We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Wisdom". If you have expertise in Wisdom and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
Melody was particularly attractive, and it was a challenge not to stare. I was very interested since I was dating no-one. After chatting for a while, I asked her if she would like to have dinner with me that night. She smiled, "I'd love to have dinner with you tonight, but..." Although she ... Views: 1494
Thoughts can be seen as one of two types. Thoughts that just appear, random ones you haven't chosen to think. And thoughts that you choose to think. The first are generally far more numerous.
Normal thinking - random thoughts - bring the regular consequences which people experience much of ... Views: 1807
Where do thoughts come from? Do you have control over what you think? Sometimes, yes, but not always. Thoughts can just spin round and round, ignoring your screams of enough! Some seem to arrive from nowhere, and some thoughts come from your beliefs.
Change your Perspective
What are beliefs? ... Views: 1725
The present moment is here. It's what is. You may like it or you may hate it, but it is reality right now.
There's nothing you can do this moment to change it, things are exactly the way they are. Which is not to say your response can't change things in the next second, or day, or next ... Views: 1592
Typically the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) is much more also known as a definite drone as acts an important role using service protection solution. Typically, it is a uniform airplane not desire a human being onboard it is possible to do business profitably. It is run inside a single linked ... Views: 1074
Stop Confusing the Issue with the Facts
"It doesn't matter what you say, I've made up my mind and I'm not going to change it." Such self-sabotage is widespread, you've probably seen it often.
Everybody likes to be right. But when the need to be right is exacerbated by the dislike of change, ... Views: 1723
Attachment to anyone or anything betrays an underlying belief that there is not enough of the "good stuff" in the world. Being overly attached is a signpost of our fear that we might lose whatever good we tenuously have. But it rarely serves you well to hang on tight, attempting to keep ... Views: 2614
Are you gullible? When somebody says something do you automatically believe them? Or do you automatically disbelieve, assume they have a hidden agenda, and discount everything they say?
Both are reactions, yet a reaction, to re-act, to act again as you did last time, has little personal ... Views: 2424
I was watching Oprah’s Lifeclass the other night and author and speaker Iyanla Vanzant was talking about changing the stories that we tell ourselves.
Oftentimes these stories are true. They are parts of our life and parts of our past that happened. Yes, you have been hurt and mistreated and ... Views: 1191
Are you truly compatible with your partner? If you are thinking of getting into a serious relationship you need to know if that person is worth investing a lot of your time and love into.
Whether you are married to yours, living with them or contemplating spending a lot of time with them ... Views: 1635
What do you actually know? is the age-old question of philosophers and statesmen. A good answer, but not the only answer, is that you know what you have learned and experienced in the past.
How can you know if you haven't learnt it, or remembered that experience? Which implies your mind only ... Views: 1527
“The aborigines of Australia believe everything exists on the planet for a reason. Everything in Oneness has a purpose. There are no freaks, misfits, or accidents. There are only things that humans do not understand. There are only misunderstandings and mysteries not yet revealed to mortal ... Views: 1464
Do you ever find yourself wondering: why did I do that? Something which produced such an unfavorable outcome that you feel a bit stupid? Why do we do such things?
Are your thought processes so confused that you can't tell good consequences from bad ones? Or don't you know how to think things ... Views: 1635
Is romance important to you?How romantic are you? It tends to be considered to be old fashioned now to be interested in charm, dating, getting to know someone and to use courtesy and court a lover. Holding hands, sending flowers, sending love letters and many other things can be a sign of ... Views: 1338
It is April, the time of mating, regeneration and rebirth. Winter has long fled and summer approaches. Sap is rising in the trees and blossoms, new leaves, and growth surrounds us. For single people, thoughts turn to romance. For people in relationship, thoughts turn to rejuvenation. The reality ... Views: 2123
Fit for an Emperor, Fit for a King, Fit for a Queen, Fit for a Princess, Fit for a Prince are all expressions that mean that you are making something so good that a member of the royal family would appreciate. Emperors and Kings are associated with the richest, most opulent ... Views: 1634
Today I answered these 100 questions. I think it is important to answer these questions if you are thinking of marrying, or remarrying. If you would like to see my answers drop me an email at susanmckenzie2003@yahoo.co.uk.
1. What is your concept of marriage?
2. Have you been ... Views: 1791
"Everyone in this world shares the same innate source of wisdom, but it is hidden by the tangle of our own misguided thoughts." - Sydney Banks
One of the coolest things about Transformative Coaching is that it encourages us peek behind the façade of our own story telling. That is, when we are ... Views: 1617
B: Being open to ideas is the best way to be more enlightened.
L: Light states are the states of mind we should endeavour to be in.
E: Enlightenment is the highest level of understanding you can achieve, so enlightenment must be one of our goals.
S: Study helps in ... Views: 2326
Jupiter figured earlier in this analysis. Now we meet it again. As
you may recall, this is the planet of possibilities and the seizing
of opportunities. Jupiter currently sextiles your natal Ascendant.
The action peaks March 25, 2011.
Let's first understand that the action is in the ... Views: 985
I have been teaching people all over the world for almost five years about all sorts of magic. The magic of healing, the magic of prayer, the magic of focused thought. One of the most popular teachings, which I have given over the years, is one of the most simple, yet effective, magic words. ... Views: 1864
One of my favorite quotes on gratitude is by Zig Ziglar. He states that “Of all the “attitudes” we can acquire, surely the attitude of gratitude is the most important and by far the most life-changing.” When I read that quote it just reminds me that we always need to be grateful for everything ... Views: 1100
When change happens, when we are caught in a place that feels like a maze, when life seems to throw us a curve ball, it is in those times that I am most grateful for the investment in my personal practice and life skills that are continually expanding.
Sometimes the emotional winds are cold, ... Views: 4867
Thomas Paine was a radical propagandist. He contributed articles to the Pennsylvania Magazine on various topics. Paine was committed to the cause of American independence. On January 10, 1776, he published a pamphlet titled as Common Sense, which became popular instantly and was meant for the ... Views: 2430
I was reading Forbes Magazine the other day because it had a headline about how the recession had affected the richest people in the world. (“Billionaire Bust” March 30, 2009). The article summarized the net worth losses of the 20 richest people of the world. They were:
Bill Gates: 18 ... Views: 2608
Everyone love quotes, especially life quotes are often repeated in speeches and conversations that are meant to inspire others. Although it is just words, it hold the ability to affect people deeper than regular words can. It makes people to think, relate with the truth they know and from there, ... Views: 2451
According to Google, every day around 13,600,000 people search for hope on the web. People are desperate for hope. They think hope is somewhere out there, and they need to acquire it to get what they want from life.
People spend hard-earned money on get-rich-quick schemes that promise ... Views: 1691
One of the most often asked question of spiritual teachers by students is “what is my purpose”? Students who study spiritual concepts want to have some idea of why the universe operates in the manner it is experienced. They want to understand so that they can stop suffering. An understanding of ... Views: 2899
Freedom means the absence of restraint or control. It gives people the authority over their own self, their decisions, and actions according to their own likes and dislikes without any intervention. It is their right of freewill. There are four types of freedoms in general parlance, individual ... Views: 1329
by Jodi Nicholson
“Money grows on the tree of patience.” ~ Japanese Proverb
In your life it may seem that all you seem to do is hurry up and then wait. There are many milestones that you look forward to achieving, however it seems like it can take forever for you to get to them. Why is it ... Views: 2732
Traditional astrologers "make predictions." Often they are correct.
But right or wrong, "predictions" turn you into a marionette, with
the planets holding your strings. And in my opinion, that is not a
very inspiring description of the way the cosmos works, nor a very
accurate one. ... Views: 1248
There are so many books out now proclaiming that we can use the Law of Attraction to create abundance, love, wealth, happiness, etc. etc. The trouble with these belief systems is that it is all mental illusion. It fosters the belief that if you follow their secret recipe, you will get what you ... Views: 2109
I donate a lot of time giving advice to people on “ask the experts” sort of websites. There are two questions that always seem to be repeated. The first is “what is my purpose in life” and the other is “how do I increase my self esteem?” The ironic twist to these questions is that they both have ... Views: 1814
12th House. The 12th house is even closer to the ascendant
and the sphere of action. The bright idea that we had in
the 10th, and the resolve to do something about it that we
made in the 11th, is coming up against the status quo of
the ascendant in the 12th -- our day-to-day reality. ... Views: 998
It is my experience that the ancient teachings (God) come to me in times of my greatest growth and help me to understand that everything is in my highest good. I had the sublime and transformational experience recently of not getting what (or who) I really, really, really wanted. Specifically, I ... Views: 2150
I soon developed the trigonometry needed to answer these questions -- quite a prodigious undertaking for me and thus began a real "magical mystery tour" through my life history. Although I have lived in several different places, the one major move in my lifetime has been from Lancaster, ... Views: 1241
Each and every individual person that can speak has voice vibrations. These voice vibrations are as unique as each individual person's DNA. Just like there are no two snowflakes alike there are no two persons voice vibrations the same. It is so unique that scientists have found that they can ... Views: 934
The first month of the New Year is well on its way to being over. How are you doing with keeping your commitments, to carry out the daily activities you need to do, to achieve your goals? Have you started this New Year the same way you have always done in the past, with a commitment to reinvent ... Views: 1524
I used to think that the most powerful energy in the world is love. There were many reasons for this, as love changes everything. Love is the creative aspect to creation, it is the energy that flows through us all, it is life. The love of the creative energy of the universe created us, sustains ... Views: 3528
I receive a lot of emails from various self-improvement or spiritual development gurus and websites that contain messages of various ways to improve my life, my health, my relationships, my bank accounts or my enlightenment. There certainly is a lot of stuff out there competing for my attention ... Views: 2184
Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays are upon us. Millions of homes will have families sitting down to massive amounts of food, warmth, cheer and stories. Many more homes will be vacant, foreclosed, silent and empty. Even more will be filled with abuse, fear, loneliness, depression or sorrow. It ... Views: 1820
The call begins when we work in the illusion of the material world. There is a nagging voice in the back of our mind that whispers constantly that we are destined for something more compassionate and meaningful in our lives. The work we are doing becomes boring, inconsequential, and unimportant. ... Views: 1574
The January 2012 forecast can not only empower you with wisdom, it can help you relieve stress and feel more balanced this month and in the rest of 2012.
Get ready for 2012. We’re entering a year of unprecedented opportunities for conscious evolution and transformation. But we need to choose ... Views: 1020
I was in an automobile wreck the other day. It was quite serious, a freak accident involving defective brakes on my car. Specifically, the brake rotor on my right front wheel spontaneously sheared in half. This resulted in my right front wheel locking up and forcing my car into the curb. When ... Views: 1539
Many spiritual teachers and new age gurus talk about raising our vibratory rates. What they are really talking about is changing the way that we relate to the world, each other and our minds. Most spiritual beliefs include the proposition that we have a soul, or spirit, that is separate from our ... Views: 3302
I had an experience with another driver in Atlanta, Ga. The driver had tailgated me for miles, and then passed me on the right of a four lane local road and cut me off at an intersection. I blared my horn at him to let him know how much I did not appreciate his aggressive driving. He got out of ... Views: 1561
We have a new year coming at us, and it will be here shortly. Think of all the possibilities. Think of all the good things waiting for you. Think of all the things you’re going to accomplish over the next twelve months. I’m sure you have a list of resolutions already prepared.
All too often, ... Views: 1750
The dictionary defines workout as a "physical or mental effort or activity directed toward the production or accomplishment of something."
Sounds just like our workplaces where effort is expended to provide either a product or a service. Look closer at a gym and one can learn seven lessons ... Views: 1146
Some people believe in shortcuts. For them, a shortcut is a way to save time and avoid hard work. Not only that, they also believe that the results they get through shortcuts are as good as perfect.
Do you also believe the same? While it may appear to you that you are saving time by taking a ... Views: 2039
I saw a sign that read, “Wake up every morning with the thought that something wonderful will happen that day”. As a spiritual teacher and healer, I thought that was one of the most profound things I have ever read for several reasons. First, it acknowledges that most of what we experience in ... Views: 1942