Are you bored with life? Do you feel like you’re stuck in a rut? Do you feel like there is something more that you should be doing, but you just don’t know what it is? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you are not living your life consciously. You have become a slave to your own fear, and that fear is complacency. You can start to change your life by understanding the secret of conscious living. Complacency works against our bodies and soul’s natural desire to grow. We all crave adventure. We all want to be risk takers, because we innately understand that sometimes we need to live on the edge in order to evolve. If you’ve lost the courage to live consciously, I suggest you check out, the science to getting rich program.

Due to the short attention span of many blog readers, I am going to get right to the point. If you want to have more guts and courage, you need to build solid mass. Yes, you need to start to be as buff and as tough as body builder. After all, body builders work hard to keep their bodies’ chiseled and tight. If you don’t want to spend half your waking hours pumping weights in a gym, or drinking high fructose protein shakes that will just give you a lot of gas, that’s okay. Not everyone has the discipline to be as healthy and strong as a body builder. However, you do need to incorporate a work out routine in your schedule. And this workout routine includes flexing the muscle of confidence, will power, and courage. This is the secret of conscious living.

When I talk about courage, I don’t mean running into a burning house and rescuing an elderly lady or a kitten. I am talking about rescuing yourself from a bad marriage or relationship. I am talking about rescuing yourself from a dead end job, or leaving a sleepy town that has one dirt-paved highway. I need you to understand that courage is like a muscle that you have to flex. You have to condition yourself to have courage. And you can only do this when you live and experience life fully. Much like a body builder, you are going to have to strain to lift the extra ten pounds, but you will get stronger, each time you push yourself to go a little further. But with courage comes fear. However, it is important to understand that courage is not the opposite of fear. It is its precursor. This is what the secret of conscious living is all about.

Fear is the most natural thing in the world. However, it works against us when it stops us from being our best selves. People often complain that they are bored. They say that the things that used to excite them no longer gives them happiness or even pleasure. This happens because the things that worked for you one or two years ago are not going to work for you now. So you are going to have to pack on the mass. You are going to have to build your strength by working on your self-confidence and self-worth. Then, you can start to chisel your mental physique into one that takes chances, into one that seeks adventure, into one that craves risks. It may be hard. It may even be painful. However, it will be what your soul needs in order to grow. If you are looking for more information about the secret of living consciously, I suggest you check out the Science of Getting Rich by Bob Proctor. If you loved the secret and believe in the law of attraction, you’ll love his approach on how to gain the necessary courage to change your life. Visit my website and get a free report and video. Change your life and gain the courage to live fearlessly.

Author's Bio: 

I’ve written hundreds of articles on self-development, spirituality, inspiration, and relationships. So if you are looking for more information about the secret of conscious living, I suggest you purchase The Science of Getting Rich, by Bob Proctor. Also, feel free to contact me at for additional tips, coaching and guidance.