When one requires help from a medium, you have to ask very specific questions to get a specific answers and this is often surprising. The psychic medium gets into contact with the energy plane and goes into an altered state and a relaxed mood to get to the sources of energy that enables them to ... Views: 1601
The west has started appreciating healing only recently, while in the east it started thousands of years ago. This form of healing complements conventional treatments along with herbal and aroma therapies. This allows a holistic treatment that is achieved through natural energy, popularly known ... Views: 1970
Psychics do not need formal training to transmit and receive information through telepathic channels. It is evident that sick people recover miraculously thorough faith healing than other patients in the same hospital ward. Similar research done for the psychic society concurs that remote ... Views: 2706
E-mail Psychic Readings are becoming more popular all the time. As you are reading this there are thousands of readings being done right now. As with any psychic readings you would want it is all up to the energies that surround us all of the time. It is everywhere and you can’t escape it. ... Views: 835
A psychic phone reading is the easiest and fastest way to get a psychic reading. With the invention of cell phones almost everyone has a phone. You can call from virtually any place in the world. Not only is it convenient, you can have a reading within minutes. All you need is the phone.
The ... Views: 1376
Lucid dreaming is the realization that someone is having a dream and can control it to a certain degree. It is not always as the dreamer wants because of psychological and other outside factors that influence the outcome. Lucid dreamers have this type of dream from practice and experience.
You ... Views: 1457
Face to face psychic readings are often the best readings that you can have. You are with the energy that is everywhere. All things in the universe are energized with this. You want to find a psychic that has a good reputation and is rated with a good success rate. Not all psychics are real. ... Views: 1778
To be considered a medium you really have to be connected with the “other side”, as it is known. When you see a medium they will ask you a few questions so that they can get an idea of what you are looking for. You might already have a list of questions and that is alright. What they are looking ... Views: 2284
Spiritual healing is practised by those that are natural mediums. It may have come to pass as an additional talent when the medium has been interested in health and nutrition and healing the human body.
Good spiritual healing involves the medium making contact with the spirit side, and then ... Views: 1411
Some mediums do not just channel messages from the departed of this world. They have other gifts such as psychometry, reading the runes and even tarot which they would use if the sitter simply wanted a predictive reading as some people remain scared of mediumship, due the vastly incorrect media ... Views: 1416
In a modern day medium readers’ life, many strange things can and do happen. I have worked with many excellent phone medium readers who have told me that when the planets are aligned in a certain way for example, mercury in retrograde, their electrical appliances at home go wrong.
One medium ... Views: 1440
A medium has a job which can be challenging. In addition to the church being in the main against mediumship, there is the added pressure of many people who, not understanding mediumship, may believe the medium to be working in league with the devil. I have been told by many mediums that they ... Views: 1515
Some of them are. Everyone has psychic ability; we just have to work on using it. It is like when you started in school. You had to learn how to spell words so that you could communicate with other people that were not with you. You didn’t know how to add, subtract, multiply, or divide large ... Views: 1534
Trance Mediumship is someone who has the ability to move in and out of a trance at will. This type of medium is considered the highest form of mediumship and is on the spirit plane. When the spirit links with the medium links with the medium it usually takes control to a lesser or greater ... Views: 1581
What can a Medium can reveal during a reading would surprise you. The first thing that you have to remember is that you have to ask a specific question. How can you get an answer to something if you don’t know the question? Always remember that you need to keep asking as the medium is getting ... Views: 2655
What Is Spiritual Healing? Spiritual Healing is the transfer of energy from someone (the healer) to the person that they are helping. This is usually done with the hands on the person being healed. This is not done by the healer himself, but through him. Spiritual means the divine nature of ... Views: 1502
Psychic Readers and Psychic Art are both the most misunderstood phrases in psychic readings. I can think of several famous people that have had their art finished before things were even invented. If you can find some of the things Leonardo Di Vinci drew in his time. Examples are helicopters and ... Views: 1664
Physical Mediumship is the ability to work through mental and physical energies to contact the energies that are not visible to the human eye. It involves a person that has the knowledge and energy to contact the other side. Not everyone can become a physical medium. It takes a certain element ... Views: 1826
How a Psychic Reader Develops Their Art is something that has to be known if you should have a psychic reading. Psychic Development starts with a belief. You have to know that there are powers stronger than you in the universe. Some children have developed the ability from birth. If you keep ... Views: 1456
Before I go on to tell you how psychic readers can help you locate your missing items let me briefly describe some of the terms psychics use so that you can have a better understanding about what you are going for. First of all a term you will often hear from psychics is ‘clairvoyance’ which ... Views: 1575
Psychic readings can be done using various kinds of tools and mediums. One very popular tool is the runes. Many people practice using these runes for psychic readings themselves in their homes. There are multiple ways of reading runes ranging from really simple ones to the most complicated ways ... Views: 1674
The act of psychic reading dates back many centuries ago and is done using various kinds of mediums and tools. The act of using crystal balls for psychic reading was first initiated by the Druids, a Goidelic tribe. People from these tribes have been known to be descendents from Great Britain. ... Views: 1642
Psychic readings have grown tremendously over the centuries. Since the time of the old civilization, even way back to the old prehistoric times of the Stone Age era, wizardry, sorcery and witchcraft were already performed in relation to circadian lives of the tribes, clans or ethnic groups. ... Views: 1534
In order to get an accurate psychic reading, it is first of all important to find a reliable, good psychic you will be able to connect to. A friend or family member may be able to recommend someone they have previously consulted, or alternatively, you could have a look on the Internet.
There ... Views: 1597
To begin with, it should be pointed out that psychic medium, the commonly used term, is actually rather misleading, as it infers that there may be a non - psychic variety, so to speak. As it is, although not every psychic happens to be a medium, every medium does have psychic abilities.
So ... Views: 1341
Clairvoyance, derived from a 17th Century term meaning clear vision, is a type of ESP - Extra Sensory Perception. Although often used to describe a variety of psychic abilities, such as second sight, telepathy, prophetic visions and psychic dreams, it is strictly speaking an ability to discern ... Views: 1721
Before a psychic reading begins, the reader will talk informally to the person seeking advice in order to create a connection and gain the individual's trust. He or she will ask for the individual's name and date/ time of birth and enquire regarding the situation in question. In order to get an ... Views: 1373
Once upon a time, it was easy to find a good, accurate psychic. Most of them worked from home, were known within their community and got their business through recommendations. Often you'd get to have a chat before any money changed hands. With the dawn of the Internet came scams and con artists ... Views: 1388
Most spiritualist mediums are attached to, or part of, the SNU (Spiritualists' National Union). As such, they are part of an organisation which actively promotes knowledge regarding the religion and it's philosophy and science. Uniting Spiritualists around the world, this organisation supports ... Views: 2087
Although based on ancient roots, modern American Spiritualism began as late as 1848, with two young sisters, only 11 and 8 years old at the time, claiming to hear rapping noises and consequently working out complex codes and implementing them to contact and communicate with beings from the ... Views: 1000
Many common belief systems operate on the concept that the universe is, at least in part, based on the law of 7. We have seven musical notes in a scale, each vibrating at a different frequency; seven colours of the rainbow and there are also seven planes of existence. These seven planes are ... Views: 1029
Past life readings involve a reader exploring the past life of a client through a series of visions and the use of various additional tools, such as Tarot cards, astrology or numerology, for instance, as opposed to past life regression, where an individual relives their past through hypnosis or ... Views: 812
Each and every one of has guiding angels, and they accompany us throughout our life's journey. Messages from these guiding angels, as well as those from deceased loved ones, are sometimes conveyed through the use of angel cards. They will guide us towards and along the correct path and bring ... Views: 2061
There are a number of concepts that have been described by theta healing but their governing concept is of the seven planes of existence. This is a central way of unfolding this whole globe and it is well known that it helps people who are concerned to know the spiritual and physical features of ... Views: 5326
There is quite a significant difference linking clairvoyance and mediumship, although they both belong to the involvement of the parapsychology, they evoke diverse scope of participation or association. For clairvoyance refers to the capacity of obtaining knowledge about a thing, individual, ... Views: 1568
First of all, we should have the complete understanding of the term, spiritualist mediums. Spiritual mediums are those exceptional or special people who possess the unique ability or capacity of conveying or building communication with spirit people by receiving their messages from life after ... Views: 2528
Most people are interested in knowing about past life readings and whether they are accurate or just impractical ideas. How would you feel if somebody tells you that most of your problems are the result of your past life disturbances?
Most of us believe that many of our problems can be ... Views: 1351
Many people believe in life after death, which is commonly termed as “the afterlife”. In some beliefs, the word “afterlife” signifies being reborn, and that there is continuity to life, that whatever you have been doing should be continued on to the next life. The most common example to this ... Views: 1624
Evidence shows that various forms of divination - or fortune telling - were in use (and playing important roles in religion and politics as well as medicine) as far back as 4000 BC. Practised in places like ancient China, Chaldea, Babylonia and Egypt, as well as Greece, Northern Europe Africa ... Views: 2702
The concept of astral travel, or projection, has been observed for many thousands of years, dating all the way back to ancient China and is today frequently associated with New Age beliefs and systems.
Generally, it can be described as the conscious mind or spirit leaving the body, either to ... Views: 2387
Mediumship and clairvoyance are frequently interchanged to describe either one of these psychic abilities/ practises, but this is actually not quite correct. Although they are closely related in capacity, they are actually very different in purpose and function in different ... Views: 1508
An important concept of many belief systems around the world, the afterlife is certainly an attractive prospect. None of us want to simply accept that the physical death of our bodies will mean the end of our existence. The question whether there really is a life after death has been, and still ... Views: 1728
Many of us have at least one or two of those moments in our lives when we don't quite know which way to turn or things simply just don't make sense. As a rule, we are blinded to solutions to various situations/ problems by the feelings or emotions we have regarding or because of them. Asking ... Views: 1365
Have you ever experienced coming out from your physical body, in a form of a light, an essence or an energy? That is your astral body, a soul, life-force or chi. It is perhaps some of us has experienced, getting out from our bodies in a dream, going through Out-of-Body Experience, or ... Views: 1815
Firstly we should understand the term spiritualist mediums, these are the highly special people who have the ability to communicate with spirits, and who have the firm belief of the human survival after death. Throughout their life they try to educate others about life after death.
The ... Views: 1342
Angels are everywhere, but they are much more visible when the living will perish from the living world and traverse to the world of the unknown. This is when spirit guides or angels will come into the picture to lead, funnel and show the newcomer to their world and make them feel comfortable in ... Views: 1814
The people in ancient times have their own way of divining, soothsaying or portending irrespective of race, culture or beliefs. In various race and culture, fortune telling is a way of life. Is has been regarded as a form of entertainment, amusement and even a necessity in governing or ruling a ... Views: 4012
People spanning centuries seek divination readings for fun, curiosity and pastime. There are several reasons why people welcome the concept of divination. The first reason is just pure curiosity. People are just plain inquisitive on things that are about to happen, and if experts on these ... Views: 2108
In mediumship, channelling is the process of directing, routing, or feeding information from the world of the infinity to the corporeal world. It is also a procedure of staging a perfect atmosphere to attract spirits to associate with the living even just for a few seconds which the living can ... Views: 1618
An aura of a person is usually the basis for aura psychic readings. In the paranormal sphere and several modes of mystical rituals, an aura is a theme of faint, glowing and incandescent energy enclosing a person or object, like a bright corona, aureole or crown light.
The implication of such ... Views: 2615