We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Anxiety". If you have expertise in Anxiety and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
Are you in your 'right' mind, in a spacious place, tasting life anew in the Now? Or are you in your left mind, stuck out in left field, munching on rehashed leftovers? That's what our left brain does -- it recycles mind chatter and generates a wall of words that separates us from the peace and ... Views: 3290
Jenny C. Yip, Psy.D. Sarah A. Paxson, Psy.D.
Julie’s parents and teachers are worried. She is in the 4th grade and falling behind in her studies. Although she has a complex vocabulary and demonstrates a high level of general knowledge, she is not performing to her ability in the classroom. ... Views: 2554
After panic attack episodes, not all people anticipate that another attack may start again. This fact is right! Experts regard that this disorder follows a pattern repeating its cycle from time to time. Precautionary measures should be done both during and after an attack.
For you to know ... Views: 3833
Alcohol is a substance that should be avoided at all costs if you're consumed with generalized anxiety and experience panic attacks from time to time. Firstly, let's look at the reasons WHY I and many others may run to that fresh pint of beer from time to time:
1) Alcohol was a temporary ... Views: 2036
In Memoriam: Alice Miller (continued - see Part I for introduction)
Alice Miller. For Your Own Good: Hidden Cruelty in Child-Rearing and the Roots of Violence. New York: Farrar, Straus, Giroux. 1983.
For Your Own Good: Hidden Cruelty in Child-Rearing and the Roots of Violence continues ... Views: 4044
Greetings friends,
For the past few months, I have been studying and focused on a way to effectively clear all past analogical experiences from people so that they don't get triggered and keep repeating the same emotional reactions over and over. This has led me to studying neuroscience and ... Views: 10076
By: Dr. Tim
The economy is in the toilet, the boss is breathing down your neck, and you have a stack of bills to pay. You're worried about healthcare reform, tax reform - and God knows what else. Sometimes life is like that. We feel overworked and underpaid, and the stress takes a toll on our ... Views: 1397
There is an intense relationship between anxiety and anger. Understanding this interaction is perhaps one of the most important concepts that will have a major impact in calming down your nervous system.
Anxiety and Anger are universal. Few human beings have seemed to rise above them. They ... Views: 1440
Anxiety is a STATE, not a mental illness, nor a psychological disorder.
There is a social, cultural and medical story that prevails at this time in human experience, and that is that many of our minds are somehow broken, everyone is becoming mentally ill and that the solution to that ... Views: 1530
With the rising complexity of life and people getting too much involved in fussy activities, the number of people suffering from anxiety and depression is increasing rapidly. Just visit any psychiatrist and you will come to know how many people visit them just only to find the reliable anxiety ... Views: 1133
Anxiety and panic attacks are a necessary detail of being human. They have allowed us to persist and grow as a species. These are the mechanisms that have kept us conscious and intact for millions of years.
There's a good deal of acquirable assistance covering anxiety and panic attacks. Most ... Views: 1316
Are you having panic attacks? If you are experiencing periods of severe stress in which you feel sick, shaky and super anxious than you likely are. The worst thing about having these panic attacks is that they come on out of nowhere, don't they?
And when they do come on, they create a ... Views: 2716
It is natural for most people to experience anxiety or some sort of nervousness in response to real life situations. However, it is important to know the best anxiety and panic disorder solution if a person is experiencing episodes of unnecessary worries to the point that he or she cannot ... Views: 794
I decided to write an article about anxiety because it not only effect millions of people but it also effects us in relationships. First let me talk about anxiety. It's basically a chemical reaction in our brains that makes our heart race, makes us think obsessively about something or someone ... Views: 13497
There are two things you need to know about Anxiety. The first one you already know, and here I will only remind you.
FIRST: Anxiety is a form of fear.
According to the neuroanatomist, ... Views: 3836
Anxiety attacks are scary and can be a crippling element in some people's lives. We all experience anxiety in different forms and most of us will experience at least one anxiety attack in our lives. It is important for the person who experiences them often, or even that one time, to understand ... Views: 2004
Anxiety disorder can be an extremely disabling condition if it is not quickly treated. People who are suffering from this disorder have a hard time to perform well in their lives. In fact, some of them may even lose their jobs because they cannot cope with anxiety provoking situations. The ... Views: 856
If you are having a lot of really extreme anxiety that seems to come out of the blue you aren't alone. Panic attacks can come on for no reason, without any trigger and can leave you feeling frightened and wondering what to do.
They cause a lot of distress on your body and mind as the intense ... Views: 5863
A panic attack can be an enormously horrifying occurrence. The attack would begin rapidly, will peak within 10 minutes, then will gradually recede in a few hours. Most individuals who have experienced this kind of attack become concerned that it will happen again.
There are alternatives ... Views: 1535
Experiencing anxiety is very common for everyone. Everyone experiences at least one anxiety in his whole lifetime. However, it is not acceptable if your anxiety starts to interrupt your life frequently. When the anxiety is out of control, it will be known as an anxiety disorder. People need to ... Views: 807
Anxiety disorders are serious medical illnesses that affect approximately 19 million American adults. These disorders fill people's lives with overwhelming anxiety and fear.
Unlike the relatively mild, brief anxiety caused by a stressful event such as a business presentation or a first date, ... Views: 2223
Are you aware that having anxiety is one of the main contributors to our lack of concentration? To understand how anxiety impacts us lets first put a definition to it. It is a sense of being concerned, nervousness, and unease that is commonly in regards to an imminent event or something with a ... Views: 3748
Research has shown that females are more prone to anxiety than men. Studies indicate that women are twice as likely to suffer from anxiety and that they have far more stress triggers than do men.
Women it seems have on average four times more anxiety triggers than men. Through experience ... Views: 1305
Anxiety is a common emotion like happiness, sadness and anger, however when anxiety becomes uncontrollable or excessive, it becomes a problem or disorder. Anxiety becomes uncomfortable when coupled with increased heart beat, increased blood pressure, too much fear and panic. Anxiety disorder is ... Views: 1036
If you are going through severe kinds of headaches and you have some stress feelings as well then it might be anxiety. Similarly, chocking sensation and a massive increase in your blood pressure can also be considered as major symptoms of anxiety. This is a severe disorder of a person which can ... Views: 1125
Coping with anxiety and panic attacks with anxiety and panic attacks takes it’s toll. We have to do all the things everyone else does, only with anxiety lurking in the shadows, just waiting to lunge at us. We shop, get the kids off to school, go to work, socialize, pay bills, celebrate holidays, ... Views: 1455
Anxiety Tips To Help You Live Better
Anxiety is not something that usually gets better on its own. If you are suffering with anxiety and not getting help, chances are good that your condition will only get worse and keep you down. Please keep reading for some very helpful advice on overcoming ... Views: 953
Anxiety affects around 20% of the population. That means that about 60 million people will experience the horrible symptoms of an attack at some point in their lives. They will feel like they are having a heart attack or a nervous breakdown because of the rapid beating of their hearts. They will ... Views: 1097
‘I don’t know what to do anymore’, ‘I see no way forward’, ‘I feel rubbish’, ‘I hate feeling this way’, ‘I have no control over how I feel’, ‘I didn’t use to be like this-I hate my life’, ‘why’s this happening to me’, ‘negative thoughts keep on running in my mind and I can’t stop them’.
... Views: 3696
If your child experiences and suffers with anxiety, it is not only hard for them, but
hard for you too. Seeing pain in our children brings us pain too. Anxiety disorders
are fairly common during childhood, affecting approximately 1 out of every 8 children.
Developmentally appropriate anxiety ... Views: 2454
Anxious, emotional and desperately seeking chocolate?
These are the three conditions that a friend of mine listed when she asked for my help in trying to figure out what might be going on with her body. Given that she is female, many of us would assume it might be “that time of the month”, ... Views: 1790
The two key things that stop most of us from going for what we really want in life are fear and lack of confidence (We're absolute experts at imagining every worst case scenario, but not always so good at seeing how right things can go!).
For many people, the secret to success is simply ... Views: 1049
The Tense Lizard
Are you a lizard - someone who often responds to situations instinctually and emotionally . . . with fear or anger, for instance?
The Composed Leader
Or are you a leader? Are you usually in control of yourself…you decide when to respond emotionally?
Do you wish ... Views: 1397
Yearly, above 2 million people are afflicted by anxiety and panic attacks in the states. Ladies typically outnumber the guys in these statistics. The simplest way to deal with them and stop anxiety disorder is simply by learning what activates an attack. This can vary from one person to another, ... Views: 685
Raising children is hard enough, but raising children with ADHD and anxiety problems can be downright nerve-wracking. We simply aren't taught how to communicate with a child who has such difficulties, since adults often gradually move away from the mindset of children and struggle to connect ... Views: 2689
If you're looking for articles on stress, likelihood is you're experiencing stress right now. These articles on stress may not offer you
instant reduction, however they should provide some method which you could apply to your every day life to assist in your stress relief ... Views: 806
If you have social anxiety issues you know that life can get very tense and stressful sometimes, you might have panic attacks even and just need some way of escaping. If this sounds like you, you should consider ASMR. It stands for autonomous sensory meridian response, and it refers to the ... Views: 5556
Men and women with Asperger's Syndrome often have an above average intelligence, but studies have shown that those living with Asperger's are at an extremely high risk of developing anxiety disorders. Anxiety disorders – especially for those with Asperger's – can be a considerable problem, ... Views: 2236
Many types of weight loss programs have mushroomed to deal with the shocking obesity epidemic. Most programs focus only on reducing calorie intake and increasing physical activity and exercise. However, the solution lies also in resolving the addiction to excessive eating. This is what auricular ... Views: 1663
“The disappointments hardest to bear are those which never come.” ~ Urantia Book
Why do we get paid for the job we do? Because we routinely solve whatever problems are presented in our work. But, in addition to the problems we solve in our work, life daily presents us with personal problems. ... Views: 1669
While it is very easy to be distracted by external factors on a daily basis, it is important to be able to remove or shut out the distractions that negatively impact your productivity so that you can optimize your time spent on the things that are most important to your present and for your ... Views: 934
“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.” CARL JUNG
Attention, seekers: Saturn is moving into Sagittarius on December 23rd, 2014!
This means we are entering a new two-and-a-half to three-year-cycle that is most positive and ... Views: 2223
In energy healing terms, an addictive substance or behaviour is something that one partakes in to alleviate anxiety. And to most people, that seems totally against everything they believe in. Surely addictions and habits are just because of weak will-power? Surely the person they know and love ... Views: 1351
Today's Bikram yoga is based on classic hatha yoga that is greater than 24 hundreds of years old. When we look at Bikram yoga as a part of yoga history, you can actually discover huge modifications to their comprehension of breathing. Opinions of modern Bikram yoga mentors are entirely different ... Views: 3120
Trying to decide what to buy Grandma and Grandpa for their birthday? Consider a board game, a puzzle or good book. Why? Current research shows that daily participation in puzzles and board games such as chess, challenge the mind and might also delay onset of dementia-related memory decline in ... Views: 2687
Relieving Anxiety with Brainwave Entrainment
Many of us have heard of brainwave entrainment and we are also familiar with anxiety. You may be wondering how the two are related. According to clinical studies, brainwave entrainment seems to help reduce the symptoms of anxiety. It is also known ... Views: 2859
As a coach, I come across numerous clients with different areas of life needing clarification or improvement. No client is exactly alike yet everyone has similar issues or thoughts to work on or work through. They all have a common thread.
The number one reason a client comes to me is Fear. ... Views: 1269
Now I’d like to share with you my favorite form of meditation, called “breath meditation.” I believe it is one of the most powerful, yet one of the easiest, meditations to learn.
Before we begin, let’s talk a bit about the mind. The mind is made up of wave patterns. When we think, it causes ... Views: 1023
About the article
In this short article I want to talk about depression and the role it might play in anxiety. Maybe you are beginning to experience excessive anxiety and can’t quite put your and on what might have caused it.
What I intend to cover in this article is first a look at ... Views: 875
Anxiety is on the increase. The amount of people who suffer from panic attacks and anxiety disorders is growing by the day. For the longest time this condition was blown off as not that serious, but it is now recognized as a mental disorder and proper treatment and research is now revealing some ... Views: 882