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As you probably know, Miscarriages are very common, more than one in eight pregnancies ends in an early loss. The most common reason for a miscarriage is one in eight numbers appeared.
The chances of success next time is good. But do not be surprised if you are feeling extra anxious about ... Views: 1004
Pregnancy is a very special time for mother and baby. As a mother during pregnancy you are connected to your baby via the placenta, it is your baby’s lifeline. The placenta brings important things, such as oxygen and nutrients, to your baby and it removes the waste products that your baby ... Views: 841
Breastfeeding can be an integral part of the formula for a new mother to lose weight after pregnancy. The very act of nursing can burn anywhere from 600 to 800 calories per day. Although a nursing mother should increase her daily caloric intake by an average of 500 calories, the biological ... Views: 1905
Early pregnancy tiredness is natural for any woman who is expecting. Although it poses an inconvenience, there’s usually nothing to worry about. After all, your body is undergoing some huge changes. We’re not talking about a slight hormonal imbalance here. We’re talking about actually having a ... Views: 3495
A. Definition
Infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse. It effects over 5 millions couple alone in the U. S. and many times more in the world. Because of unawareness of treatments, only 10% seeks help from professional ... Views: 3422
Welcome. I’m a survivor of two life-threatening postpartum depressions. At the time of my illnesses, there was no help for me. The great news is that, if you’re suffering from depression in pregnancy or postpartum or know someone who is, there’s help now. For the last 20 years my mission has ... Views: 1927
New moms have specific contraceptive needs. They want birth control that is effective, simple to use, can be used over a long period of time, and allows for sexual spontaneity. An important question often asked by new moms is, “How soon after giving birth do I need to start using birth ... Views: 2176
The last thing you want to think about when you learn you’re pregnant is whether you might end up with postpartum depression. Unless you’ve experienced depression before in pregnancy or postpartum, chances are you’ll be tempted to avoid the topic. Don’t worry – thinking about it won’t cause it! ... Views: 3179
Fertility is a natural process to insure the survival of human species. Through natural selection, we produce many offspring when the reproductive system works at it's peak in the suitable environment with plenty of food around. On the other hand, the reproductive system may completely shut down ... Views: 979
Gestational diabetes is something that is not to be overlooked by pregnant mothers. This type of diabetes occurs during pregnancy to women who have never been diagnosed with diabetes before.
The actual cause of gestational diabetes is still unknown, although there is a strong possibility that ... Views: 1102
We understand that sometimes the pathway to parenthood is not linear. As frustrating as this is, reality requires us to make difficult choices and explore paths that we never imagined. Coming to terms with using a third party candidate can be a complicated and overwhelming process. In my ... Views: 804
“Who was I in my past life?”
Which past life? Most people alive today, in our findings, have had many past lives (we’ve perceived 100s of our own). It would help to narrow down which past life you want to know about, such as one in relation to how you knew a certain person or why you have a ... Views: 1417
Every mother wants and hopes for a healthy baby, but in this more and more polluted world, it’s getting harder and harder.
Not that long ago in the history of humans, and up to a few hundred years ago, many women simply lay down, and had a healthy baby. Then, along came midwives to help, as ... Views: 2141
Q - I have heard that Acupuncture can be used to induce labor and to reduce the pain of labor, but I'm so afraid of needles, I'm not sure I can handle even more pain from the acupuncture needles -- should I try it?
A - To be quite honest, needles give me the creeps too! I don't like them ... Views: 3879
Medical researchers are always keen to announce a new breakthrough or discovery. Recently, great fanfare was made over the discovery that a human fetus in the womb can actually hear, and can distinguish it’s mother’s voice. There is still much controversy in the medical field over exactly what a ... Views: 2282
Emotional difficulties in women during pregnancy and after delivery are surprisingly common. For example, studies consistently show that approximately 14 percent of women suffer from postpartum depression (Paulson, Dauber, and Leiferman 2006). In addition, some studies have found around 16 ... Views: 2246
Whether you’re a new dad or a dad-to-be, you probably already realize something about fatherhood: it’s the highest of the highs—and the lowest of the lows. You’re on an emotional roller coaster unlike any you’ll ever experience. One moment, you’re beaming, the proud dad of a beautiful newborn. ... Views: 7331
Let’s say that you have done all you can to make your skin as radiant as possible during your pregnancy. What happens to your skin during post-pregnancy? To understand what to expect during post-pregnancy, we should understand well what happens during pregnancy.
To begin with, pregnancy ... Views: 1549
What is Post-Partum Depression? How to help it.
Some women, less than one half of one percent, may also suffer from the more serious post partum depression psychosis, which is so severe it includes:
• Trouble sleeping or sleeping excessively,
• Hallucinations, delusions,
• Avoiding the ... Views: 1362
If you are a big fan of using public tanning booths for the purpose of diminishing your stretch marks, read on. The FDA warns that some tanning salons are not following FDA regulation regarding the safe use of UV light.
In a recent case in Manhattan, random tanning salon was visited by an FDA ... Views: 3230
The cot is ready. A good size washing bowl is available, and gallons of hot water are being boiled downstairs. There is no running hot water in the house and I wonder how they used to manage when there was no water at all. It must have been an all night job, going out to collect it and boiling ... Views: 2277
"Pregnancy is the physical epiphany and miracle of coming into existence. The miracle of pregnancy and birth, along with the inevitability of death, join us all. It is our task to make our birth a blessing." --Suzanne Kyra, Welcome Home to Yourself
Where our existence comes from is unknown, ... Views: 1513
Infertility, miscarriage and C-sections are fast becoming important topics of discussion for anyone wanting to become pregnant. The rate of infertility, miscarriages and C-sections are at an all time high. Add everyday worry and anxiety to the equation and you will easily see how stress can ... Views: 3377
I could not believe what I was hearing. Even though I already knew the truth in my heart, it was still difficult to hear the nurse from my doctor’s office say it out loud. “Yes, you are pregnant. As a matter of fact, you are VERY pregnant!”
After our first two children were born, (both of ... Views: 1319
1. Pinpoint your ovulation. If you have only a vague idea of when you ovulate or if you think that just because you have a 28-day menstrual cycle you probably ovulate on day 14, then you may be missing your opportunity to get pregnant every month. Use basal body temperature (BBT) charts, ... Views: 7872
Colic- what a word! This little five letter words strikes fear in the hearts of most new parents and brings to mind visions of sleepless nights, and endless frustration in trying to parent the new bundle of joy. Any parent who has ever had a colicky baby would not wish the same fate on anyone. ... Views: 1722
Pregnancy is essentially one of the joyful experiences of being a woman. The process of anticipating, nurturing and giving life can be a momentous event for a woman. Despite some discomforts, pregnancy is one on the pivotal moments in a woman’s life. But perhaps not in the case of unwanted ... Views: 2255
There are thousands of articles about the physical preparation that a healthy pregnancy requires and very few about the psychological aspects of it. I titled this article “How to emotionally prepare for motherhood” because the psychological changes that start before your become pregnant do not ... Views: 4797
You just found out you're pregnant, you're happy, you're looking forward to discarding your diet and start "eating for two" and then "it" happens: morning sickness.
What is morning sickness? And if I have it all day long or just at night, is it the same thing? Morning sickness is a natural ... Views: 930
Let me say straight out of the gate: Doulas do not replace spouses.
For most couples, this is the first time they are in a hospital or a birthing center. It is not something they face everyday: the machines, the sounds, the emotions. A doula is more accustomed to labor and birth sessions. Even ... Views: 863
It’s bad enough that during pregnancy women have to deal with hormonal changes and water retention, but one of the most inconvenient after-effects of pregnancy, which mostly disappears after childbirth, is the stretch marks. Stretch marks or striae occur in the most inconvenient places on the ... Views: 2161
There are thousands of articles about the physical preparation that a healthy pregnancy requires and very few about the psychological aspects of it. I titled this article “How to emotionally prepare for motherhood” because the psychological changes that start before your become pregnant do not ... Views: 5913
There are three main types of diabetes. The third type, Gestational Diabetes, is the kind of that affects pregnant women. It is estimated that 4% of all pregnant women have this type of diabetes and a third of them are not even aware that they have it.
This type of diabetes is dangerous to the ... Views: 748
For women who want to have babies, one of the main concerns is what they would look after giving birth. This is a valid concern, since there would be some drastic changes and alterations to the basic structure of a woman’s body during pregnancy and during childbirth. Aside from the expansion of ... Views: 942
Are you one of the many mothers that worries about not having enough breast milk supply for your baby? Did your doctor told you that the only way to increase your supply, is by using a prescription drug? Are you concerned about the side effects of conventional drugs? Are you looking for ... Views: 5280
Anita had been married for over 8 years when she suddenly discovered that she was pregnant for the first time. She was overjoyed to see the result on her pregnancy kit, so much so that she started crying uncontrollably. She had waited in desperation for far too long to not feel this ... Views: 1288
In my book Painless Childbirth, I have an entire chapter dedicated to the art of letting go. The Nine Basic Human Rights cover the first nine months of pregnancy, but we all know that babies do not come after nine months, but after 40 weeks, and most after 41 to 42 weeks of gestation.
Waiting ... Views: 1706
The period surrounding the birth of a child is a joy, but for many families, it can also be a time of concern. Changing roles and physical changes can leave both mothers and fathers feeling irritable, depressed, or unable to cope.
Mood changes are the most common complications of pregnancy. ... Views: 3326
For women, the intricate process of ovulation, fertilization, the fertilized ovum’s journey through the fallopian tubes and its attachment in the uterus must all work perfectly for a pregnancy to occur.
Infertility can be caused by a problem of the male partner’s, tubal damage, ovulatory ... Views: 1703
What is a doula?
dou·la n. A woman who assists another woman during labor and provides support to her, the infant, and the family after childbirth.
Some of you may ask, "Isn't that the role for the nurse, the father, the partner, the friend, the family, the doctor, the (insert name here) to ... Views: 858
Let me say straight out of the gate: Doulas do not replace spouses.
For most couples, this is the first time they are in a hospital or a birthing center. It is not something they face everyday: the machines, the sounds, the emotions. A doula is more accustomed to labor and birth sessions. Even ... Views: 853
Infertility is diagnosed when a couple have tried unsuccessfully for a year to conceive. There is a 40 percent chance that the infertility will exist within the woman.
Age: As a woman gets older her fertility diminishes.
Alcohol used in excess can cause problems in ovulation and overall ... Views: 1713
As if you don't have enough changes to go through when you're pregnant. The skin, yes, it goes through many different types of changes in itself. For me most were unpleasant. Everyone told me to hang in there because I would soon experience the pregnancy glow, but of course for me, it never ... Views: 1719
Exercise during pregnancy is important because it promotes muscle tone, increases strength and builds endurance which will not only help you to carry the weight you gain during pregnancy but also prepare you for the physical challenge of labor. It also makes it easier to get back into shape ... Views: 1043
When I was pregnant I would always get the "are you feeling ok?" question or the "you look really tired," comment. Looking your best is important, but it can be hard when you have dark circles and puffiness under your eyes. Since your eyes are one of the first things people see when they look at ... Views: 1163
“I have had a boyfriend for over two years. He wants to have sex without a condom and says he will pull out before he ejaculates. The other day my boyfriend and I were fooling around a lot but we did not go all the way. He ejaculated near my vagina but that was it. Is it possible to get pregnant ... Views: 9363
While there are early signs that may indicate pregnancy, some women may experience multiple symptoms while others experience no symptoms at all. Each woman will experience different symptoms and each pregnancy will be different as well. If you have reason to suspect that you may be pregnant, ... Views: 1683
In my years of practice I have always made sure to let every mom-to-be know about the phenomenon called the “baby blues.” My training taught me that the subject should not only be discussed but that I should be prepared with informational materials on postpartum depression, and that I should ... Views: 1540
"Natural childbirth" is a term that is frequently tossed about without the speaker clarifying his/her meaning. One person may use "natural" in reference to vaginal birth, rather than birth by cesarean. Another may use natural in place of "medication free." Still others think of the spontaneous ... Views: 1009
Quote: “There’s just no reason to do it any other way.” Said by many a new mother sitting in a hospital bed, following the virtually pain-free birth of her baby, thanks to the wonders of modern medicine. Years ago, when my sister-in-law and I had this conversation, I found myself at a loss. ... Views: 778