Throughout the world, trained hypnotherapists are successfully teaching women and their birthing companions relaxation techniques that eliminate the Fear-Tension-Pain Syndrome which results in a more joyful, shared childbirth experience. In the absence of fear and tension, severe pain does not have to be an accompaniment of labor! If, during your pregnancy, you learn relaxation techniques to eliminate fear, tension and pain you can experience childbirth awake and alert, relaxed, mentally, physically and emotionally.

The benefits of hypnotherapy and by learning self-hypnosis during pregnancy are many, they include:

The encouragement and reinforcement of good nutrition habits and weight control Shielding yourself and your baby from stress by relaxing the mind and body Relief from morning sickness Smoking Cessation Relief from pregnancy discomforts and insomnia Hypno-anesthesia for pain control Spiritual bonding meditations for mother and child Reducing high blood pressure Post partum adjustment Release of fear/pain programming

Hypnosis and having a baby are as natural together as breathing is to living. This concept is not new, but rather a "rebirth" of the philosophy of birthing as it existed thousands of years ago in ancient civilizations.

With a better understanding that the birthing muscles work in perfect harmony, as they were designed to, when your body is sufficiently relaxed. You will learn how to achieve this kind of relaxation, free of the resistance that fear creates, and you will learn to use your natural birthing instincts for a calm, more comfortable childbirth experience.

Beginning about half way through the pregnancy, the mother is taught a technique called glove anesthesia. This technique allows the mother to create anesthesia in any part of her body. When the birthing process (more commonly know as "labor") begins, the mother is able to greatly alleviate the discomfort of the natural process of contractions.

During the rest of the pregnancy the mother needs to practice these technique on her own or with her partner so that she can become at ease with inducing the anesthesia when it is time for the baby to be delivered.

Hypnotic programming, post hypnotic suggestions and the daily practice of self-hypnosis will allow you to be relaxed, conversant and in good spirits during the childbirth experience; relaxed, but fully in control. Awake throughout, you will be aware of your body's surges; but because you will have trained yourself to reach complete relaxation, you will be able to determine the degree to which you will feel the surges. You can experience birthing in an atmosphere of calm relaxation, free of the fear and tension that prevents the muscles of your body from functioning as nature intended them to. In this calm state your body's natural anesthesia, endorphins, replaces the stress hormones that constrict and cause pain. I urge you to try hypnosis... you have nothing to lose but pain and fear!

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Private and/or group hypnotherapy sessions, corporate programs,
Hypnotherapy Certification Training, Hypnosis-By-Phone programs &
personalized or prerecorded hypnotic audio tapes and CD's available.
Location: LI, NY. Email to: Visit the North Shore
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