Exercising regularly during pregnancy can improve your health and the health of your baby. There are many benefits for both the mother and the baby when women exercise during pregnancy.
Benefits for the mother-to-be include:
• Improved cardiovascular fitness
• Less weight gain during ... Views: 2244
Many people simply do not know how much of difference Chiropractic adjustments can make to an infant or child’s health because infants and toddlers are usually unable say that their necks or low backs are hurting. When a child is old enough to tell an adult about his or her neck or back ... Views: 2910
When babies cry for hours on end, their parents (especially first-time parents) can be driven to distraction. It is quite clear that something is bothering the baby. What is not obvious is how to relieve the baby's pain. The result is that someone walks with the crying, fretful baby for hours ... Views: 3023
This past month, I have had quite a few frantic calls from stressed out moms who have fussy babies and are hoping that The Calm Baby Cookbook could help. After a short conversation, their problem was easily diagnosed over the phone. These women were experiencing problems with breastfeeding ... Views: 2300
Here’s a tasty recipe that is easy to make and is simply delicious! It contains none of the foods that irritate a newborn’s digestive system, so as a breastfeeding mom, you can enjoy the food now and have a calm, happy baby afterwards.
Throughout time, many breastfeeding mothers have noticed ... Views: 4859
Chiropractic care facilitates a more comfortable transition from early to late term pregnancy and through to postpartum recovery. No one has said that pregnant women should silently endure the aches and pains of pregnancy. The good news is that pregnant women do not have to suffer these pains ... Views: 3459
“The next century will be dominated by the concerns of the elderly” affirms Ken Minaker, MD., Chief of Geriatric Medicine at the Massachusetts General Hospital and associate professor at Harvard Medical School. By the year 2050, our average life expectancy is projected to be 82.6 ... Views: 5763
Backpacks are extremely helpful when it comes to transferring schoolbooks, supplies and lunches from home to school and back again. However, the type and size of your child’s backpack could cause your child to experience headaches or back pain. Scientific research has shown that more than 50% ... Views: 4156
If you or your child have been diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), there are many alternatives to Ritalin or other mind-altering drugs for you and your family to choose. Mind-altering drugs should always be the last resort, as our ... Views: 2732
After a baby is born, her brain and her nervous system get to work learning about how her body works and the world that she live in. Despite the fact that a newborn sleeps quite a lot of her day, a baby's brain and nervous system are incredibly busy. If fact, from birth to 2½ years old, a ... Views: 15666
As new parents, it can be daunting to try to soothe a baby when they fuss and cry. Here are some ideas that might help you to calm your baby.
1. Dance together. Gentle music soothes babies rather than fast music with a lively beat. By swaying and humming to the music, you can entertain a ... Views: 1234
Fussy, crying, colicky babies are usually distressed because they arereacting to foods that their mothers are eating! Indeed, everything abreastfeeding mother eats or drinks ends up in her breastmilk and smallparticles of foods in the breastmilk itself can cause a baby pain anddiscomfort. ... Views: 1649
Breastfeeding Is More Than Just Food
While the breastfeeding process exists to nourish a newborn and to provide everything that it needs to grow, breastfeeding is much more than food for a baby. The entire breastfeeding process provides significant benefits for both the baby and the ... Views: 1266
Learning to Breastfeed Can Be Such A Vulnerable Time
Learning to breastfeed can be a difficult and frustrating timefor first-time mothers and their babies. Under the bestcircumstances, most of us have patience and determination tolearn a new skill. However, after the physically ... Views: 1195