Back ache early pregnancy symptom is listed among the important symptoms of early pregnancy. When you begin to exhibit signs that you may be pregnant, your body undergoes many physical changes to signal the fact that a fetus has begun growing within you. You experience physical distress, like feeling tired, experience mood swings and morning sickness or vomiting, record changes in your body temperature and the ultimate indicator, you may be troubled by a persistent lower back ache.

Causes of backache early pregnancy symptom

What are the factors causing backache an early pregnancy symptom? Well, there are various. There is the factor of weight gain. During pregnancy, your uterus grows bigger to accommodate the weight of another being. The uterus, also known as the womb, is the hollow muscular organ located in your pelvic cavity in which the fertilized egg implants and develops.

Back ache early pregnancy symptom can be "a real pain," literally. Your posture and torso are thrown out of alignment. This weight is mostly in the front of your torso, which pulls on your back. The feeling is quite like you wearing a backpack on your front instead of your back. This changes your posture and puts a strain on your back. In other words, the center of your gravity shifts.

Lack of your typical night's sleep is another factor. You may be laying on your side and trying to get comfortable. The weight of your womb is pulling on your back muscles as you lay there and giving you that aching back.

Finally, your hormones and body changes have some effect too. Your body is getting ready for birth and so some of your joints and ligaments are loosening up to make delivery possible. All of these changes added together can cause back ache early pregnancy symptom. It is estimated that about half of all pregnant women will experience this pregnancy symptom.

Ridding Yourself of the Pain in the Back

Now that we've discussed why backache early pregnancy symptom occurs in pregnancy, it is time to devise the methods with which the backache can be relieved. It is important to get rid of this ailment in the beginning of your becoming pregnant itself, because you might have to live with the ache until such time as you experience motherhood. The shifting center of gravity that your backache signifies most of all, that you must not allow the hurting back as the reason to make total changes in your lifestyle post pregnancy.

You can take soaks in the bathtub to help relieve the backache. Not in hot water, though. If you immerse yourself in water hotter than 102F you could place yourself in dangerous waters. Your baby may not be able to adjust to the temperature. Instead, apply hot and cold packs directly to the affected area. Cold and hot packs are safe, and relax strained muscles and ligaments.

You may find that backache keeps you awake all night. The solution is to use pillows designed to alleviate the ache during pregnancy. You can lie on your side with pregnancy pillows known as snoozer pillows propped up on your side. Made for side sleeping, the snoozer pregnancy pillow is large enough and shaped perfectly to place your head on and between your knees at the same time.

There are ways to prevent back ache from laying you on your back. If you begin to exercise early on in pregnancy, it will help to strengthen and stretch the muscles in your back and legs. Swimming in particular is known to strengthen the lower back. Swimming is known to relieve, owing to the buoyancy of the water, the strain in your back, joints and ligaments. Other precautions you can follow is to sit up straight to avoid back pain with pregnancy - whether you are sitting at a computer terminal or sitting in general for long periods of time. The idea is to keep your feet slightly raised off the floor, and take frequent breaks whenever possible. You should also wear comfortable low-heeled shoes to avoid back pain. Also, bend from the knees, not from your waist when you have to lift objects. All of these methods will relieve back ache early pregnancy symptom.

Author's Bio: 

Alien writes for stye treatment and health information