize the glucose in the body to generate energy. This occurs because there is a lack of insulin or a very less amount of it generated by the pancreas. The level of sugar in the blood becomes very high as it is not being utilized in ... Views: 974
Diabetes is a disorder in which the ability to utilize the glucose released after digestion of food, becomes impaired leading to increased levels of glucose in the blood and urine. In the process of digestion the carbohydrates, proteins, etc. are broken down into glucose and this glucose ... Views: 939
Nowadays skin and hair problems are common due to the increasing pollution and unhealthy lifestyle. Men and women both face skin and hair problems and allopathic system of medicine usually does not have the right treatment for them. If you are looking for the best skin specialist in Nagpur then ... Views: 695
If you are looking for the best gynecology treatment then you should opt for an ayurvedic gynecologist. This is because Ayurveda through an ancient science is a holistic system of medicine which takes into consideration the body as a whole, unlike allopathic system. The body is analyzed ... Views: 757
Ayurveda is known to be able to cure many diseases that are considered to be incurable according to allopathy. Few people know that Ayurveda has an effective treatment for cancer also. According to Ayurveda if you know the root cause of an ailment then there is everything in this science that ... Views: 854
The liver is truly the engine of the human body. It plays multiple roles, which include aiding the digestive system, metabolism and manufacturing the compounds that are essential to keep the body healthy. In fact, the liver is responsible for converting clear plasma (Rasa Dhatu) present inside ... Views: 1188
Ayurveda Defines the Best Cure for Knee Pain
Ayurveda is an ancient line of medicine invented in India. This involves treatment of health issues using medicines (aushadhi), some exercises and change in eating habits. It is a holistic way of treating the problems like knee pain, which is ... Views: 1002
Our generation has been experiencing the highest revolution of globalization. However, along with its benefits in our day-to-day life, comes the drawback of having to constantly carry our books and laptops on our shoulder, and habits begin from our school life and continue till the end of our ... Views: 829
Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disorder in which the pancreas fails to function properly in the secretion of insulin. Due to the low level of insulin in the body, the glucose produced as a result of digestion of food cannot be used properly by the body. This glucose accumulates in the blood ... Views: 1123
One of the deadliest medical conditions in 21st century, i.e. cancer has been spreading drastically, also attacking victims from all age groups, and according to WHO, has now been globally known as world’s most lethal life threat. Along with it, it is really tragic that the primary causes of ... Views: 1034
Specialized hospitals are those which deal with any particular type of surgery or deals with special medical needs. Specialized hospitals help reduce medical and surgery costs.
Special care hospital in Nagpur come in different types ranging from long term acute care hospitals, rehabilitation ... Views: 812
Ayurvedic Science of Curing Skin Blushing
Blushing of the face is a typical reaction or the bodily response that takes place when an individual is uneasy and self-conscious, feeling or showing anger, energized, or is going through some type of a powerful emotion. Flushing of face or a flushed ... Views: 801
Hyperglycemia is one of the key characteristics of diabetes especially type 1 or type 2 diabetes. The disease has a cure and be controlled and kicked off. Diabetes treatment in Nagpur and other cities of India have their own set of Ayurvedic cure and remedies for the best relief.
High blood ... Views: 1023
Starts in the bone marrow most blood cancers are also called hematologic cancers. When the abnormal blood cells start growing out of control, interrupting the function of normal blood cells, which fight off infection and produce new blood cells then the condition, is called blood cancer. ... Views: 681
The spinal cord is a major part of the human nervous system the vertebrae are a complex structure of ligaments, muscles and bone structures. These vertebrae of the spinal column work together and support the body movement. Under some unfortunate circumstances, the vertebrae start degenerating or ... Views: 883
Excess accumulation of the fat in the body is called obesity. It is the most common disorder of the modern age. Constant indulgence in fried, high-fat foods along with a sedentary lifestyle results in excessive fat getting blocked in various body channels. Apart from exercise, there is ... Views: 1314
When a couple cannot conceive even after having regular unprotected sexual intercourse is called infertility. It is a common issue over 6% of women aged 15 to 44 are facing these days. It can be due to the woman, the man, both sexes, and or unknown problems. Though there are treatments present ... Views: 757
Ayurveda has different methods of treating various ailments and healing people suffering from the same. This certainly includes Panchakarma, which is regarded as the most precious gift to mankind by Ayurveda. The Ayurvedic experts and doctors often are seen motivating people to get a set of five ... Views: 1225
A regular exercise routine throughout the tenure of your pregnancy can help you to stay healthy and be at your best. Exercise can help to improve posture and decrease discomforts of backache and fatigue. Research has proven conclusively that exercise can prevent gestational diabetes, relieve ... Views: 884
The knee is a body part of the human being that bears too much stress and pressure, particularly for the ones who are into extreme physical activities like sportsman and athlete. This can cause pain, which may at times become difficult to address. However, with knee pain treatment in Ayurveda, ... Views: 746
A female is often seen undergoing different physiological and physical changes while she is in her reproductive phase (from menarche to menopause during the onset of menstruation). It is important for them to be aware of these changes as it will help them in managing these changes as when ... Views: 712
Ayurveda is often called the essence of healthy living. It is an ancient system of treatment and medicine, which offer the best the most promising wellness along with the balance since so many years. Ayurveda is called the Science of Life and it is a complete therapeutic system. It has been in ... Views: 608
India has a rich heritage of herbs and spices known to exhibit medicinal properties through a wide variety of culinary experiences. Most of them have excellent antioxidant properties with life changing biological processes contributing to inducing changes in cellular processes of the human body. ... Views: 615
Some of the best gynaecologist hospitals in nagpur are Ayurvedic treatment facilities. Gynaecological issues have become serious global health problems and Ayurveda is providing an effective alternative therapy option where other options haven’t been able to yield long-term treatment. So what ... Views: 666
Ayurveda and Gynecology
Ayurveda is the recipe of ancient wellness and the key to good health. It takes the natural elements that have made us up to treat us and to prevent us from any disease. All ailments are possible to be treated and presented in the realm of ayurveda.
Gynecology is ... Views: 588
Ayurveda is the new buzzword to treat a wide range of ailments found in human being. Despite being 2000 year old, it has proved effective against many ailments including even for the diabetes treatment. The outcome of various treatment options available in this ancient science has attracted many ... Views: 850
If you or a loved one is suffering from slip disc, prolapsed disc, or herniated disc, ayurvedic panchakarma treatment can be an effective way to treat your condition. This form of traditional Indian medicine has been in use for hundreds of years and has been proven to be effective and safe. ... Views: 567