"To be honorable in thoughts, sincere in words, good in deeds is to have the heart of a Buddha."*
There are several qualities of Buddha that many people, even those who are not Buddhist or who are quite secular, admire and aspire to emulate. As we approach the holidays, it may be a good time ... Views: 1542
As Thanksgiving and Christmas approach, we give thanks for the abundance which we have in our lives and send wishes for peace to the world. But how much peace do we, ourselves, experience? It is my heartfelt wish to assist you to cope with the flurry of activity and the unconscious need to do, ... Views: 1066
Anyone who knows me would be shocked to discover that I once indulged in 60-hour work weeks, drinking endless cups of black coffee, and smoking three packs of cigarettes a day. What saved my life? What helped me to transform the tension I thought was caused by the circumstances of my life? ... Views: 1149
You feed your body several times a day, but how often do you nourish your spirit? You exercise your mind almost constantly, but how often do you connect with your inner being?
In this hectic world our attention is drawn by all sorts of issues and tasks-clean the house, care for the children, ... Views: 1704
Have you ever had the experience of facing a situation similar to one you’d been in before, maybe even many times before, and finding that you had changed enough to actually handle it better this time? Well, I just did and I want to share the story with you.
This story is about relationship. ... Views: 1208
Being fully present to any single moment, truly being HERE NOW, is as easy as being aware of the next breath, and as difficult. Try a small experiment. As soon as you finish reading this paragraph, sit comfortably and begin to watch your breath coming into and going out of your body for several ... Views: 1077