Have you ever wondered about all those big mastermind groups that are always being talked about in the news and on the talk shows? A Mastermind group comes together around a central thought. They also have control issues; they often want to control the world (or at least their little portion of it). Oh, wait, did you think I was talking about groups that had high IQ's or that wanted to LEARN? Oh, heck no. I was talking about MASTERMIND GROUPS! Bilderberg; TriLateral Commission; those people.
The Bilderberg group is pretty famous. It meets once a year in an undisclosed place. Once in every few years it meets here in the U.S. It met several years ago in Hilton Head Island. They have to have places that are easy to secure. These people are interested in the world's wealth. Do they want to control it or are they trying to maxamize it? No one seems to know. Their meetings are secret. One news person is invited each to the proceedings each year. They are sworn to secrecy and cannot reveal anything they learn while at the convention. Some people call the group a "think tank" and others say they are actually a global group who gathers together to form policies in all of the influential countries around the world. With the 135 or so members, this could definitely be true. Once, again; there is no way to know for certain. I imagine a lot of things can be solved in a 4 day conference.
Let's move on to the Tri-lalteral Commission. This commission was created in the early 70's. It is called a Trilateral Commission because there are countries from three areas involved. They meet several times each year. This is a group that works to assist in global matters. Each area has its own number of members than participate.
The Brookings Institute is a group that studies our economy.Based in Washington, DC, this group is a prominent and well known research group.
There are hundreds of these think tanks in operation around the world today. Just google "Think Tanks" and you will find a listing of these. I was amazed to find just how many there were in other countries around the world. They are all based on different philosophies and have their own agendas but they provide information that affects us all.
In order to insure our freedoms as Americans, each of us needs to be personally aware of the work of these organizations and of the policies they help to generate in our own government. It is our duty to protect ourselves and our country from the involvement of other countries in our policies. We are not yet a global world. Our nation is it's own and we have operated for over 200 years within our own governmental beliefs and policies. We cannot allow our government decisions to be governed by policy makers from other countries. As an example let us take for consideration the global economy as it stands today. This is a direct result of the melding of other country's policies with ours. We have allowed our economies to be so thoroughly connected that for one to fail is to assure that all will fail.
There may come a day (and it may not be that far in the future) that we are one global nation. That is time enough for global domination agendas to be formatted and for us to start bowing to other nation's desires.
PD Rivers is a freelance writer who has spent most of her writing career ghostwriting for people who can't seem to put their words down on paper. In the process, she has had a continuous education in many different subjects. Never afraid to express her opinions, she continues to write articles and blogs of her own when she has the spare time.
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