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Excerpted from the April 21,2011 episode of my radio show, A Fine Time for Healing
Roughly 100 million Americans suffer the effects of codependency today. Relationship codependency is often referred to as the “White Knight” syndrome, because the codependent tends to be a rescuer. ... Views: 4535
When you were growing up were you taught that making everyone happy and ‘keeping the peace’ was more important than your own needs?
Do you put great effort into your relationship but still find you can’t please your partner or stop his cruel words, actions or even physical assaults? You may ... Views: 1025
Do you feel trapped in a marriage with a husband who undermines you, makes you feel weak rather than strong, or are you always tense or afraid whenever he is around?
You should know that divorce is not your only option and that you have more options than you realize. Understanding the cause ... Views: 1662
When we were young, very young, we made decisions about ourselves and the world we live in that have lasted throughout our lives. These decisions, or agreements about life, were made before we had a rational mind or the perspective and experience of an adult. Most of our beliefs about the world ... Views: 1363
Morphine addiction has a devastating impact on an individual’s health, relationships and overall quality of life. Morphine is a prescription narcotic that is used to treat pain but is also highly addictive. It produces a euphoric “high” which further heightens the possibility of addiction as ... Views: 1419
America is a country when alcohol and drug use is most pervasive. Most alcohol related automobile fatalities could have been avoided if the person driving had made better choices regarding their drinking or substance use. Alcohol awareness classes are typically required by anyone who has been ... Views: 1196
The term Fat Burners is such a forceful expression that it calls to mind some ultra-fast acting technique to lose weight.
What Really Are Fat Burners And How Do They Work?
Fat burners are dietary supplements that supposedly help speed up your body metabolism so that you burn calories ... Views: 975
After years of struggling as a writer, by 1996, I had written two books, had publishers interested in both, and had walked away each time. Finally, in complete frustration, I gave up the dream of being a writer. I still felt something was locking up my writing, but I had no idea what it was. ... Views: 1766
Note: the real names of the author and her publisher are used with their permission.
“Mr. Hays, I really loved the book your book, “Search For Peace.” I spent all weekend reading it, and I just couldn’t put it down. I’d like to talk to you about publishing it.” Those are thrilling words ... Views: 1525
When I was six years old I felt very connected with God. I had a sense of peace about my world, and knew, I just knew, that one day I would become a famous writer. It was a sense of destiny that was as tangible as anything I’ve experienced since. I started my first novel at age 13, something ... Views: 1721
In the fall of 1986 someone said to me "You write very lyrically. Are you a poet?" I replied pretty vehemently, "No, no, I'm not a poet!" as if I was physically trying to push away the concept. I was also ignoring the fact that I had published poetry in a school literary magazine when I was in ... Views: 1562
“A battlefield is a battlefield. I don’t care where you are fighting it. Unless you have lived through fearing for your life on a nightly basis, you cannot imagine what war is like." - Dr. Gayle J. Hall.
A victim of domestic violence fights for her life on a daily basis, just like a soldier ... Views: 1899
“Even to this day, it is difficult to discuss with some people and provide vivid descriptions what really happens in a domestic violent situation. This is because some do not want to hear the truth and the facts. More than ever before, I feel it is my duty to tell, to inform, to educate, anyone ... Views: 1450
“My personality and entire lifestyle changed. I had to quit my active involvement with the Chamber of Commerce, could not call on my big corporate accounts with male clients, and was accused daily of having affairs. My long-time friends did not know the hell I was living through. I was so ... Views: 1355
“We must help the victims of domestic violence look into the mirror and name this problem so they can begin receiving help. Education is the key in the class rooms across the nation, to discuss domestic violence and date rape, train our family counselors and therapists, and others who are not ... Views: 1059
Alcohol abuse is a type of disease. Individuals who abuse alcohol will drink it in excess despite the fact that it negatively impacts every aspect of their lives. Approximately two thousand individuals aged less than twenty one die in alcohol related crashes every year. Around one half of ... Views: 848
With the state of Florida having just passed legislation this year that makes drug testing of welfare recipients mandatory, the connections between welfare reform and drug abuse have been hotly and publicly debated by politicians and homemakers alike. However, both sides of this issue are ... Views: 741
Dominique Staruss-Kahn, the scandal-ridden former head of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) is entitled to the presumption of innocence until proven guilty. But, if he did try to rape the hotel maid in New-York in May 2011, his behavior would conform to the type of misconduct common among ... Views: 1187
Author: Jared Bryan Smith
ISBN: 9780984595501
Jared Bryan Smith with his hippopotamus sea; my viral sobriety transports his readers to a place that most would not dare to go, or wouldn't even think of going.
In excruciating detail, Smith's biographical account details the life of a tragic ... Views: 1325
The source of all pain on the planet, all confusion, all hatred, all poverty lies in what those in Eastern religions have long since called “The Disease of Duality.” The quest to balance the ego mind with the soul’s wisdom. When we believe we are separate from God, that God is over there, and ... Views: 1403
Sometimes emotions make the life difficult even make it unbearable for some people. On the other hand, the life without emotions is tasteless, because, emotions give us experience of pleasure.
All addictions and most entertainments, communicates, projects, trainings, and therapies result from ... Views: 4355
Many years ago, I was awakened in the middle of the night by the first verse of a poem — which would be called "DETOURS" — as it was blossoming in my head:
Sometimes we experience slight dimensional snags ...Like catching your sleeve on an unforeseen splinter
As you move through the ... Views: 2517
What is self control?
Self control is the ability to control one's feelings, emotions, impulses, and reactions. Effects of self control are seen everywhere, you can see it in the wealth of the people, winners medals, good habits, strong relationships, a beautiful music, magnificent buildings, ... Views: 2680
Group therapy can be the most nurturing and also the most challenging form of therapy. It is highly effective. While it doesn’t replace individual therapy, it can be a great adjunct and a final step in the healing process.
Group therapy is very relevant for survivors of childhood abuse and ... Views: 1933
Surviving Abuse and The Long Term Effects of Eating Disorders
From the Prospective of a Very Grateful Survivor
Chapter 1- Gratefully, I’m Still Here
Chapter 2- The Gallery of Eating Disorders
Chapter 3- Medical Delights to Come
Chapter 4- It Is Your Choice
Chapter 5- ... Views: 1501
I know what’s going on. I have at least become that self-aware in the last sixty-one years. I am practicing the art of avoidance. I know that I am going to have to write this sooner or later, but I am assiduously putting it off as long as possible.
We all have that tendency, don’t we, when it ... Views: 1348
Can we ever really be free of the past that haunts us, the voices in our heads that tell us lies and make us do things that we don’t want to do? Can we be free of our subconscious?
The Showtime Entertainment™ series Dexter™ is a dramatic statement of those questions. Dexter Morgan is a genial ... Views: 1592
If you’ve ever packed up and moved from one house to another, you know something of what the subconscious is like.
I’m not talking about the kind of move where someone else comes in and packs up all your stuff, even down to the ashes in the ash trays. I’m talking about the kind of move where ... Views: 1354
Can Addiction Be Cured?
In today’s world, most addiction treatment professionals view addiction as an incurable disease, which can only be managed and controlled using ongoing aftercare programs. In other words, every addict will always be a recovering addict, and cannot hope to become a ... Views: 1940
Obesity is blamed on many things related to our physical health: food cravings, metabolism rate, thyroid issues, lack of exercise, binge eating, etc. Yet examining obesity from a psychological perspective reveals that there’s far more to obesity than just the physical causes and effects.
A ... Views: 1957
My passion in looking at men and trauma comes primarily from my personal experience as a young boy, first growing up in a violent alcoholic home and then having to deal with the impact of that trauma long into my thirties — and long into my sobriety. I still have vivid memories sitting on the ... Views: 1892
Have you ever come across an individual who knocks you down, tear you down over everything that you are about? S/he will criticize you, condemn you and basically let you know or feel that you are an idiot for even thinking what you are thinking or doing what you are doing. Then several ... Views: 1349
1. Why did you decide to share your story with the world?
Answer – This is a very good question and one I have asked myself many times over. The answer is not very black and white; it’s was a combination of many factories. It truth at first it was a way of trying to heal myself, if I could ... Views: 1166
Do you have to discover ways to stop smoking cigarettes? How many times have you commented to yourself or somebody else, “I really should discontinue using tobacco,” only to turn around and blaze still another cigarette? In the event you are like most smokers, your response may be: “A great ... Views: 1735
When it comes to drug use and sex, the popularization of combining the two has come about by inaccurate portrayals of how substance abuse affects this basic human function. Books, movies and television have glorified drugs like ecstasy that purportedly increase a person's libido and greatly ... Views: 1172
If we truly want to live a happier life, we must dig deep and learn to forgive. Forgiveness is the most precious treasure that we can give ourselves and each other.
When we are willing to take responsibility for forgiveness, we are guaranteed a life of peace, gratitude, wisdom, expansion and ... Views: 1584
People targeted by a mobbing process have been thrown from what they believed was an orderly world into a state of chaos in which many former points of reference are no longer valid.
This confusion may prompt them to question all points of reference, including the ones deep inside of them. ... Views: 2021
Most of us don’t like to spend much time thinking about our losses and disappointments or painful childhood experiences. Yet, without much effort, they are brought to the forefront of our minds when something in our environment triggers thoughts of them. We see a happy couple and think ”Oh, ... Views: 1445
There is nothing like Mother's Day to remind you of just how much you have lost and how painful that loss is if you are estranged from your mother due to abandonment (disclosing your abuse, mental illness, drug abuse, physical or emotional abuse etc) or loss.
When I disclosed my abuse to my ... Views: 3203
Learning to take care of yourself is at the very core of your healing process. It’s a way to demonstrate self-love and respect of yourself.
No matter how busy you get, making time to care for yourself—mind, body, and spirit—is a must. Neglecting self-care can have negative effects on body, ... Views: 1908
Are You Commitment-Phobic?
Many people don’t experience committed, steady relationships, and they often assert this is so not because they are afraid of commitment but rather because they enjoy their freedom and flirtatious nature. And while this may be true for some who embrace their “forever ... Views: 1959
Exam Fears & Parental Pressure Drives Students to Drink – Discover simple ways to banish exam stress
According to an article in The Metro this week, exam stress and parental pressure are driving many school children to alcohol and self-harming.
The ChildLine counselling service says that 1 ... Views: 2038
You are magnificent! In fact, you are absolutely a fabulous, unique, one-of-a-kind masterpiece, and you are priceless! Has anyone ever told you that? Beginning right now, at this very minute, I am asking you to begin saying this to yourself every day until you believe it. Why? Because it is the ... Views: 1790
Substance abuse is quite a common phenomenon these days. Drugs are very common among college kids, young adults and even the older generation. Once hooked, it is very difficult to stay away. Drug rehabilitation centers help to rid the addict of the addiction by means of medical and psychological ... Views: 1116
I have been asked by a few people of late as to my motivation for writing this book.
The answer is twofold. I had to find a way to deal with my demons, which even after all these years, seemed so reluctant to leave. Secondly and I believe just as important, was to reach out to others. It’s ... Views: 1190
Then you might need to try the metaphysical way.
When something happens, when somebody, maybe a colleague, treats us badly, perhaps they criticize us, bully us, put us down, humiliate us or try to manipulate us, the first reaction is to feel hurt or get angry: why did they do that to us? Or ... Views: 3393
If you have a child that seems to excel at everything he or she does in the academic realm then you are very lucky. This is not something that every parent is able to report when speaking about their children. There are times when children struggle in school. When this happens it can be very ... Views: 2581
I would also like to share this story with you. Whilst emailing talk shows I sent an email to a particular lady host. It was strange as it took me some time to find her email address, but something told me to keep looking. Once found I emailed her. Within ten minutes I received an urgent reply, ... Views: 1435
Most of us typically associate addiction with alcohol or drug abuse, but it's clear that addictive behaviors go far beyond. A universal definition of Addiction is characterized by the repeated, compulsive seeking or use of a substance, behavior, or activity despite negative consequences (harmful ... Views: 2320
“Whatever you think, whatever you feel, I know is your problem and not my problem. It is the way you see the world. It is nothing personal, because you are dealing with yourself, not with me.” ~ Don Miguel Ruiz, The Four Agreements.
Why do most of us find it so difficult in the face of an ... Views: 1957