No argument – exercise isn’t an easy thing to do. In fact, even die-hard exercisers can have their days when they just don’t want to move. Fatigue, achy joints or just plain inertia can keep us glued to the couch.
But no matter how strong the urge gets to sit still, fight it. In a minute, ... Views: 923
Pregnancy changes everything. No longer are you living just for yourself. You’re now responsible for the new life inside of you as well. And just about everything you do affects that growing baby. When it comes to nutrition, this is especially true. You know - as you gently rub your growing ... Views: 1184
Do you think parasites and bacteria are bad for you?
Well, you may be surprised. Because after years of doing everything we can to get rid of these “bugs”, medical researchers are now doing a major reversal.
As scientists are learning, there’s a complex ecosystem of non-human life forms ... Views: 1287
If you have great intentions of eating healthy . . . but get sidetracked by sweets . . . you’re not alone!
According to Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum, MD author of Beat Sugar Cravings Now!, the average American eats about 150 pounds of added sugar each year in processed foods and drinks. That’s more ... Views: 1312
Every time I see my patient, Eddie*, I always tell him, “Eddie, when I grow up, I want to be like you.”
Eddie buzzes with energy. At 88 years old he’s full of life – more healthy and active than many 20-year-olds I know.
Eddie says the secret to his vitality is coffee. In my opinion the ... Views: 2182
Marisela was feeling taxed – stretched to her limits.
As she explains, “I used to live far away from work and had to sit in traffic for 40-45 min on my way home.” It was hard for her to take care of chores after a long day at work and a commute. To make things worse, continues Marisela, her ... Views: 1045
When your mind starts to leave you, you’re powerless in a profound way. It’s why Alzheimer’s and dementia are so scary.
Tragically, medicine offers few answers for these diseases.
None of the drugs used for dementia actually stop memory loss. They only seem to slow the progression a little ... Views: 1751
Did you know the star comedian, Jerry Seinfeld, froze with stage fright the first time he got in front of an audience?
The audience chased him off the stage with derisive laughter and boos. He had to fight through the shame and fear from this early experience to gain the poise that has made ... Views: 1441
You could see the pure joy in each of the three horses as they charged across the field . . .
Their tails flying in the wind . . . their hooves pounding . . . the whinnies and neighs filling the air . . . these horses were experiencing the kind of happiness that only comes on the heels of ... Views: 1727
Big problems don’t always need to be solved with big solutions. In fact, often the smallest solutions work best.
Chlorella researcher, Dr. Leon DeSeblo knew this well . . .
Years past his 100 birthday, Dr. DeSeblo pursued his BIG vision tirelessly. And key to his big dream was the tiny green ... Views: 992
Vitamin B12 deficiency can cause dozens of health problems.
Vitamin B12 deficiency can make your tongue swell, turn your skin yellow, make you incontinent and interfere with your sense of taste and smell. It can cause joint pain and give you pins and needles. It can cause depression, ... Views: 1474
The beautiful – and vexing - thing about science and medicine, is that we’re always making new discoveries. And with each new discovery, our understanding of health changes.
For years we’ve been told to ditch saturated fats and replace them with healthy vegetable oils. It spawned a big shift ... Views: 1195
The adaptogen, eleuthero, has a solid track record for boosting mental performance in a pretty unique way.
In fact, it may help us stay sharp just when we need it the most!
What do I mean? Let’s take a trip back in time – fifty years ago . . .
Imagine you work as a wireless telegraph ... Views: 1447
Unequivocally, our four-legged furry friends play a special role in our lives.
They don’t nag us about our dirty socks or turn up their noses at our less fashionable duds. They comfort us when we’re down. And play with us when we’re feeling good. They keep us active. They help us ... Views: 1292
Imagine your doctor telling you to kiss your sweetheart instead of taking a statin drug. Or to work on your marriage as part of gearing up for flu season.
Outlandish? Perhaps not. You know love makes you feel good. But did you know it’s good for you in a very physical way?
As it turns out, ... Views: 1171
I have to admit, sometimes I’m a little worried when I see all the publicity and awareness about breast cancer. Certainly I consider breast cancer a significant threat. As an integrative doctor, specializing in women’s health, I’ve seen enough patients battling this disease to know this ... Views: 1379
Some big, unfounded rumors are circulating about nutritional supplements.
And they’re circulating under the guise of science and experience. But instead of helping you make wiser choices for your health, they do the opposite. They make it harder.
Because these false tales ignore volumes of ... Views: 1375
Here’s a little secret when it comes to the medical field . . . While conventional doctors can talk to you about drugs and surgery, few are equipped to talk about health and wellness.
For this reason, a growing number of people consult with holistic doctors as well.
Holistic medical ... Views: 1057
You eat to feed your cells and nourish your body . . . but did you know that when it comes to your health, you need to feed your non-human cells as well?
Here’s a startling fact . . . you’re not entirely human. In fact your body has more bacterial cells than human cells – trillions ... Views: 2141
Positive change is never easy. It takes a lot of power to overcome complacency. It takes even more power to fight back against the tendency of the world around us to decay and fall apart.
You need energy to overcome these two big forces working against you. But don’t reach for coffee or sugar ... Views: 1155
“I’m 103,” she says with a twinkle in her eyes and an impish smile.
Born in 1910 in the Southern Canadian prairie town of Bow Island, centenarian Mary Ell is one of those rare people who has cruised past the century mark and is still living life to its fullest.
Want to live to 100? Take ... Views: 1238
You love your smartphone – right?
How many good things has it done for you today? From connecting with friends to getting restaurant reviews, our phones are invaluable.
However, there’s also a downside to our phones. As we focus on our phone, we often neglect dealing with things in the ... Views: 1382
Genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) – crops and livestock that have been genetically engineered - have become a larger and larger part of the food web.
But unfortunately, we’re not getting a choice in whether we eat them or not. We’re not given the option to opt out of bacteria genes in our ... Views: 1174
So what’s the big deal about organically grown herbs and food? Is it really good for you? Sure, organic crops have less pesticide, herbicide and fungicide residues than conventional crops. And because of this, when you eat organically, you expose yourself to less toxins.
But the health benefits ... Views: 1198
“I would rather take a handful of eleuthero than a cartload of gold and jewels.”[1]
So said Li Shih-Chen, one of the world’s first pharmacologists.
Five centuries ago, Li Shih-Chen wrote a 52-volume manuscript documenting the treatments used in traditional Chinese medicine.
Among the ... Views: 1510
Giving thanks is more than just a simple act . . . in fact it holds enormous power.
As you’ll soon discover, by making the word “thank you” have more meaning in your life, you can transform your day, your world . . . your life.
But this is nothing new. In fact, to begin explaining what I ... Views: 1396
You may have heard about the superfood known as chlorella. But do you know how powerful its unique nutrition is?
Let me tell you how chlorella changed one man’s life over 60 years ago . . .
At age 54, Hideo Nakayama had just about given up hope. His doctors had given him no more than 5 ... Views: 2082
With the holidays comes flu season. Because of this, the foods you choose this month can make or break your merrymaking. See, what you eat can impact your immune system health dramatically.
As you’ll soon discover, how you feast this holiday may determine whether you spend a week on the ... Views: 1202
Everyone knows how to breathe, right?
But did you know breathing can be a powerful stress buster and good medicine for your health?
When you combine this familiar activity with some mindfulness techniques, you transform inhaling and exhaling into meditation. And with meditation ... Views: 1715
Your eyes are glued to the screen . . . Your heart starts pounding and you get that giddy, alert, excited feeling. As you watch the thriller movie unfold, your body is actually responding like it does to any threat.
It’s called your stress response.
And despite what you may hear, this ... Views: 1178
Worried about staying healthy? Want to improve your immune system strength? I’m about to reveal the one thing in particular you can do to boost your immune system health.
Reduce stress.
Stress undermines your immune system in multiple ways, making it hard for your defenses to protect you ... Views: 1022
Stressed? You’re dealing with a real physical threat to your health. Stress clogs your arteries and shrinks your brain.
Unfortunately, when we’re stressed many of us just make things worse. We overeat. We spend money we don’t have on vacations or lavish treats. We turn to drugs and alcohol. ... Views: 999
You probably already knew carrots, squash and leafy greens are nutritious. But did you know why they’re so good for you?
The yellow and orange hues signal the presence of vitamin A. Leafy greens and green superfoods like chlorella also have lots of vitamin A. But the green pigment, ... Views: 1375
Hiding in every handshake . . . on every surface . . . in the very air . . . are microbes that can quickly make your life miserable.
You’re under attack every second of every hour!
But don’t worry – while there are lots of immune-boosting tactics, I’m going to show you two of the easiest ... Views: 1025
No matter how vigilant you are, your skin takes a beating. It's a tough world out there - and your skin is on the front lines.
However, all is not lost. You don't have to resign yourself to your skin showing every battle it has waged with the elements.
Nor do you have to suffer further ... Views: 1688
Terrified . . . starving . . . her leg throbbing in pain from the deep sore extending down to her bone . . . the horse had little chance for survival.
Bought at auction by a backyard butcher, this gentle horse - along with 14 cows, 32 goats and sheep and 4 turkeys - was slated for ... Views: 1232
In the midst of the weekday morning whirlwind, many of us barely give breakfast a second thought.
But did you know breakfast can impact not only your children’s whole day – but even their life?
Children who get a good breakfast regularly perform better in school and score higher on IQ ... Views: 1392
Chlorophyll has numerous health benefits. And while mostly forgotten over the last 70 years, the wonders of this ‘green magic’ are slowly but surely reemerging.
Chlorophyll Is The Root of Life
Deep within every photosynthesizing plant cell on this planet is the green pigment, chlorophyll. ... Views: 1621