What does it take to be a great coach? In my eyes a great coach is someone who is in integrity; in other words, someone who walks the walk and talks the talk. That doesn't mean they are perfect; no one is. I feel the more experiences a coach has had in their life, a better coach they will be. ... Views: 1086
As a coach, I come across numerous clients with different areas of life needing clarification or improvement. No client is exactly alike yet everyone has similar issues or thoughts to work on or work through. They all have a common thread.
The number one reason a client comes to me is Fear. ... Views: 1266
Learning to say NO! Being Authentic to Yourself
Are you the type of person who always says yes? I’ve come to learn that it is very important to learn to say NO! It’s okay. People are still going to like you. They may even respect you more because they know you are being authentic. I’m not ... Views: 2080
Count your blessings!I remember sitting in my sister’s yard (my home at the time) with my dog, beauty all around me, the neighbors’ roosters running around me; and feeling a sense of calm and fulfillment. I was so grateful for my surroundings and my family and good friends.
Not ... Views: 1203
Be healthy!!!!!Do you need some tips on eating healthier? What can you do to make your diet healthier without depriving yourself? Here are some things I incorporated into my diet to get healthy and stay healthy.
-Eat more vegetables.
-Eat more fruits.
-Eat heart healthy fats. Fish and nuts ... Views: 1144
Each time something in our life ends it creates room for a new experience. Within each new experience is a stepping stone;some are little tiny pebbles and others are big boulders.
Some are fun and some are exhausting.
But with each passing day we learn why we are here, what our mission is ... Views: 1433
Is fear holding you back? How do you feel when you are not able to accomplish something because you are afraid?
Have you heard the saying that F-E-A-R is ‘False Evidence Appearing Real’ or ‘Fantasized Evidence Appearing Real’?
Perhaps you were somewhere that you wanted to get up and speak ... Views: 1204
Do you ever wonder why some people glow when they walk into a room? You can too! Make yourself a promise/a commitment that you will take these three steps to bring more self-confidence into your life. I’d love to follow your progress.
Who are you? Do you really know? Do you love ... Views: 1333