Are you setting your intention to get a new CLS Mercedes Benz Sedan?

Are you changing your vibrations to lose weight and get back in shape, but just inhaled a whole bag of chocolate chip cookies? Are you putting out your intentions to get a six-figure income, when you only have a high school diploma? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you have been sucked in to a get rich quick scheme. Only now it should be officially called, get results quick scheme.

So is the law of attraction like most things in America?

Is it only reserved for the rich, famous, and lucky? The answer to that question is both yes and no. Let’s keep it real. There are some people who market the law of attraction like it is a business. These are the people who obviously are sociopath. So they don’t mind preying on people’s dreams and desires. Just look at the self-publishing industry. People make more money selling books about self-publishing that all self-published books combined. Look at Internet marketing or any multi-level marketing brand or company. People spend more money getting into it, than they will ever get out of it.

So what’s the problem with this picture?

People are investing in a dream. Don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing wrong with that. But you just can’t have a dream and expect it to come true. There are going to be some things that you will be able to manifest easily. While there are others that will be down right difficult. I know, you’ve heard the stories about how you need determination, action, and positive intentions to get the law of attraction to work. However, I am about to tell you something that you probably didn’t know.

The law of attraction is contingent upon the laws of the collective consciousness.

What does this mean? If your intention is not aligned with this force, you will never be able to attract anything. You will be going against the grain. Or you will be trying to swim away from a giant wave that is just going to over power you. You need to learn how to plug into the collective consciousness and draw energy from this source.

Just think about it.

Everything in our universe is interconnected. Many scientists believe that we are entangled on different levels. I am writing this article, and you are reading it. When your wife is speaking to you. You are listening. When someone hits you. You feel pain. My point is that you are consciously being influenced by other people’s thoughts, behaviors, and actions. You are entangled, so you have to set intentions that are beneficial to everyone.

I am sorry, I didn’t tell you what you wanted to hear.

I guess being compassionate, empathetic, and selfless is something that you never wanted to learn about the law of attraction. Greed is not part of the formula. Neither is instant gratification. You cannot take more from the collective source than you put in. So don’t expect to get any free handouts. You need to work with the laws of the collective consciousness. And do things that are going to be beneficial for humankind. Not just your pocket. Greed and trickery was never part of the law of attraction’s formula. If you truly believe that, you have been a victim of a get rich quick scheme.

Author's Bio: 

I’ve written hundreds of articles on self-development, spirituality, inspiration, and relationships. So if you are looking for more information about the law of attraction feel free to contact me at for additional tips, coaching and guidance.