If you only read self-help books and articles by many pop-psychologists, you would likely believe that changing how you think, feel, and behave is a relatively easy process once you decide to do so. Many people write in such a way that leads you to believe it should be as easy as deciding to ... Views: 1396
An article by: Jay Tow, M.S.
During the many years I have worked as a counselor and coach, I have found that one thing holds people back from living the lives they want more than anything else. Fear is the one common emotion that inhibits us from making the changes that would improve our ... Views: 5615
An article by Jay Tow, M.S., Certified Sexologist
“It’s just not fair.”
“How can they do that to me?”
“Don’t they care how this affects me?”
“This always happens to me. Why can’t I catch a break?”
Have you ever said anything like the quotes above? I don’t think anyone goes ... Views: 7287
An article by Jay Tow, M.S. Certified Sexologist
Much has been written and discussed about the things we can teach our children in order help them avoid being victims of a sexual predator or molester. We all know about staying away from strangers and good and bad touching. There are steps ... Views: 2116
Do you prefer your fish broiled, fried, or blackened? How about your steaks? Do you like them rare, medium, or well done? What is your favorite flavor of ice cream? Are you an early riser or do you prefer to sleep in when you can? Do you tend to be attracted to slim people or someone with a ... Views: 1983
What constitutes sexual addiction? This article addresses some common misconceptions. It also more clearly defines sexual addiction. I hope that those reading this article will understand that like all addictions, sex addiction is a progressive disease. It requires more and more to get the ... Views: 2785
My approach to working with couples has always started with the following:
Two people coming into a relationship with
their own set of issues. They act out on these
issues within the relationship.
In order to deal with the issues that may be having a negative effect on the ... Views: 2236
Millions of adults in the United States were victims of some degree of sexual abuse when they were children. In most cases this abuse leaves its affects to a greater or lesser degree. The affect it has on people when they become adults is dependent on many factors. The first factor is the ... Views: 3027
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On Being Normal - by N. Jay Tow, M.S., Board Certified Sexologist
Have you ever wondered if you are normal? Do you spend time comparing yourself to others? It is not uncommon to have these thoughts because we tend to judge many things as being normal or not normal. If people don’t perceive themselves as having “acceptable” thoughts, feelings, beliefs, or ... Views: 3058