We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Pregnancy". If you have expertise in Pregnancy and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
If you have children or someone close to you has them, then is it likely that you know about some pregnancy pains or discomforts. Back and neck pain is common are two of the most common discomforts that pregnant women experience, especially when they are trying to sleep. This is why women who ... Views: 4555
Exercising regularly during pregnancy can improve your health and the health of your baby. There are many benefits for both the mother and the baby when women exercise during pregnancy.
Benefits for the mother-to-be include:
• Improved cardiovascular fitness
• Less weight gain during ... Views: 2244
If you have a little one (or ones) whizzing around your home...and you're pregnant...exercising may feel like the last thing you want to tackle.
But if you've been down this road before you already know how important it is to exercise during your pregnancy. (Remember...ALWAYS check with your ... Views: 922
Infertility affects people in different ways and coping with infertility means dealing with it with a strong mental resolve.
A scenario which is all too familiar is within a group of friends and family members. One woman may be having difficulty conceiving yet she finds it hard to cope with the ... Views: 1053
The cause of female infertility can be attributed to a number of problems and given the complex nature of the female anatomy, things will not always be one hundred percent.
Is this supposed to be some sort of comfort to you if you suspect infertility may be at play in your situation?
Well, ... Views: 844
Even though I found being pregnant to be a most enjoyable experience, I can also attest to the challenges that pregnancy presents. As each trimester unfolds in a pregnancy the body undergoes many dramatic changes including a heightened sensitivity to taste and smell, change in body shape, ... Views: 1095
In our opinion, the best way to select the most appropriate
name for a baby is to remove any ego-self from the equation.
What we mean is that you need to “get out of the way,” and
let the name come to you. Whatever name feels best is the
most fitting name.
If you are expecting, and if you ... Views: 3562
Is there such a thing as an infertility symptom? Symptoms are present in many conditions and a tell tale sign that something may be amiss. But how do you tell if you are infertile?
The truth is, infertility cannot really be determined by symptoms, I mean, what are you looking for; a rash, a ... Views: 7131
Drugs can damage the development of a baby, and can cause complications during pregnancy. Certain drugs can cause nutritional deficiencies, anemia, and fetal growth retardation. The use of drugs while pregnant can also increase the chance of developing toxemia or pre-eclampsia. Marijuana use ... Views: 740
Hypnosis for Childbirth: What Is It and Does It Work?
by Kerry Tuschhoff, HCHI
Mention Labor and Delivery to an expectant mom in her last trimester, and chances are good that her heart will begin to race, her mind floods with concern and in some cases, panic. She knows that the day is coming ... Views: 1610
Making the Best of the Holidays: A Coach's Perspective
One of the most important lessons in life, I learned in Girl Scouting. The Scouting motto is: "Be prepared." It actually is the Boy Scout motto, but we always thought it applied to us as Girl Scouts as well.
Since the holidays bring many ... Views: 894
It is so nice that you have decided to bring new joy into your life. However, have you made sure that you both, you and your partner, are medically fit to be parents. Moreover, is this the best time to get pregnant? Pregnancy planning is something very important in today’s world. If you have ... Views: 5457
Pregnant Women Should Not Eat Or Drink Any Type Of Artificial Sweeteners Of Any Type
Artificial sweeteners are highly composed of chemicals. The fetus always eats and absorbs what the mother consumes. Diet drinks are not recommended during pregnancy. These drinks contain aspartame.
It is ... Views: 10891
Are you pregnant? Has your doctor told you to get moving in some way, to do some sort of exercise? (By the way, ALWAYS check with a doctor before beginning an exercise program.)
Exercise can either be your best friend or your worst enemy. Here is some food for thought if you are struggling with ... Views: 5072
Politically and personally, in a democracy where people can enjoy freedom in their own responsible choices that have consequences that shape their lives, the all important issue is knowledge. Before making important choices that are personal and in our elections, it is vital for individual and ... Views: 907
Infertility is on the rise today. Contributing factors may include elevated stress levels, long-term poor nutrition, as well as women delaying to have children until later in life. According to the American Infertility Society, one in six couples—some seven million people—struggle with ... Views: 925
Throughout the world, trained hypnotherapists are successfully teaching women and their birthing companions relaxation techniques that eliminate the Fear-Tension-Pain Syndrome which results in a more joyful, shared childbirth experience. In the absence of fear and tension, severe pain does not ... Views: 1053
Four million women will successfully give birth this year – and that’s just in the United States. The bad news is that two out of every three women will suffer from lower back pain and herniated discs by the 36th week of pregnancy.
Lower Back Pain Interferes With Your Quality of Life
Not ... Views: 869
All women expecting a baby need prenatal care. Prenatal care can be provided by a doctor, midwife or other health care professional.
The progress of a pregnancy and to identify potential problems before they become serious for either mom or baby is the reason you need prenatal care. You as ... Views: 4607
The main source of caffeine for most adults is coffee; however, caffeine is naturally produced by a variety of plants, and also found in many different kinds of foods, beverages and medications.
Is caffeine safe during pregnancy? Most experts agree small amounts of caffeine, which equal to ... Views: 2289
You know you are pregnant when the early symptoms of pregnancy after ovulation begin to manifest themselves in your body. Ovulation is the release of a single, mature egg from the ovarian follicle, which, after being released, the egg is capable of being fertilized for 12 to 24 hours before it ... Views: 35108
Back ache early pregnancy symptom is listed among the important symptoms of early pregnancy. When you begin to exhibit signs that you may be pregnant, your body undergoes many physical changes to signal the fact that a fetus has begun growing within you. You experience physical distress, like ... Views: 31970
While in her early stages of pregnancy itself, a woman may notice a vaginal secretion and wonder what it is. This is early pregnancy symptom discharge.
Known as leucorrhea, the vaginal discharge is an odorless or mild-smelling milky discharge that you can see appear in your underwear because of ... Views: 60071
Morning sickness prevention is required at the time of early pregnancy because morning sickness, also known as pregnancy sickness, affects over half the women who are pregnant. It is a condition of nausea and vomiting that troubles pregnant women in the first trimester of pregnancy and ... Views: 1545
No one is quite certain what morning sickness causes are. Several factors are put forward as theory to explain the vomit sensation that makes you throw up all the contents of your stomach. The physical causes may be related to the chemical changes your body is going through. Those changes ... Views: 2156
By noticing the early pregnancy sign symptom, you can tell whether you are pregnant before the doctor gives you the good news. So, let's have a look at what your body says.
Tender Breasts
It is one of the early pregnancy sign symptom. Due to raging hormone levels in your body, your breasts get ... Views: 2358
Spread your wings, soar like an eagle, feel that sense of freedom, claim your own power.” These inspiring words are taken from the Dance of the Five Elements which is a moving meditation used as a “closing breath” at the conclusion of all my tai chi classes and videos. These phrases are ... Views: 2643
Labor is upon you. When the time finally comes and you’ll have been laboring at home for quite some time, you will “know” when it is the right time to go to the hospital if that is where you have decided to birth your baby. The doula who works with you will be able to assess whether you want to ... Views: 4059
It's true... and it's all because of the moon.
Most women watch their menstrual cycles and are taught that their prime time to fall pregnant is during mid cycle or biological ovulation.
What they might not know is that the moon can trigger ovulation and bring on fertility at any time during ... Views: 9142
The most fertile years of a woman's life are those between 18 and 28. Even into the mid-thirties, it is usually fairly easy to conceive and carry a pregnancy to term. During these years the hormones that control ovulation, enhance conception, and ensure a healthy pregnancy are usually made ... Views: 2270
“The embryo is the human being expressing itself.” Jaap Van Der Wal, MD
“I think I can feel my baby move,” Whitney said, her dewy blue eyes wide with anticipation. Her voice rose at the end, turning her sentence into a query. She was a few weeks shy of the second trimester of her second ... Views: 4083
Money is available at an all time low interest rates in market. Easy credit is luring people to take money from creditors these days. In some cases people are unable to make repayments. For people who are having difficulties in paying their debts back; debt management can provide an ideal ... Views: 969
Diaper Cakes are becoming more popular for baby showers and newborn gift ideas. These cakes, which offer everything a new mom needs for her new bundle of joy, can make any baby shower unforgettable. Not only do they leave a lasting impression, but the new mother can use every item in the cake, ... Views: 4265
Most people think of Pilates as a new form of exercise because of its recent surge of popularity in the fitness and healthcare industry. In reality, Joseph Pilates invented about 80 years ago by.
Pilates was a sickly child with asthma. To help fight his illness and build his strength, he ... Views: 1546
Most people think of Pilates as a new form of exercise because of its recent surge of popularity in the fitness and healthcare industry. In reality, Joseph Pilates invented about 80 years ago by.
Pilates was a sickly child with asthma. To help fight his illness and build his strength, he ... Views: 1332
The second biggest question you will ask yourself as a new mom is, “Will I be able to get back into shape after I give birth?” (The first, of course, is, “Will I be a good mother?”) The truth is, yes, you can get back into pre-pregnancy shape and, if you desire, you can get yourself into even ... Views: 5542
Giuditta Tornetta
Your question:
I'd love to have a natural homebirth, but I feel safer in the hospital. What do you suggest I do to create a homebirth environment at the hospital? Will a doula help me at the hospital?
Many people believe that doulas work with homebirths more then ... Views: 1533
Unfortunately, fatigue is part of the postnatal period. Although sleep deprivation is almost inevitable, utter exhaustion is avoidable. Here are a few tips and recommendations on how to manage your energy levels in the weeks and months after childbirth.
While some mothers feel “back on their ... Views: 1962
Q. At my baby shower I heard so many horror stories about labor that I am truly sacred and confused. What is the best way to go about preparing for labor and delivery?
A. Get a group of women together at a baby shower and without a doubt the conversation will lead to sharing their own birthing ... Views: 10901
Studies show that exercising during pregnancy brings many benefits to baby and mom. Children of exercisers are more intelligent than their peers and their moms enjoy a quicker recovery, fewer complications and easier deliveries according to the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology and ... Views: 1752
One of the most magical moments in my life occurred over seven years ago while I was pregnant with my daughter, Soka.
Prior to the conception of our baby, my husband and I prayed for her to come into existence. Because I had lost my previous child to miscarriage, I also spent my entire pregnancy ... Views: 6076
In order to achieve our goals, we need to empower ourselves and be ready to change some aspects of our being to make room for another expression of G-d, or our individual notion of a power greater than ourselves. Your comfort with your role as a mother often depends on what others have told ... Views: 1438
Midlife Motherhood: What's Age Got To Do With It?
If you're trying to figure out your chances of having a C-section, look in your wallet. If you have a health insurance card, research shows that you're more likely to deliver by cesarean than a woman who's uninsured or covered by Medicaid, the ... Views: 1431
A fortunate group of people get to the moment in their life where they consciously decide to procreate, go at it and the miracle happens. Many of us get pregnant first and then consider the consequences. While some couples prefer to take a completely relaxed approach ... Views: 1559
Have you ever wondered what an expectant Dad usually hears from his male friends? “Buddy, once this baby is born, you can forget about sex for the next six months.” If I were about to become a father, probably a little unsure about my new role, this advice would not be particularly ... Views: 1089
Whoever dubbed New York, New York "the city that never sleeps" should visit The Maternity Ward. My recent visit included a drop-in on several screenings of "A Star Is Born" at the late-show theatre, right near Mama's Breast (all night milk bar) and Papa's Gas Station ("We burp you on your ... Views: 1381