We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Wisdom". If you have expertise in Wisdom and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
Have you recently observed the steam coming out of the ears of a few women over forty? Not sure what’s up and what started it all? Let me clue you in. It’s a reaction to a just published McKinsey & Company report in conjunction (some would say cahoots) with The Wall Street Journal. In the spirit ... Views: 1827
“I can’t give you a sure-fire formula for success, but I can give you a formula for failure: try to please everybody all the time.” Herbert Bayard Swope
“Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm.” Winston Churchill
The path of success goes ... Views: 2521
I read an article about how one college’s students hates another college and its rival student body. This arises out of a sports rivalry spanning over one hundred years. My initial reaction was wondering how in the world we are going to have peace on this planet when even simple friendly sport ... Views: 2468
Remember when you were little and someone may have said, “Monkey-see, Monkey-do”? Well, everything that you emit through your actions, your words and even your thoughts are being fed into those around you – your children, your siblings, your friends, your coworkers and even your significant ... Views: 1331
I noticed on Facebook that someone posted a statement that “it is okay not to be perfect.” I responded by saying that everyone is perfect, for which I was told “that is your ego talking.” To me, this is a fundamental misconception that guarantees suffering for anyone that believes that we are ... Views: 1558
All perception is projection is one of my favorite teachings of Derek O’Neill. It is one of those ultimate truths that apply to every facet of my life. Sometimes it is so basic that I totally miss the true meaning of the teaching. It is the basic premise of the higher teaching that we create ... Views: 1773
I wouldn’t consider myself a team player.
I have always been the type of person who would rather just do something myself than have someone else assist me. I thought that bringing in another person with their own set of expectations about how things should be done complicated things, and I ... Views: 1226
Have you ever felt called to a higher level of existence, but you resisted because you were afraid to take that leap of faith?
Have you ever had a dream that conveyed a message – a powerful message that you knew needed to be listened to and acted upon?
Did you answer the call and act on ... Views: 1309
I read recently that a very famous spiritual writer was calling on all “light workers” to pray for healing for the world and for an end to the world’s problems and strife so that love and happiness could rule supreme. This misunderstanding is at the core of the issues challenging our reality at ... Views: 4447
The airport was crowded, and it had the usual maze of directions, escalators, elevators, trains, and moving walkways, with a multitude of people going in different directions. I had my hand luggage on wheels and was moving swiftly while looking up for the usual signs as to where to go for ... Views: 1026
No matter how good your eyesight may be, it will be of little value if you do not have vision. This is your ability to see things that may be invisible to other people or to innovate and see things that may not even exist yet. The limitations we face in life are not due to our current ... Views: 1249
Content writing is the need of the hour for every online business to reserve their credibility. Content writing for websites is the newest marketing tool that gives businesses an impressive edge to pronounce their supremacy on the cyber space confidently. It’s not just an indispensable need of ... Views: 1057
The Role Cycle
It's official: Married women over 40 have the best sex. 81% are more adventurous than when they were in their twenties, and 63% are more confident in bed.
It's easy to see why, if you've been following my blog on the simple nature of woman.
Some of you might have worked ... Views: 1526
What are your values reflecting to the world?
Create a set of great personal values and surround yourself with the right people that can form your support system. Have an optimistic spirit and develop a strong purpose that you completely believe in and everything you can imagine is possible, ... Views: 1191
I saw a sign that read, “Wake up every morning with the thought that something wonderful will happen that day”. As a spiritual teacher and healer, I thought that was one of the most profound things I have ever read for several reasons. First, it acknowledges that most of what we experience in ... Views: 2527
Sometimes emotions make the life difficult even make it unbearable for some people. On the other hand, the life without emotions is tasteless, because, emotions give us experience of pleasure.
All addictions and most entertainments, communicates, projects, trainings, and therapies result from ... Views: 4336
Many times I see people who are stressed out, unhappy, overwhelmed, angry and afraid. And these are the “spiritual” people. I have to ask myself “What isn’t working?” Then I see people who are happy, self-aware, and enjoying their life. I have to ask myself, “What is working?” The interesting ... Views: 6557
What is one of the most valuable commodities that anyone can possess in this day and age? What is the one precious thing we all seem to lack?
I believe that, given the opportunity, some of us would even trade all of our earthly possessions for a lifelong supply of this magical substance. It ... Views: 1393
Written by Stanlee Panelle, M.A.
Professional Personal Life Coach
Former Psychotherapist and Career Counselor
Many people ask: “what exactly is the difference between ... Views: 1510
Have you ever had a question of great importance to you, yet when you searched for the answer you never found one that was satisfying? Have you received an answer to something that never really felt complete – or it only got you so far?
The trouble is two-fold. First, we live in a culture ... Views: 1340
Article by Lola Jones,
author, spiritual teacher,
and creator of Divine Openings
Of course, being a woman I am embodying quite a bit of feminine essence this time around. It's a joy, a pleasure, and a privilege to be a woman at this time. The feminine, magnetic, attractive force brings ease ... Views: 1921
I noticed on Facebook that someone posted a statement that “it is okay not to be perfect.” I responded by saying that everyone is perfect, for which I was told “that is your ego talking.” To me, this is a fundamental misconception that guarantees suffering for anyone that believes that we are ... Views: 934
A leading question for all beginning filmmakers has been: how do I get that first opportunity to direct?
Up until this year, answering that question has been like untying the Gordian knot. (Definition: 1. An exceedingly complicated problem or ... Views: 1269
There is no need for forgiveness and yet every need for forgiveness. What in the world do I mean by that paradoxical statement?
In what sense is there no need for forgiveness?
Each of us physical human beings births onto this planet with limited perspectives, limited bodies, physical needs ... Views: 1294
Boomer 54 Mark of Baby Boomer Talk Online posted the following list of the Top 5 regrets people have on their deathbeds after attending the funeral of a favorite aunt. I’ve expanded each point with comments just to add a little more fuel for thought:
The Top 5 Regrets People Have On Their ... Views: 1392
Growth in all Dimensions
The most effective person is the well rounded person. Being well rounded means that you are able to function on many different levels in life. You can be good at one thing but not good at others. When you have a glaring weakness in one area it effectively diminishes ... Views: 1381
Roland Emmerich's film 2012 caused a big hullaballoo, and all the disaster-porn films we've been seeing for the last 50-60 years or so is scaring the heck out of viewers. So badly are they scared of the end that they are watching the same movies of disaster, over and over, with different actors, ... Views: 1471
[Following is a blog entry I made in my personal blog, Notes to Self, about a year ago. What do I think of it one year on? Hmm...]
Note to Self:
I cannot change the world. I can only change myself.
I cannot change the world. I can only participate in its processes. In its constant ... Views: 1214
[Following is a blog entry I wrote about a year ago, in a personal blog I titled "Notes to Self." I submit it here for digestion and discussion...]
Note to Self:
Thoughts of suicide occur only to the sane.
In fact, I submit that it may be the one true mark of sanity.
Anyone who is ... Views: 1190
[First published in Horses, Inc., 2007]
The best teacher I’ve ever had was the guy who taught swine medicine and production during my 4th year of vet school. Now, I just can’t express to you how little interest I had in swine medicine and production! It was about on par with the poultry and ... Views: 1141
Belinda: You often distinguish between thoughts, feelings, and intuition in your classes. Let’s talk about feelings first.
I see many people using feelings as their main criteria for making major life decisions and relationship decisions. They’ll talk about their feelings as if they’re the ... Views: 1956
In business, the principle of reciprocity is a widely-used practice in sales. The rule is based on solid human behavior, and states that if you do something nice for someone, they will reciprocate and do something nice for you. Even if they really don't want to, they will feel a need (or ... Views: 2546
This is my favourite definition of wisdom:
“Good sense; the ability to make sensible decisions and judgments based on personal knowledge and experience."
Note that good sense requires personal knowledge and experience in order to be effective. Wisdom cannot grow and flourish in isolation. ... Views: 1510
Make the Right Choices
Every choice that we make in life whether it is big or small has consequences attached to it. We are not in control of everything that happens in life but the overall responsibility is ours. The sum of our choices generally is the reason that we are in whatever place ... Views: 1375
A wise man will learn from his mistakes and the mistakes of others. I once listened to a Special Forces Sergeant who related his Vietnam experiences to me. One thing that he told me is that he would never be the first to try something new. He would stand clear and see if it worked. If it did he ... Views: 1524
I recently stumbled across an amazing video of the Stanford University Commencement speech from 2005 given by Steve Jobs.
It is only 15 minutes long, but yet it is very powerful. In his speech, Steve tells 3 different stories about his life. The first one being about connecting the dots of ... Views: 1408
At 3pm on the last Monday of May, a national Moment of Remembrance takes place around the country in honor of all those American Soldiers who died performing military service. Although this tradition was only started in December 2000, the concept of Memorial Day has been around for much longer. ... Views: 781
You’re sitting in your garden appreciating the beautiful trees, fauna and flowers all around you and you’re feeling very good. The sun was low on the horizon and a loving breeze enveloped you. Suddenly, without warning, you’re aware that you’re still to meet and connect with your soul ... Views: 1480
What is the Difference Between Involvement and Commitment?
This is by no means a trick question. When it comes to your Success in life are you Involved or are you committed? Many people get frustrated with life; they get ticked off when they think of their current situations or place in ... Views: 1630
Mindfulness and the Power of Living in the Moment
Before discussing Mindfulness itself, just some food for thought which will lead us into a full discussion of the topic… Previously I wrote about the power of forgiveness in helping us get out from under the Shadow of the Past. (Check out this ... Views: 2253
Trust is an important aspect of business, whether it's trusting others, or trusting yourself.
I'd like to focus first on the trust you need to have in your team. This team could be the team of employees that you work with or lead, a virtual team, a team of people you network with, ... Views: 1401
One thing I learned in my 21 years coaching youth baseball is that there is no perfect way to coach hitters.
I never considered myself an expert at teaching young 7-12 year old ballplayers the most refined hitting
techniques. The most success I’ve had with improving hitters’ techniques is ... Views: 1753
When I started my adventure in the world of storage it wasn’t as a storage specialist but a potential client. I was jobless and was forced to minimize my way of living. I came across a brand new Self Storage facility by the name of Big Key Self Storage. It was something I had never found myself ... Views: 1102
When I was a boy we would play baseball in the park. The problem was that it was surrounded by bushes. Our balls kept getting vanishing in the bushes.
After about 2 years I learned how I should find them.
I would look at the bush and think of exactly how it should bounce and then look in ... Views: 1592
Every moment seems to offer a choice, don’t worry about it; imagine both choices are perfect!
Choice is constantly in front of us. We decide on a turkey or roast beef sandwich for lunch. We decide whether to park the car in the first spot we see, or head down the aisle hoping for a spot close ... Views: 1291
Choosing the field of dentistry in college for a career might sound easy. Thou, it will take the studies will take years and will face many obstacles before the actually application. Dentists, as we all know, are professionals who maintain our teeth and mouth.
Dentistry has several types of ... Views: 977
Invocation and Peace for them Woman and choice Mother.
Many people already travel on this earth lives either in large or small an achievement or a desire, which is considered a success and a symbol of the success of someone or a group, actually really can not be separated from the active ... Views: 1712
Many people, especially in the academic world, look at the world in a very rational way. They view everything related to energies and spirituality with skepticism, a rational skepticism.
People involved in groups often seek approval and recognition. For example, Wikipedia wants to be ... Views: 1833
All over the world it's happening all over the world. This phenomenon of bullying and misuse of power is happening all over the world. It is a global issue. What also is happening is a universal awakening. There is a collective consciousness that is being born and it is without physical borders. ... Views: 1033
Many of us are just good natured people who don’t think twice about doing for others when they need help. There is nothing wrong with being good natured and we should maintain our integrity but there are times that we just need to learn to say no. We can be too giving in our relationships with ... Views: 1929