My articles usually focus on how to be a good leader or a better leader. In fact, most leadership articles available on the internet or elsewhere focus on the positive elements of leading. Many leadership writers prefer to write about completely positive things and focus on what leaders should ... Views: 1413
Everyone on earth, except perhaps those who have completely taken leave of their senses, have fears of one kind or another. Fear is as much a part of the human emotional system as joy, anger and love. Many times, our fears add value to our lives because they prevent us from doing dangerous ... Views: 1179
With a title like that you might think I bit off a little more than I can chew. You might be right, but because there are literally thousands of articles, blogs and websites dedicated to discussions of leadership, I wanted to offer a logical definition of it in a thousand words or less. Here ... Views: 1122
As children, most of us had parents who tried to convince us that cheaters never prosper and liars will not go to heaven. The theory is of course a great one, but almost every day in the news I hear about business leaders being charged and convicted for a variety of commercial crimes.
Sadly, ... Views: 2852
The members of the demographic, commonly known as Generation “Y” were born between the years 1981 and 1994, which makes them ages 17 to 30 in year 2011. They are the young up-and-coming leaders of society. There are a lot of them, and since they will soon fill most of the jobs being given up by ... Views: 1785
I often hear from managers that employees have more power than their bosses. Studies have shown that the majority of workers in North America do not want to move into a management role. The current trend toward servant leadership and participative management has created a lot of very good ... Views: 1122
Winners, losers and survivors exist all around us. The world is full of people who become famous through excellent results alongside those who gain notoriety because of poor performance. Interestingly, mediocrity is much more common than success or failure in most areas of human endeavour. Most ... Views: 2647
I have called upon the leaders of the world to start a LEADERSHIP REVOLUTION. In order to make my dream become a reality, we need to employ some proactive, aggressive action right away.
One of the most common terms used for good leadership these days is SERVANT LEADERSHIP. Although I am a ... Views: 1218
How to start a Leadership Revolution
In a previous post, I called on the leaders of the world to start a leadership revolution. My goal is to have leadership move en masse into the twenty first century.
Before we can begin to create a culture of effective and powerful leadership, we must ... Views: 1043
I have dedicated the last decade of my life to the proposition that there are no bad employees...just bad leaders. Because my words have fallen on a number of deaf ears in the world of executive boardrooms, I have decided to start a Leadership Revolution.
The old, Traditional, Boomer ways of ... Views: 1132
This is my favourite definition of wisdom:
“Good sense; the ability to make sensible decisions and judgments based on personal knowledge and experience."
Note that good sense requires personal knowledge and experience in order to be effective. Wisdom cannot grow and flourish in isolation. ... Views: 1509
We all wake up each morning with a personal vision of ourselves. We look in the mirror and see ourselves staring back, with bleary eyes and messy hair. When we see the way we look, we immediately set about improving our appearance. We shower, shave, wash, comb our hair, put on makeup if we are ... Views: 1185
“Genuine leaders never pursue or expect adulation or “star” status. When they receive it, they accept it graciously and move on to the next challenge. Leadership is not about personal victory. It is about winning through teamwork and positive energy by and for every member of the team.”
~Wayne ... Views: 2876
Easter is a holiday celebrated each spring in many countries throughout the world. It is essentially a Christian religious celebration based on the scriptures which indicate that Jesus rose from the dead on the third day after his crucifixion. Each year we celebrate the resurrection on Easter ... Views: 1444
The world of business and industry has improved dramatically for women over the past two decades but we are still hearing a lot about male chauvinism, glass ceilings and gender discrimination. Despite the positive efforts of business leaders, I personally believe that there is a diminished but ... Views: 1454
On April 2, 2011 my daughter gave birth to a bouncing baby girl. I put a photo of the little darling on my Facebook page with the caption, “This is my new granddaughter. Cute Huh?” Within seconds the comments and “likes” started coming in. Within 24 hours I received dozens of complimentary ... Views: 1337
The secret to success that all great employers have discovered is as simple as, “right person-right job.” When people are placed into jobs they can excel in every time, miracles can happen. Think about the following questions:
1.Have you ever noticed how managers, supervisors and leaders ... Views: 6737
Have you ever noticed that some employees will stay in jobs that they do not really enjoy, or are not really suited to for long periods of time? Have you met people who stay in a lower paying job even though they have been offered more money somewhere else? A business needs long-term employees ... Views: 2242
As I travel through my life, I have often noticed that dogs have some interesting effects on people. In the presence of a dog, even the gruffest, most hardened human beings can become soft and caring. I also notice that in the past few decades, more and more people are adopting dogs than ever ... Views: 1382
Have you ever noticed that a lot of people tend to take themselves too seriously? You know who I mean:
• Those folks who huff and puff with righteous indignation whenever they are challenged.
• Those people who glare and stare whenever someone says something they believe is ... Views: 1953
This is an excerpt from my book: “Getting Along With People Is Easy!”
• If you want to get along with people think about someone other than yourself. If you are not getting along with people it is probably largely to do with your own actions and the ... Views: 1402
This old proverb shines a very bright light on the theory that you never know what you have until it is gone. If everything in your life is going well right now, think about the dynamics around you that help to make it great. If your life is challenging at this moment because you have recently ... Views: 4614
The Butterfly Effect is a scientific theory that essentially says that a small change at one place in a complex system can have large effects elsewhere. Originally part of the Chaos Theory, numerous scientists throughout modern history have concluded that this happens even though these systems ... Views: 6432
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbours, and let every New Year find you a better man or woman.
Benjamin Franklin
Oh, if we could all just follow Benjamin Franklin’s advice, what a wonderful world it would be. Why must we all find fault with each other while carrying ... Views: 1150
I will honour Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year."
~ Charles Dickens (1812-1870), English author. From 'A Christmas Carol'.
I was quite taken by this quote from Charles Dickens. This line from “A Christmas Carol” reminds us of the fact that for most people, the true ... Views: 1495
Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence.
- Helen Keller
Helen Keller lived from 1880 to incredible 88 years. Although she was blind and deaf from childhood, she played a big part in changing our world for the better. She was ... Views: 2337
"Wise men talk because they have something to say... fools, because they have to say something."
- Plato
Plato lived from 428 BC to 348 BC and even then, one of the largest human problems that philosophers of the day grappled with was a lack of open, honest communication. Nothing has ... Views: 1712
On Remembrance Day and Veteran’s Day it is important for us all to reflect on the sacrifice and devotion to duty shown by so many of our brave men and women all over the world. But, what does the observation of past and present wars mean to you?
November 11th is not about poppies, wreaths ... Views: 2084
“Good Times; Bad Times; You know I had my share...”
Led Zeppelin 1968
The above line from Led Zeppelin was written by the famous rockers 42 years ago and yet, it still has meaning today. I am a fan of Led Zeppelin partly because of my age and my love of screaming guitars, but ... Views: 1326
Something I have been saying most of my adult life is, “Anger is wasted energy.” As much as that is true, it is only part of the story. Anger can actually bring poor health and shortened life spans. We all know that anger can bring on lengthy bouts of distress and strained relationships with ... Views: 2077
We all need passion in our lives!
As we wander through the short period of time that is our life, we make hundreds of thousands, or perhaps even millions of choices. We make so many choices in a lifetime that at the time just before our passing, we have forgotten all but the most ... Views: 1275
Getting Along With People Is Easy
As I kneeled to thin out the dead stalks in the rose bushes near my back gate today, I felt a twinge in my back. As I stood up to shake off the twinge, I felt a pain in my right thigh and stiffness in both knees. At that moment, I mumbled silently to myself, ... Views: 1498
If you are alive and breathing, you have probably noticed that a lot of folks seem to think it is okay to criticize other people for their actions. They criticize them behind their backs and they criticize them in public. The boldest people criticize other people to their faces in an effort to ... Views: 1153
“We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.”
George Bernard Shaw
Famed Irish playwright and essayist, George Bernard Shaw lived from 1856 to 1950. He generated many quotes during his long life, but the one above is my favourite. I am drawn to the quote ... Views: 1449
“Leadership can be an unpopular business. The art of leadership is saying no, not yes. It is very easy to say yes.”
Tony Blair (former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom)
The above quote from Tony Blair led me to the theme for this week’s edition. Throughout my career in leadership ... Views: 4003
Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in getting up every time we do. - Confucius
Confucius was a very wise man indeed. Consider the quote above and then think about your own life. Have you ever failed at anything? I hope you answered YES because surely we have all failed at ... Views: 2302
"Life becomes harder for us when we live for others, but it also becomes richer and happier.”
Albert Schweitzer
Albert Schweitzer was perhaps, one of the greatest minds of the twentieth century. He lived from 1875 to 1965. During the course of his long life he was a doctor, an ... Views: 7431
“Each generation goes further than the generation preceding it because it stands on the shoulders of that generation. You will have opportunities beyond anything we've ever known.”
Ronald Reagan
President, Ronald Reagan might have been stating the obvious with that statement. However, ... Views: 1498
If you put yourself ahead of me, I might not follow; If you ignore me, I will have no one to follow; If you put yourself above me, I will not look up while you are looking down; If you put yourself beside me, we will walk as one with the strength of two.
Wayne Kehl
This quote is a ... Views: 2447
The world is strangely concerned about generation “Y” these days. I don’t understand it! Generation “Y” is just the current crop of kids that will eventually rule the world. They are the children of Boomers and Generation “X” parents and they were born between 1980 and 1994. ... Views: 2226
“Do not fear. Only believe. All things are possible to him who believes.”
The above noted quote is for every human being on earth. Do you find yourself hesitating while on verge of making a decision or before doing something wonderful? Do you put things off because you are afraid to take a ... Views: 2030
“Find a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life”
Confucius...551 to 479 BC
Famed Chinese philosopher, Confucius wrote those words over 2000 years ago but never have they been more meaningful than they are today. The world has changed dramatically since the days of ... Views: 4776
Here is one of my favourite quotes:
“That best portion of a good man’s life, his little, nameless, unremembered acts of kindness and of love”
...William Wordsworth
This quote was written in 1798 by Wordsworth as part of his work, “Lines composed a few miles above Tintern Abbey.” ... Views: 1327
Are you a team player?
"Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision…the ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results"
Andrew Carnegie
The quote above, applies to ... Views: 1407
Does it ever seem like your boss isn’t doing his job? Do you feel that your immediate supervisor is shirking her responsibilities? Do you ever think that without you, nothing would get done at work? If you are a manager or supervisor, do you ever wonder what your employees think of you? Do you ... Views: 3961
Did you ever wonder where the expression, “ALL GOOD THINGS MUST COME TO AN END” came from? I did, and I decided to check it out. It turns out that the saying is approximately 635 years old. Here is the original version:
“There is an end to everything, to good things as well.”
This proverb ... Views: 4293