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What happens after death? Is that it, or does heaven really exist? We can find clues from the NDEs (near death experiences) of many people who returned from the dead to give their fascinating accounts of insight from the other side.
The Near Death Experience Research Foundation (NDERF) is ... Views: 1171
What happens to the soul during a near death experience (NDE)? Many have returned to life after being clinically dead and shared amazing insight from the other side.
The Near Death Experience Research Foundation (NDERF) is the largest NDE website in the world with over 4000 experiences in ... Views: 1205
What happens when the human body dies? Is that it, or is there such a thing as a soul and does it live on forever? If the latter, where does it go?
Many people who experienced a NDE (near death experience) have brought back intriguing information, and this valuable insight from the other ... Views: 1462
Have you ever wondered what will happen when you die or what heaven is like? Clues can be found through those who experienced a NDE (near death experience), when their physical body died and their soul went to the other side. Many have shared their incredible stories so others can from the ... Views: 1315
What happens during a NDE (near death experience)? Countless people have experienced the death of their physical bodies, then come back to life to share the insight from the other side.
The Near Death Experience Research Foundation (NDERF) is the largest NDE website in the world with over ... Views: 1472
Most of us reading this article may have experienced some form of "spiritual healing" or spiritual clearing in our lives.
This healing work may have been in the form of prayer, Reiki, Quantum Touch, karma clearing, other forms of hands-on healing, angelic healing, spiritual ascension ... Views: 2405
Here's the Truth about whatever you may be going through: Being a unique expression of Spirit, you already contain all the infinite powers and qualities of Spirit. These powers are already present in their fullness right where you are right now.
Even though you can try to find "spiritual" reasons to make the painful experiences you've been through all seem less random and difficult, there is still no way to try to sweep them under the carpet.
Nor should we. It is trauma, plain and simple, and can continue to have a massive impact on ... Views: 1909
Who were you before you were you?
And why might you want to know?
Whether you have received past life regression, had a past life reading or started to recall your incarnations, it can be a very empowering and healing experience.
There are some pitfalls, especially if you find out you ... Views: 2849
In a recent conversation with a friend we began talking about the existence of the soul and its many facets. I explained that what I believe is that we don’t incarnate with the soul’s entirety. The justification for this is as a spiritual being we must always remain a part of the whole, ... Views: 3535
It’s often when we are faced with a challenging situation that we ask God, “Why?” Why did this happen? How could God have allowed this? Why me?
Is It Fate or Karma Michigan Psychic Medium Lisa BoussonWhy not you? God hasn’t put these situations or obstacles in your way to harm you – YOU DID. ... Views: 1263
The Akashic Records
The Akashic Records are said to be the universal library of all events and responses concerning consciousness in all realities.
Everything that has ever happened is happening and can happen is recored in the akashic Records.
Every life form therefore contributes and ... Views: 1599
Quite a few clientele reach out to
psychics for spiritual steering in love issues. Jane received a problem. Somewhat,
she received two difficulties, or maybe a lot of, or maybe none in any way. From a sure
stage of view, she admitted, she experienced no less than two positives. Jane ... Views: 1955
As any person who has previously observed “The Sixth
Feeling” can tell you (very much towards the dismay of Bruce Willis’s
character), the minor boy performed by Haley Joel Osment not just noticed dead
people today, but he spoke with them. From the 1984 launch, “Firestarter,”
nine-yr-old ... Views: 1725
to the Psychic Akashic Records,
also known as the eternal Book of Life, stems from antiquity. The Old Testament
has references that there is a collective storehouse of omniscience.
What is
Akashic Data?
Data is like the DNA of the universe. They may be ... Views: 1858
This article is concerned with exploring two questions: “What is consciousness?” and “What are the mechanics of remote viewing?” from the perspective of Raja Yoga, an ancient model Ingo Swann (the father of remote viewing as developed by the military Star Gate program) says we’re moving ... Views: 2632
Connecting Directly with your Spirit Baby in Trance
If you are a woman who has contracted before this lifetime to have a child, you have a Spirit Baby. And if you have a Spirit Baby, you already have women’s intuition.
Being able to connect intuitively with your offspring is essential ... Views: 1713
There IS Divine Order on our planet. Remember, not to “judge by appearances.”
We are ALL exactly where we need to be. We are ALL in the right place at the right time.
Karma does work in EVERY moment of our lives. Every thought, word, and deed is recorded in the ethers. Some people like ... Views: 1928
In 6th grade I knew I was reincarnated from ancient Greece. I knew I had lived in or near the Parthenon and lived the current myths about the Gods and Goddesses.
Many years later I joined my first Metaphysical group and met with them once a week for two years.
People receive messages ... Views: 1499
Spirit comes to me in my dreams. Every night we go to the center of the Cosmos right within our own self. We go back to our Source to be healed and receive guidance. Eighty per cent of our dreams are compensatory, they help to analyze and solve the problems of the day.
Sometimes they show us ... Views: 1969
What is “subspace”? Courtney Brown, Ph.D., professor of political science and statistics at the University of Georgia in Atlanta, and remote viewer and director of the Farsight Institute, appropriated this word from the Star Trek series, where it was undefined, and gave it a definition. He ... Views: 1979
Karmic Chains – What do you want?
Do you want success in your life and ignore what happens after it? If so there are many ‘gurus’ out there willing to take your money and maybe teach you how to do just that.
Or do you have questions about life itself? Do you have concerns over what ... Views: 1928
Everything In Life Is a Choice
I am not going to write some upbeat, unrealistic article about how you should take responsibility for your life, because ultimately, “you” create your experiences with your choices and actions. I am not going to do that because I don’t believe that it is true. ... Views: 2010
I have two main pet peeves. I can’t stand people who get multiple readings and people who pick their scabs. My brother used to have the nasty habit of picking his scabs when we were younger. I suppose that he got some kind of sick pleasure out of reopening a wound and watching it bleed. Or ... Views: 1926
The popularity of psychic readings, palm readers, and fortunetellers has skyrocketed in the second half of the twentieth century, and still continues today, due to the New Age spirituality movement. With the newly arrived booming psychic business lies the question of whether or not psychic ... Views: 2323
The third eye. It is a powerful tool, legendary and told of from ancients, that can help to unlock one more lock in the intricacies of the universe. Those that doubt their third eye, or even the existence of it, fail to see what is beyond and as a result their third eye is closed tightly, shut ... Views: 3575
Financial engineering is the development of financial products and technical and quantitative strategies. It is a procedure which involves the production and arrangement of a variety of financial instruments. A financial objective is achieved with a certain amount of cost, tax, and legal ... Views: 2450
Have you ever felt like jumping off a cliff?
I understand this sounds drastic but what I mean is: Do you ever have that feeling that you just want to break free, like you want to overcome your fears and just jump off that cliff into unknown water? Have you ever felt like you’re stuck in a ... Views: 2457
This is a meditation similar to the Divine Love Bubble*: in that it was channeled from the Akashic Records for one, but mostly because it helps to keep you feeling unconditionally loved and supported by the Universe. It’s really quick + easy and you can do it anytime. It also helps you to be ... Views: 2304
So, last week I did a Live Channeling of the Akashic Records of Control and Surrender. It blew my mind, and the minds of everyone on the call. Here are some important gleanings:
If you are struggling—with anything—it’s because your Ego-brain is exerting too much control. Take this in. It’s a ... Views: 1730
New Year is a happy moment for every individual and comes with new hopes and lots of prosperity in someone’s life. The time comes also with the opportunity to spend some precious and memorable moment with someone. But apart from these traditions, it is really a time to do some distinct ... Views: 4341
From a Witches Glossary at http://www.dynionmwyn.net/glossary.html:
REINCARNATION: 1) the doctrine of rebirth of the spirit. Or 2) the process of repeated incarnations (lives), in physical form to allow the evolution of the soul.
From Wikipedia:
“Reincarnation is the ... Views: 2948
We carry emotional “baggage” from our past experiences. We are all aware of that. And sometimes that “baggage” can really overload us and weigh us down, just like when we overpack for a trip or vacation. Sometimes, we even have trouble enjoying ourselves on that trip because we have so much ... Views: 2705
Online marketing is certainly a person of your most popular subjects in the net today. On the other hand, with so many individuals composing and discussing it, figuring out the top techniques, instruments, and strategies to make use of can at times be confusing.
In this post, I want to share ... Views: 2344
The Akashic Records are a vibrational record of every soul's journey from the point of origin. Within the records all the experiences throughout each soul's incarnations are recorded. Every thought, word, deed, emotion and event is scribed upon the ethers. Each soul has its own Akashic Records, ... Views: 3725
There is a certain mysticism surrounding The Akashic Records. From the time we decide to experience life as an independent soul, a field of energy is created that records every thought, word, deed and emotion associated with each experience. This field of energy is the Akashic Records. Akasha is ... Views: 2116
Hearing The Voice Of God When you are following your heart and listening to the guidance you receive from (God, The Universe, The Divine, Source Energy) you begin to make decisions based on that guidance. I began hearing the voice of God at the age of 21. The problem was when I was younger I was ... Views: 2904
The information below is offered to you unedited as it was given to me during a session in my own Akashic Records. After opening my records I asked for guidance from my Masters, Teachers and Loved Ones about what to put on my website using the following questions.
How do I explain what the ... Views: 2204
"We always have free will in how we choose to deal with our body karma as it arises and this choice determines our destiny."
After doing thousands of psychic readings and past-life therapy sessions dealing with the health of the physical vessel, I've decided it would be helpful to ... Views: 6590
We received this inquiry recently:
“Just what is a psychic looking at? How do they ‘see’ the future? What in the world are they looking at? Where do they get their information about things 30 years in the future about people who were not even born yet?”
As professional mystics, we readily ... Views: 1953
Energetic cords are fairly passive two-way energetic connections that can drain our energy. They can come from either positive or negative Souls and their effects are very subtle. We can create cords with just about anyone we have a relationship with, whether that be a parent, friend, family ... Views: 8712
A true medium is a mediator between man and the universal collective consciousness know as God. Some psychics are only out for material gain and even if they do have some power within them, their behavior can become a distraction in varies ways while a reading is being given to you. An ... Views: 3254
Many clients that come to me for clearing work have an intuitive sense that they need to clear the negative energy that they still carry around past-life experiences. They believe in the concept of reincarnation so they know that not only have they been here before, but they may very well be ... Views: 3075
For those who have not heard of the Akashic Records, let me briefly explain. Also referred to as the “Hall of Records” or the “Book of Life”, the Akashic Records are a giant energetic database of every person, place, or thing that has ever existed. It contains all knowledge of human experience ... Views: 2298
The Akashic Records is a dimension of consciousness that contains a vibrational record of every soul and its journey. It exists everywhere and is available at all times. It is the past, present and future knowledge of all things. The Akashic Records contain everything that every soul has ever ... Views: 2072
If you are already attuned and assigned your own High-Self committees during the Spiritual Response Therapy class, here’s some tips to working with them.
1. Years back, most of the time I depend on pendulum to get answer, but I think it is about how to “BE” with them instead of “DO”. I ... Views: 2472
Here is one of the limited beliefs that can block you from working with the source.
The higher the distance means the farther away from me.
I think this is quite a definite belief in our sub-conscious mind while we always apply the belief above to this physical plane, the third dimensional ... Views: 2058
Before I begin my story I would like to reiterate that each word of it is true and incontrovertable. This story as it unfolds will show much of what has happened since the beginning of creation and if the material resonates with you,much of your own history may also be revealed or at least ... Views: 3318
In giving readings of the Akashic Records, I've often run into the following issues:
1) Multiple or parallel realities clouding up the reading;
2) Past and Future lives happening at the same time, and
3) Not all lives have been lived on this Planet.
If we take care to be aware of the ... Views: 2628