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Women, in particular, are looking for commitment. Hollywood, the media, and dating websites all focus on getting a marriage proposal. The art of seduction pre-dates expert Cleopatra. Dozens of books have been written about getting an unavailable man to say, “I do.” For six years, Carrie Bradshaw ... Views: 1501
Sensual massage is an excellent way to enhance sexual arousal and erotic pleasure. It can be a very enjoyable part of lovemaking as a way to intimately connect and lead into more in-depth foreplay. Massage may be utilized as a sexual therapy, that is, as a means of stimulating the libido – ... Views: 3877
The main difference with regard to emotions between men and women in relationships is in the way we communicate our feelings, wants and needs. I’ve certainly noticed from personal experience, as well as from numerous couples that sometimes men have a very difficult time communicating how they ... Views: 2476
This question has been on my mind for quite some time, and I’ve recently asked several men, “What is sexy?” This is sort of like asking, “What is delicious?” or “What is quality?” It is all a matter of personal taste and there is no right or wrong answer. How does a woman exude sexiness to a ... Views: 6050
Everybody is health conscious these days and take care of themselves by eating right, exercising and doing the right things so that obesity does not affect them. Being slim and healthy is not just for the sake of good appearance but it keeps a lot of ailments away like cardiovascular diseases, ... Views: 1332
* Is YOUR Relationship bubbling, simmering or lukewarm?
* Are you feeling sexy, desirable, and passionate?
* Is your partner showing you the interest and attention you desire?
In a recent professional list serve discussion, one of my colleagues, Julian Slowinski, PsyD, shared with us ... Views: 4248
Relationship Intimacy
We are created for relationship. All of us balance two conflicting drives-the desire for attachment, and the desire to avoid pain. We need to attach, bond and connect to be whole and content. But in relationships, problems occur- some of which are painful. What are we to ... Views: 1184
Somewhere along the line, our culture got "thinking" and "feeling" all scrambled up. We're regularly encouraged to "share how we feel" about something, when really, it's our THOUGHT or OPINION that is being solicited. Sadly, we are rarely asked about our true feelings and we miss those sacred ... Views: 1155
Is initial attraction and sexual arousal really only skin deep? Beyond visual appeal, there’s a subconscious scientific magnetism happening that may affect the physical desirability of those around us. Whether we realize it or not, most women and men are deeply affected by the natural pheromones ... Views: 3949
Gratitude Brings to Light Abundance and Joy
By Jan Denise
On that first Thanksgiving Day in 1621, the colonists invited the Indians to join them in giving thanks for the harvest. Being thankful meant having enough to share. It still does.
A grateful man will share — and be glad he’s ... Views: 1883
Gratitude Grows More of What You Want
by Jan Denise
Your partner doesn’t always give you what you want. I bet there are even moments when he (or she) seems incapable of it, right? And if you dwell on those moments, you’ll feel like he’s never going to satisfy you.
There are other ... Views: 1359
It is important to remember that in most cases affairs are symptoms of something deeper that is going on in intimate relationships, of which couples may not have been aware. And here is where I can see the silver lining. The affair is such a shocking event in their lives that couples cannot ... Views: 1455
As you proceed to go right on judging the loved one in your life, and labeling them, you forget you did attract them in and many of them by agreement, for a higher purpose.
Maybe them being exactly as they are, and you being who you are in this moment of time, is your gift to yourself and ... Views: 2653
Aren’t sexual intimacy problems everywhere? People who have come in for emotional intimacy issues can be communicating clearly to their partner: “Get lost!” “It’s all YOUR fault!” It’s so very normal to get caught up in these communication pitfalls. It’s a negative loop of hope, desire, ... Views: 2428
John Gottman is a psychologist in the US who has studied married couples in great depth. This man has got the art of reading couples so off pat that he can tell within three minutes of observing them interact whether they will stay together or separate. He's spot on 96% of the time! When ... Views: 1460
7 Steps for happy relationship
How can you have a happy relationship? What are the steps you need to learn about to have a prosperous relationship?
Every relationship faces changes and challenges, so it is necessary for you to learn about what makes a relationship happy and successful. ... Views: 1467
When you are “in the groove”, you feel confident, sexy, healthy and strong! Being in the groove is all about attitude, and is really quite noticeable to others. People can sense your energy if you feel secure, positive and optimistic – all incredibly attractive qualities. But what happens when ... Views: 3388
Halloween. Every year it's a challenge to be creative and accommodating to my I'm-not-wearing-that sweetie at the same time.
I love creative costumes. My ex was cooperative. He once allowed me to dress him as a topless dancer. The boobs I made for him out of balloons, cut up pantyhose, and ... Views: 1374
One of my favorite TV Shows is House, M.D., about a brutally honest brilliant, irreverent and controversial doctor who trusts no one. While devoid of any bedside manner, Dr. House thrives on the challenge of solving medical puzzles in order to save lives. The title role is masterfully played by ... Views: 1421
Our lives are full of expectations, dreams and goals we want to accomplish. We all have expectations, dreams and goals for our marriage and many of those are in the area of sex. Unfortunately, many couples never take time to sit down and actually discuss their sex expectations. We may feel ... Views: 7110
For women, sex is much more than just a mechanical biological activity. We want an extraordinary holistic experience with an attentive, perceptive and expressive partner who is willing to delve into the depths of our soul, sharing absolute bliss in divine union. Is that too much to ... Views: 2574
Many people love their marriage partner, but they complain about their relationship. They want to have a happy marriage with the partner they love. However, they blame, complain and ultimately move into a life where all they are doing is tolerating each other. It's so sad. Tolerating is ... Views: 1158
People resist intimacy primarily because they are hurt and afraid. To whatever degree you find yourself pulling away from your partner, resisting having one or buffering yourself from really being close with someone is the degree to which you are caught in a cycle of hurt and fear followed by ... Views: 1843
One of the best ways to poison your relationship is to let annoying comments pile up. At first, if your partner makes a slightly irksome comment, you may decide to ignore it. What happens if your partner repeats the same comment over and over again? Eventually, you may explode because your ... Views: 1008
One quality of a happy long-term relationship is that each person develops a high level of comfort with the other person. That comfort level allows the couple to interact in a stress-free manner most of the time. There is nothing wrong with that! However, there is an unwanted byproduct: the ... Views: 1477
It is an unfortunate fact that in numerous cases in life, the only thing holding people back is themselves. The most successful people in the world are those that exude confidence. By presenting yourself in a professional, assured manner, you are far more likely to gain the respect of your ... Views: 11194
Falling in love is wonderful. Hormones, things in common, hours and hours of talking are often the beginning of something bigger. The problem is, that after we fall quickly and deeply, when the hormones go back into balance and the things in common are less precious, we have the reality that ... Views: 3034
The day will come when you thank your lucky stars you were born as an empath. I remind empaths of that often. Because it's true.
And also because many an empath does struggle before becoming skilled.
It is not at all unusual for an unskilled empath to struggle because of the biggest ... Views: 2881
All little girls grow up whispering secrets to their trusted girlfriends. Sharing secrets with friends is an integral part growing up and developing trust.
Nothing changes as an adult except that, as everything does, it becomes a little more complex than simply whispering exciting little ... Views: 3433
"If you really do want to be an actor who can satisfy himself and his audience, you need to be vulnerable. You must reach the emotional and intellectual level of ability where you can go out stark naked, emotionally, in front of an audience." - Jack Lemmon, Actor
Jack Lemmon was one of the ... Views: 1391
Imagine a life, your life, where you're generating more joy in all your relationships than ever before. Imagine being in relationships where you can speak honestly and not be judged, criticized, blamed or told what to do. Imagine being able to learn more about yourself in every interaction with ... Views: 1028
All conscious relationship begins with ourselves. To share the truth of how we feel, without attachment to the outcome of a relationship, is one of my many definitions of conscious relationship-- but we must be connected to our feelings in a very intimate way to be able to share them.
It all ... Views: 1270
It is not easy to be intimate in conscious relationship. In fact, everything we learned as children goes against our adult desire for intimacy and relationship. Frankly, our beloved parents taught us a bunch of lies. It wasn’t their fault, the lies were taught to them, and taught by generations ... Views: 1643
A new client called to tell me that she and her husband had a big fight because he wouldn’t listen to her share her feelings. He said he was tired of being made wrong; and all she wanted to do was tell him how she felt. She asked me, in a very discouraged tone; “How can I get him to just listen ... Views: 1416
While there are procedures in place which has the potential to help minimize, if not fix, peyronie's thoroughly - such as penis corrective surgical treatment and manhood enlargement tools - indeed preventing peyronie's before it happens is still not workable.
Precisely what is ... Views: 1254
In the movie Eat, Pray, Love Elizabeth Gilbert is portrayed as someone who has a tendency to distance herself from real intimacy in a romantic relationship because she’s afraid she will dive in so deeply that she all but disappears.
It’s a tendency many of us have in common with her.
Why ... Views: 1829
I often hear couples complain that they cannot talk about anything. Does that really happen? Think about what would happen in your relationship if you really, literally could not talk to your spouse--about anything. How would you exchange information about work, daily routines, groceries and ... Views: 3529
Many couples get into a dysfunctional pattern of conflict escalation and withdrawal as they attempt to discuss the problems and issues in their life. Each unsuccessful attempt to solve the identified problem sets the tone for the next time that they attempt to resolve the issue. Unresolved ... Views: 6704
Sometimes couples wish they felt more emotionally close to their spouses. You may feel taken for granted and might even recognize that you take your spouse for granted. One or both of you might be daydreaming about dedicating some time and energy to restoring that eroding emotional connection. ... Views: 1378
Sometimes couples wish they felt more emotionally close to their spouses. You may feel taken for granted and might even recognize that you take your spouse for granted. One or both of you might be daydreaming about dedicating some time and energy to restoring that eroding emotional connection. ... Views: 1040
It was in grade school math that I first learned about reducing fractions to their lowest common denominator. I hated math. Still do. But, I've learned that "reducing to the lowest common denominator" is a great term for describing how, in human interaction, we "sink" to the most basic, least ... Views: 1576
Commitment is an Ongoing Choice
He’s snuggling up to you as though nothing’s wrong, but you don’t even want to be there. How did you end up married to this guy anyway? Right now it seems like any one of three suitors would have been a better option … and you’re still counting.
The ... Views: 1329
Bare All to Enchant—in Any Season
Summer demands that we bare all those body parts we’ve conveniently layered in sweaters. And if you’re feeling squeamish about that, you’re trying to protect more than just your abs and your thighs from rejection.
When you accept the rest of you, you ... Views: 1271
The Mirror of Relationship by Joanna Kennedy
Let’s explore how our partners – or anyone we have a relationship with – is a mirror for unresolved challenges and pain in our lives. Our significant others, or potential significant others, most often play this role and ... Views: 1018
Keeping a relationship is hard, if you feel that your relationship is going on a wrong direction and you really want things to work between you and your partner, there are things you can do to prevent break ups. Your relationship may be going through rough times now but it doesn´t mean it has to ... Views: 2702
In all of our relationships we have expectations of how things should be, this applies in our intimate relationships as well. Many of these expectations have not been clearly defined in our own mind and frequently we have not openly shared our expectations with our partner. As our partner bumps ... Views: 1807
Often when a couple comes in for couple’s counseling, one of the partners is stating that s/he has fallen out of love with the other partner. Sometimes they both feel that way, but usually it is just one spouse verbalizing this. When you are feeling this way, it is common to question whether ... Views: 2359
"Presence is more than just being there," states Malcolm S.Forbes. How true!
Have you ever been talking with someone and felt that they were miles away even though they were sitting next to you? They might have appeared to be listening, but you could sense that they weren’t really mentally ... Views: 2406
Why A Man Won’t Emotionally Commit
Have you ever hid your true feelings from a man because you thought you'd "scare him away?"
This is a frustrating situation. Shouldn't you be able to just be yourself, and have him love you for who you are?
Unfortunately, there's a common mistake ... Views: 6013
Have you ever hid your true feelings from a man because you thought you’d “scare him away?”
This is a frustrating situation. Shouldn’t you be able to just be yourself, and have him love you for who you are?
Unfortunately, there’s a common mistake that accidentally makes men withdraw- even ... Views: 6962