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Akashic Record ReadingI read Akashic Records (soul records) and clear the invisible blocks so that my clients can improve the quality of their lives. My Akashic Record Reading is a comprehensive review of your soul profile and various blocks and restrictions that may be affecting you mentally, emotionally, and physically. Views: 403
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Sacred Insights: Awakening Souls...Transforming LivesKathy Karlander is a spiritual healer, teacher, author, and counselor. Her mission is to help others better understand the nature of Who They Are, Why they are here, and How they relate to the world around them. Let her help you find the peace you deserve. Views: 261
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Akashic ReadingsReading of your Akashic Records found in the center of the cosmos. Contains all of your records since your soul was called into form. Views: 205
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Akashic KnowingMy name is Lisa Barnett, and I am an Akashic Records Teacher, Consultant, and energy healer.If you desire Soul Level Information or guidance on learning to empower yourself by learning to access you own Akashic Records, please contact me.
It is my greatest wish to help you be firmly on your chosen
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Energetic WorldAtonements for helping yourself grow Views: 106
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Journey to the HeartJourney to the Heart offers Psycho-spiritual Integration Workshops: The Akashic Records, Sacred Geometry, Trance Dance, Tantric Shamanism, Sacred Travel Intensives to magical places around the world.
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Hear and Soul MentoringYou will receive the spiritual guidance
that you seek and learn how to put that guidance into practical application in your life. Views: 87
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Footprints from the Past - from Past to FutureHighly qualified hypnotherapist. Past Life Regression, Interlife Explorations and Future Life Progressions, Spiritual Healing, Holistic and Conventional NLP, Holistic and Conventional Counselling & Life Coaching, Reiki. High quality bespoke service. HIGHLY COMPETITIVE PRICES. Telephone service. English and Italian offered. Views: 59
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Soul TherapiesAkashic Records Readings, "Learn to Open Your Own Records" workshop, Life Between Lives Regression based on the work of Dr. Michael Newton, Past Life Regression, Angel Therapy Practitioner®, Hypnosis, Spiritual Counseling and Mentoring, Reiki Master/Teacher Views: 58
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Galena Body and SpiritAkashic Records Readings and Classes
Reiki sessions and Classes
Usui, Karuna Reiki tm, Shinjiro
Many other workshops offered Views: 53
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Jenny MannionOver 200 articles on alternative healing. Additionally Jenny is an energy healing practitioner, reads/clears Akashic records and is a mind/body mentor. Views: 46
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Manifest Abundance NowAkashic Records Readings, Energy Clearing & Spiritual Guidance Views: 46
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UltimateU.netHolistic Nursing working with clients with Spiritual Direction through the Akashic Records Consultations, spiritual healing through many healing modalities, self healing gifts through art, books, etc., support groups, and workshops and classes in Akashic Records, Reike, Therapeutic Touch. Views: 42
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Akashicrecords-tarot.comThis book gives guidance as to how to achieve and earn your "free pass"into the Akashic Library.This book also caters for 3 levels of understanding. Views: 40
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Simply Divine LifeFind the answers to the you've been seeking and the solutions to the soul-level restrictions that are keeping you from a life of joy and freedom with a soul realignment consultation by Keena. Views: 40
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Sacred Insights: Awakening Souls...Transforming LivesKathy Karlander is a spiritual healer, teacher, author, and counselor. Her mission is to help others better understand the nature of Who They Are, Why they are here, and How they relate to the world around them. Let her help you find the peace you deserve. Views: 39
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Akashic Field Therapy with CJ MartesAkashic Field TherapyTM(AFT) takes an indepth look into any unresolved traumas recorded in your Akashic Field. Unresolved traumatic experiences can create repeating patterns of behavior, emotional blocks, irrational fears and negative beliefs. Views: 38
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Life IntegrityUsing the Akashic Records Readings, you can change the course of your life by healing past wounds and physical issues, understanding what your life's purpose and path is, and moving forward with a clear plan of action. Views: 38
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Healing EnergyIntegrated Energy Therapy, Quantum Touch, Akashic Records Consultations, Reiki.. Views: 36
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