We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Abuse and Recovery". If you have expertise in Abuse and Recovery and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
Anabolic steroids are abused by people, both sports stars and non-athletes, to enhance performance or physical appearance, or both.
Steroids may also be used to increase muscle size or reduce excess body fat and therefore widely used by men and women suffering from muscle dysmorphia, that is ... Views: 1576
Abusive relationships are largely invisible to the public, most of whom are illiterate about this realm of life. Acts of abuse mostly take place behind closed doors and can go on for some time before there is visual evidence. For example, you can’t tell by looking that:
• A woman was ... Views: 1919
When there has been abuse, sexual, physical, emotional and verbal it's tough to forgive, darn near impossible. I know because I've been in each of these situations, so I speak from my heart and soul, to yours, with love, respect and light.
The abuser went to prison for his actions. Well ... Views: 1769
So many of us rush around stuffing our feeling and emotions deeper and deeper down inside of us. We refuse to let them out. We may subconsciously remember childhood programs we picked up like… “stop crying or I’ll give you something to cry about”, or someone calling you a “cry baby”, or ... Views: 2363
There are many people in this world who are addicted to drugs. There are many reasons behind such addiction. Some people take drugs in order to spend nice time with his friends. There are many people who consume drugs in order to get rid of the depressions and the frustrations of life. This ... Views: 1024
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The Emergence of Female Sex Addiction: Understanding Gender Differences
Ross Rosenberg, M.Ed., LCPC, CADC
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“It's important to talk about it. You raise awareness. But you can also prevent it (child abuse) by not letting it be a secret.”~Chris Witty
I am always amazed at the number of victims of sexual abuse that I encounter in my private sessions. Not one day of sessions goes by that does not ... Views: 1976
School bullies have been all over the media lately. It’s a sad truth for today’s youth. Equally unfortunate is the truth that most adults are privy to... bullies exist in healthy numbers well beyond the high school years. Below are some thoughts on dealing with bullies from an energetic ... Views: 1422
Reading through a book named as Human Trafficking by Courtney Farrell regarding Human Trafficking in relation to Modern Slavery, I was shocked by listening to a story in the beginning of the book which tells about a nine year old girl Williathe Narcisse, who was a slave in Haiti before she ... Views: 1481
How does childhood trauma affect the brain?
Originally Published on November 15, 2011 on HotMommaGossip.com
Written By
Jane Simington
PhD, Grief & Trauma Educator and Therapist
Healthy bonding and attachment are crucial to development from the first days of life. Well cared-for babies ... Views: 2932
Millions of adults in the United States were victims of some degree of sexual abuse when they were children. In most cases this abuse leaves its affects to a greater or lesser degree. The affect it has on people when they become adults is dependent on many factors. The first factor is the ... Views: 3027
Coffee is a widespread hot beverage and also an additive in some foodstuffs. Its high prevalence is possible because of several factors, such as its common international availability and affordability, the absence of alcohol in the raw coffee, and the ease with which the beverage is prepared. In ... Views: 1460
I’m in a bad way I have only just made it to the bathroom before throwing up; sitting there on my cold floor tiles I put my head between my knees just to keep upright. The room is spinning, rotating all around me like some never ending merry go round. I know that this is where I will sleep ... Views: 1375
More than once to date I have received an email from an abuser and not the abused. The question that must pop in to our heads is why? Why would someone of that ilk visit my web page? Is it not rubbing their noise in it? Are their reasons for being here pure? After much pondering, I have decided ... Views: 1823
Grief – it’s a word we can all relate to, if we have ever suffered the pain of losing someone close to us. It’s a word that is associated with love, the empty feeling it leaves behind as the bottom of our world falls out. It’s a word that is associated with death, as we try to move on in our ... Views: 1768
Why? It’s a question I have been asked many times both personally and indirectly through my web page. So which why am I being asked here? There are so many whys in my past; it’s quite difficult to pin each one down. This scenario I am sure mirrors the lives of so many people, still unable to ... Views: 1587
I shoot up in bed sweat pouring from my body, the sheets clinging tightly all around me. I try to adjust my eyes to the light, while they are darting from one corner of the room to another. I know he is here I heard his footsteps on the stairs. He is coming closer and closer to me with ever step ... Views: 1344
I have just been asked by my counsellor about my sexuality, a question I have been waiting for that took its time to arrive. The answer has been in my mind for so long waiting to be announced. I truthful didn’t know. So what were my options here? It seems through choice that I am Heterosexual, ... Views: 1545
It’s dark and I have no idea of where I am nothing around me looks Familiar, I can hear voices just out of eye shot. My head feels as if it may explode and I am fighting the urge to throw up. There is a swell of disinfectant hanging in the air which is not helping me much. I sit up in bed and ... Views: 1536
I’ve just returned home after another session with my Psychiatrist, today has really not gone well. I was asked to visit a place that had so many bad memories for me. Dealing with the sexual side of my rehabilitation is a killer. I know that I need this psychotherapeutic treatment, because I am ... Views: 1611
Who do we see when we look in the mirror? You should be so comfortable with the face you were born with. We have seen ourselves grow and change, from the pictures we have witnessed when we were children. The truth is we never see the real us, the reflection always differs from the way that ... Views: 1314
It’s raining and I am kneeling next to my father’s grave. The dirty water and mud swish all around me but I pay no mind. I have so many questions that need to be answered by a man that has been dead for so many years. Do I remember him or only the stories I have been told over the years? I was ... Views: 1255
I am sitting next to my mum holding her hand, just as I have been doing for the last thirty days. They have just turned off the life support; I watched her dying breath as it escaped her tiny body. She had gone to hospital with lower back pain, a complaint that should never have caused the loss ... Views: 1365
When these words are spoken they are always received differently, depending on the impact they have on the person hearing them. For those of you like me who have gone through this experience, we also have a magnitude of different responses. Every one of us has a different story to tell. But ... Views: 1307
When we make the empowered decision to take back control of our lives, there is another hard fact that we need to face up to. While going through the trauma that engulfed our life’s for so many years, there is always going to be a fall out. Mine was the peace and protection I thought I had ... Views: 1326
For so many years I felt as if life was just about getting up every day, existing just until another night of the haunting dark hours. I would be still in the dark, fighting with all I had to stay awake. Why could I not just close my eyes? That meant the return of the nightmares. I would feel ... Views: 1224
This situation for me was something I had to contend with for many years.
The room is full but for me it may as well have been empty. All I can hear is white noise, were they talking to me? Why would they want to talk to me? Someone asks me if I am ok but the voice seems so far away, somewhat ... Views: 1483
For so many years I walked around with an enormous Psychological and Sociological residue, firmly believed that there was no way back for me. I sit here today typing, in the knowledge that the battle within myself is almost over. This is by far the battle you struggle with; it’s so hard to make ... Views: 1373
An old Cherokee told his grandson one day about a battle that goes on inside people… He told him that the battle was between 2 wolves. One is Evil. It’s anger, envy, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority and ego. The other one is ... Views: 1284
Through the writing my book, I have found the strength and hope to come back from a very dark place. My greatest wish would be to impart that message to others. We can all achieve that. There is a place deep inside of us that remains untapped, unless you reach your lowest point, and allow the ... Views: 1228
So many times the cover-up seems to me to be worse than the crime. It might be something as President Nixon and Watergate or as trivial as Sarah Palin and her … um … improvisation on the ride of Paul Revere.
(Don’t try to fool a Boston girl – I know all about Paul Revere).
I think most of ... Views: 2072
Did you know that October is National Domestic Violence Awareness Month? Did you know that the ribbon for preventing domestic violence is purple? Did you see any purple ribbons this October? You probably saw a lot of pink ribbons. While breast cancer is a very serious issue that deserves the ... Views: 1213
September is coming. My life will be changing greatly in September as I seek employment and have less time to do the things which I love like writing, studying, meditating, and passing on words of inspiration. Yet again, I feel that things are happening as they should.
Today we are engaged ... Views: 1330
In our culture it is very common to teach our children, especially girls, that putting others’ needs before our own is the key to keeping harmony. This is how a person learns Codependence.
But when you are dealing with a partner who believes it is your job to make him happy, which is a ... Views: 3027
Many people often wonder what alcohol abuse is and what the signs of alcohol abuse are? While most people will find that they do drink a single drink every night, they will assume that this doesn't constitute abuse in any form. The truth of the matter is that there are different levels when it ... Views: 2165
It doesn't always happen. But it happens to a large enough degree that it can be referred to as commonplace. A number of studies indicate that between 30 - 70% of young abusers (physical or sexual) have been sexually abused themselves. Statistics on adult abusers who were sexually abused as ... Views: 14626
“Everybody must get stoned”
– Bob Dylan, Rainy Day Women # 12 & 35
Bob Dylan is one of the most popular Western musicians of the 1960s, and has been a songwriter and performer for more than 50 years. He has more than thirty studio albums and 50 singles to his name, among them Blowin' in ... Views: 4804
I was recently asked why I chose to write and publish a book about abuse and empowerment. Being a victim of child abuse by multiple people and reading everything I could about how to help myself I chose to start sharing with others how they too could benefit from what all I have learned, ... Views: 1322
If I had a daughter, she would be the most precious gift of my life. If I had a daughter, I would have already found one such gift; in her mother. If I were blessed with a daughter, I would do everything I could to protect her. And then, I would do a little more. What I've learned in this world, ... Views: 2205
Child Abuse in the United States
The statistics of the number of children abused and neglected in the United States are staggering. And as the economy worsens, child abuse is on the rise. Here are some of the facts:
Every ten seconds a report of child abuse is made.
Five children a day ... Views: 1639
Alcoholism and depression often go hand in hand and there is good reason for this as we will see later. Firstly, though we should take a look at some of the basic depression symptoms:
Eating disorder
Sleep disturbance
Decreased interest and pleasure in one's daily activities
Feelings of ... Views: 1484
Have you ever wondered if you or a loved one is an alcoholic? There are many different definitions and explanations of what alcoholism is and who can be classified as suffering this addiction. Many times these designations are chosen by the various treatment facilities, perhaps the best way to ... Views: 1639
A lot of conflicting emotions surface when you think you notice alcoholic behavior in someone you love. In fact, it is emotional when you realize that you may have a problem with alcohol yourself. It takes a big person to look in the mirror and honestly assess whether alcohol is becoming a ... Views: 3579
Drinking alcohol is a part of the lives of many people. You drink when you have a bottle of wine during your meals, during special occasions, when you go out with your friends and a lot more. It is then difficult to identify if a person is having troubles with controlling how much alcohol he ... Views: 1599
What are the lies we bought as love that are causing us to suffer?
What are the lies we bought as love that are causing us not to be happy?
What are the lies we bought as love that are causing us not to love ourselves?
What are the lies we bought as love that are causing us to put up with ... Views: 1630
"Therapists who work with adults abused as children have one overriding goal, that is to repair the client's self-image. Once the client's self image is repaired, he or she is on the road to full recovery."
Eliana Gil - Treatment of Adult Survivors of Childhood Abuse
If you think it ... Views: 1637
By Mark Lamendola
Many people are afraid of being assertive, or consider assertive behavior to be impolite. Usually, that’s because they confuse assertive behavior with aggressive behavior. Instead of confronting a problem, they use other strategies. And ... Views: 2257
Psst! Abuse. Shhh!
Voicing openly on the subject of abuse is still largely considered taboo and best kept as ‘civilized’ society's dirty little ‘bully secret’. When you think about it, it’s quite inconceivable that in every society bullying as domestic abuse is more acceptable than ... Views: 1891
One of the most frequent questions I get from my more spiritual clients is, “How can I reach my highest potential?”
Not surprisingly, your lifestyle habits and preferences contribute substantially to whether or not you ever reach your highest potential. To do so, you must be in peak physical, ... Views: 2399
A stagnant stigma
Let us take good look at the stagnant stigma surrounding abuse and see abuse for what it really is: an oppressed, suppressed, repressed mighty universal power that has been stolen – mostly feminine.
Now look closer. It takes extraordinary resilience and endurance to ... Views: 1735