If we were to stop and think how we really feel right now, we would probably use words such as okay, good, been better, or fine. Some of us may even say we are bored, tired, distracted, or aggravated. We can easily turn our feelings from poor or average to above average. To do this, we have to be aware of the moment we are in and think about the blessings and opportunities we have.
It is so easy to think about things we have to do as chores. It is so easy to think of people around us as distractions or annoyances. It is so easy to think we are not as good as someone else or we need more sleep, or that we don’t like our jobs, or that we can’t stand the way someone acts. All of these thoughts we have can keep us from enjoying life and getting excited about what we are here to do.
Other people can’t keep us entertained and excited about life all the time. We are all human and have ideas, opinions and attitudes that differ from each other. However, we can generate in us our own excitement about the things that we do. We can look at tasks as opportunities to get to know someone better, to learn something new or as a way to help and make a difference.
When we create a mindset of excitement about the things we do throughout the day such as getting up in the morning, going into work, talking with family and friends, we will begin to see things differently. When we wake up and intentionally decide to be excited about all we do, we can have a better day and create a more enjoyable environment to live and work in.
We can’t create this environment on our own. We can’t, by ourselves, be happy and content with our life and look for enjoyment in all we do. We need the power of God and His Holy Spirit to work through us. God will give us a new outlook on life. He will take the things that, at one time, seemed mundane and he will open our eyes to see them in a different light.
We do, however, have to make that decision and choose to look to God to help us have a more enjoyable and exciting environment. We have to make purposeful and conscious decisions to get up in the morning with the attitude that we are going to make a difference. We have to decide to look for the good things in everyone and in all situations. We have to make a decision to be happy with every outcome knowing that God is in control and will help us through all things.
An enjoyable and exciting environment starts with us and our decisions. When we make the choice to get up and spend time with God, to read His word, to talk with Him and to find our purpose He has chosen for us, then we can easily turn our feelings throughout the day from poor or average to excited and motivated. When we make the decision to allow God in our hearts and minds each day, He can generate an enjoyable and exciting environment in our lives that will make a difference to us and others.
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 “Always be joyful. Never stop praying. Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.”
Frances Lucas has lived in Birmingham, Alabama for over 40 years. She is a working mother with three children and has progressively improved her life through mistakes, persistence and a sense of humor. Her passion in life surfaced after a major setback in life which proves good things can come from bad experiences. Frances coaches in career and personal improvement, facilitates self-improvement classes and writes articles.
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