One of the most magical moments in my life occurred over seven years ago while I was pregnant with my daughter, Soka.
Prior to the conception of our baby, my husband and I prayed for her to come into existence. Because I had lost my previous child to miscarriage, I also spent my entire pregnancy praying to keep the spark of life inside my body. I also prayed for answers to problems concerning the conditions of our era such as how my daughter was going to survive and be happy on this polluted, divided planet.

Sometime during the eighth month of my pregnancy, I had the sensation of an incredible energy coming into the top of my head, through my body and into the womb. The sensation began in a small sac located on the crown of the head known as the pineal gland. To this day, the experience is best described as a golden shower of energy radiating through my body. The golden feeling lasted for two to three minutes. During this time, I asked for and received a name for my child. I also received an answer to relieve my fears, a dream told me that my child’s survival lies in a positive relationship with the natural world.Receiving the soul of my daughter allowed for all my spiritual energy wheels, commonly known as chakras, to open. My pregnancy began at the red-colored base chakra of a purely physical existence and it finished with the opening of the violet-colored crown chakra of spiritual existence after I received a new soul. Remembering this experience has allowed me to keep myself spiritually clean and has given me a spiritual foundation to re-orient myself in times of crisis and confusion.

You do not need to be a spiritual person to experience this sensation – even spiritually neutral scientific thought recognizes that the existence of all living things is of both matter and energy.
I hope that fellow women will benefit from this openness about my experience by increasing their expectations on the positive aspects of becoming a mother. I believe that:
• We women should expect to experience the sensation of receiving a soul while pregnant in a somewhat conscious state.
• We women should expect to remember receiving our child’s soul if we did not have words to describe what happened at the time
• We women should ask for guidance on how to ensure the survival of our children and expect answers.
• We women should view conscious soul reception as a spiritually liberating process for us.
•The experience of receiving a soul can serve as a long term reference point to aid us in times of crisis.
• There is an ancient African expression that women are mothers of all things – good and bad. On the positive side, we need to use our experiences such as that of receiving the soul to re-affirm our good intentions towards this planet and towards others. On the negative side, we need to recognize that when we do not believe in ourselves or in our capacity to create and love, we contribute to the unjust treatment of others and to the further destruction of this planet.
• Finally, I would like to add that the development of our sense of our spiritual liberation has an enormous benefit for men because it truly allows them to increase their own spiritual capacity to do and make good things. Men, too, have suffered psychological damage by being forced to curse, damn and oppress women in the name of orthodox patriarchy. This includes the pressure to renounce their mothers and to betray their wives and daughters. To work to set yourself spiritually free and to allow space for the demonstration of inner peace contributes to the process of liberating man from a system that does not give him space to heal his wounds and be true to his heart. (Note Ladies, this might be our brothers, friends, lovers, husbands, sons or great-great grandsons. True freedom takes time and requires a sense of support. Please, don’t be discouraged and keep the love in your hearts!).
If you would like to share your own personal experiences of receiving a soul or would like to contribute to our community of exchange of information, visit our new community support website to participate in our forum.

Copyright 2004 Agoo Agii, inc.  All rights reserved.

Author's Bio: 

Jennifer Rodriguez-Allen, B.Sc. is the president of Agoo Agii, inc - an eco-innovative artisanal natural skin and body care company.  Her research focuses on the holistic benefits offered by plants you can find growing just outside your door.  Please visit our website and support our company to make the continuation of our work possible.