“When two or more come together, they are joined by Spirit.” Thus says Sir Cheo, Spiritual Warrior and Psychic, in his online blog. When you hear these words and know the validity of them you might also remember the words in the Bible that said “Where two or more are joined in my name, I will be there”. Does that mean the spiritual world and the religious world are not so far apart after all? Of course it does. It is best to remember that spirituality is our birthright. We are born of the Spirit and if we allow ourselves to learn, we can retune ourselves with nature and be in harmony with the world at large. Now you are asking yourself how you can do this. Well, it is not complicated at all.
• You can allow the world to go on around you. If you do this, things will happen in your life that you may or may not like but you will have no control over them. You will be an observer in the world around you and in your own spiritual growth. You will only be hearing what is said by others and, eventually, will find yourself living by their rules as if you do not exist or matter. The world needs observers so that it can function but do you need to be one? In the end, it is your decision but, sometimes, the decision itself makes you a participant.
• You can search for the true meaning for your life. You will become a person in charge of his/her destiny by participating in your spiritual growth. You will need to allow yourself to grow and, sometimes you will need to seek a spiritual advisor to assist you in learning and growing.
• A spiritual advisor can help you find your path in life. He/she will guide you with tools of his/her trade to the path you were meant to follow. After finding the path, the advisor will help you grow and learn. You can consult someone you already know or find someone online.
Three easy steps; this is all it takes to begin to be a participant in life and with the spirit. Remember that we are all responsible for each other in this world/universe. The world is changing daily and it requires that those of us with a spiritual inclination pursue that desire to its fullest.
The state we are in is transitory; not permanent. Something is going to change soon. It is that way with us personally but it is also the same with the universe around us. We are currently in a state of depression or upset in our world today. We spiritual beings need to be in the state of participation in our world today. We need to actively pursue our beliefs and use our psychic abilities to try to heal the flow of energy in the universe around us. We can’t be afraid of what someone else is going to say about us or how they are going to treat us after we speak of what is important to us. Remember that you are not responsible for what someone else thinks of you if you are being true to yourself and your beliefs. It is important that you learn to be your own media and LIVE YOUR MESSAGE.
Why is it so very important that you grow into your spiritual gifts now and that you share your gifts with others even if they are not of a like mind? I am sure you are aware that that the universe is in flux. It is really the dawning of the “Age of Aquarius” that was sung about in the Broadway show Hair. The planets are already beginning to align and as each planet passes through some of the other signs we here on earth will be feeling the full force of the progression. If you follow your astrology, chart this would be an excellent time for you to have it brought up to date by a professional so that you will know what you should expect in the next two years. This time is going to be one of upheaval in our lives and that of our country. We are on the path to an important planetary convergence that will be set on December 21, 2012.
Yes, this is the date that has been predicted by the Mayan’s and the American Indians and other ancient civilizations. Is it going to be the End of the World? No. In fact, people who have not participated with their spiritual gifts and beliefs may not even notice a change in the world on December 22, 2012. They will miss the importance of the changes in the universe and will not be able to help in those changes.
Participation is very important. Don’t just be an observer in the world. Observe those around you enough to know what you can do to aid them and then participate WITH them so that they can learn and understand.

Author's Bio: 

Freelance writer PD Rivers loves the mystic and esoteric. She is a genuine product of the New Age. A prolific writer who ghostwrites for those who don't have her way with words; especially psychics who have the gift of speech but not of writing.